
2018-01-04 12:08ByBonnieKatz
高中生·青春励志 2017年12期


“What are you staring at, pipsqueak?”Tanner yelled from across the classroom, crammed into a desk too small for his large frame. I hadnt really staring at Tanner. I was just looking at his hat—the same hat hed worn every day since he moved here three weeks ago. It reminded me of Sherlock Holmess detective cap.

After school, Tanner was waiting for me in the hallway.“I asked what you were looking at, runt,”he said gruffly, staring downatme.

“Well, I was looking at your hat,”I said. I pointed at the checkered hat with front and back brims and side flaps tied to the top.“ItsaSherlockHolmeshat,”Isaid.

“A what?”Tanner demanded, pushing me up. I gulped.“Sherlock Holmes, the great detective. He wears a hat just like that. Have you ever read any Sherlock Holmes mysteries?”Tannerletgoofmyshoulders.Justthenthebellrang.

Later that day, I was at home making a peanut butter sandwich when the phone rang.“Sanchez residence, Josh speaking,”Isaid.


“Uh, hi, Tanner,”I stammered, my heart racing. There was a long pause. Then finally he said,“Tell me more about that detective.”

“Uh, sure,”I said.“Well, Sherlock Holmes solves mysteries that no one else can solve by using his intellectual abilities and astuteskillsofobservation.”“Huh?”wasTannersreply.

“I mean, hes smart, and he can tell things about people just by looking at them,”I added. I took a deep breath.“So, uh, where did you get that hat?”“None of your business!”he roared, and hunguponme.

I couldnt sleep that night. Was Tanner going to pick on me tomorrow?Whydidhewearthathateveryday?

“Why do you think some kids act tough at school?”I asked mymomthenextmorningatbreakfast.

“Well, maybe they feel awkward and insecure about something, so they try to act tough to make up for it.”she said as sheslidtwofriedeggsontomyplate.

“Like being the biggest kid in class?”“Possibly,”she said, sippinghercoffee.“Beingdifferentcanbehardforpeople.”

That morning, Tanner was waiting for me outside the classroom with his arms crossed, wearing his hat.“Give me your lunch money,”he hissed, and held out his hand. I spotted his openbackpackonthefloor.

“Why do you need lunch money when you brought a tuna sandwichforlunch?”Iasked,thensteppedbackandlooked up at Tanner nervously.“Hey, how did you know that?”He demanded.“Well, I can smell the tuna, so I deduced that you have a tuna sandwich in your backpack.”

Tanner scowled.“Big deal, you can smell. Now give me your money, runt.”Heleanedovermemenacingly.

“Uh... I can also tell that you had powdered doughnuts for breakfast, and that you took the shortcut to school this morning,”I stammered.“How could you know all that?”he asked in disbelief.“Well, for starters, you have white powder on your lips.”Tanner wiped his face with the back ofhishand.

“Theres redclayonyour shoes,”I explained.“The only place around here with red clay is the path that cuts through the park.”I thought back to what my mom had said at breakfast.“You know, Sherlock Holmes was over six feet tall,”I said.“He was?”Tanner replied, standing up straight.“Yeah.”I paused.“So,Ireallylikeyourhat.”

He took it off.“It was my grandfathers,”he said.“When he died I got to pick out something to remember him by. He used to wearthishatallthetime.”


Tanner put his grandfathers hat on my head. He smiled for thefirsttimesinceIdmethim.“You can borrow thehat, ifI can borrowoneofyourdetectivebooks,”Tannersaid.























