Tagore Industrial Building Singapore
开发商:Chiu Teng 8 Pte Ltd
设计小组:Edward Lau, Jin Oon, Yvonne Tan, Edric
Choo, John Vencer, Kingsley Tan
面积:26 000 平方米
摄影:Aaron Pocock
Developer: Chiu Teng 8 Pte Ltd
Architect in Charge: Soo K. Chan
Design Team: Edward Lau, Jin Oon, Yvonne Tan, Edric Choo,
John Vencer, Kingsley Tan
Area: 26 000 sqm
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Aaron Pocock
泰戈尔 8号是泰戈尔工业区内的一幢多用户轻工业厂房。其建筑概念为设计一个连续的车道和坡道,螺旋上升至建筑中心,提供车道使车辆进入每一个独立的工厂单元。这条循环通道成为厂房内主要的交通组织,在水平方向及垂直方向均划分了主要的空间序列。厂房正中是大型中庭,中庭景色优美,可为朝向内部的单元提供光线和通风。
Tagore 8 is multi-user light industrial factory located in Tagore Industrial Estate.The main generating concept of the project lies in a continuous driveway and ramp which spiral up the centre of the building,providing vehicular access to each individual factory unit. This circulation path becomes the main organizing device, both horizontally and vertically, around which all the primary spaces are arranged. A large central landscaped courtyard is located in the centre of the factory to provide lighting and ventilation to the inward facing units.
Each factory floor is six meters in height. In order to achieve a minimum vehicular ramp length, the factory is bisected into two wings, each wing offset sectionally by three meters. The central ramp negotiates this reduced height difference and is integrated into the driveway loop therefore reducing circulation areas and optimizing saleable area efficiency.
Each factory unit has a six meter high space and selected units are designed with a loft style mezzanine that overlooks the factory floor.
The main elevation is articulated by vertical aluminum sunshade fins that generate a sequential rhythm on the floor-to-ceiling glazed curtain wall façade. This rhythmic backdrop of glass and fins is intermittently punctuated and juxtaposed by balconies that form a compelling visual counterpoint. The ground floor shop-front units are recessed, fully glazed and back mullioned to create a transparent datum onto which the volume of the upper floors appears to float. The roof of the building is capped with a deep projecting eave that creates a sharp profile to the façades.
标准层平面 typical plan
东南立面 south-east elevation