Jiuli Garden City
现在是2016年7月,来自也门塞巴泰因沙漠上的希巴姆古城的难民为逃离战乱,坐船沿着海上古丝绸之路向东方逃亡. 刚开始他们想逃亡到印度,但是由于导航(航行)的一个错误,结果他们往更南方行驶,在经过马来西亚和印度尼西亚岛屿间的长长的颠沛流离之后,他们抵达了中国海,然后沿着中国海岸线往东北方向行驶,达到了宁波,过宁波接钱塘江抵达了杭州,他们最终选择在钱塘江的左岸海宁的南部海星小镇驻地居留.他们中的大部分人是手工匠、作家、医生和被称为“沙漠曼哈顿”的希巴姆之城的建造者的后代,希巴姆是一座用生土建造的城市。这些驻留在海星的希巴姆避难者既不懂中文又不了解当地的气候。
synopsis of the research topic
SCENARIO July 2016 by Olivier Greder
July 2016, refugees from Shibam town in Ramlat al-Sab'atayn desert in Yemen flee the war and navigate through Seas in the Oriental direction on the same martime silk road like in the past. They expected to reach India where they wanted to ask for asylium, but due to a navigating error that brough them more to the south, they finally get more and more enthousiastic for cruising.
After a long slalom through Malaysia and the Indonesias Islands they reached the South China Sea from where they get along the cost in the Nord-East direction. When reaching Ningbo they get back up the Qiantan river towards Hangzhou. On the left bank,on a par with Haixing to the south of Haining, they decided there to take up residence. Most of them are handicraftsmans, writers, doctors and from this famous raw-earth town builders descendent. Shibam town is also called Manhattan from the desert. One of them nows the chinese tongue but no one nows the local climatic conditions.
这个项目是在杭州的中国美术学院建筑艺术学院的毕业设计理论框架下发展实施的。根据指导老师Olivier greder 所提出的场景切入:不同背景的人群聚集,居住在一个靠近海宁且临近浙江省钱塘江边的小镇。
Almost in the mean time, a nuclear powerplant accident on the United States west coast has made part of California uninhabitable. Intellectuals,researchers and members of the ecological avant garde from San Fransisco are asking China for asilium. They will be welcomed in the large interland of Shanghai and Hangzhou where they will make friend with their counterparts, with the chinese local government, their population and with the Yemenis refugies.
A group of students volunteers from CAA architecture department decide with their leading instructor to join this populations and dedicate their design graduation year to organize, co-conceive and build together with this community the living envirenmentit needs.Craftmans and farmer from Zhejiang province who still have this knoledge for building with natural materials will also join . The Chinise autorities have generously provide a 16km2 territory located between Haining and Qiantan River not far from the ancient town of Yanguan. The protagonist's adopted approach is similar with a vernacular process, wich offers here particular ways to co-conceive and co-produce their
他们将和居住在这里的所有的人共同观察研究和共同设计建造“新村”,因地因需制宜。一些懂得用自然材料建筑的浙江手工匠也纷纷过来加入他们。当地政府慷慨地给了他们一块面积16平方公里的地,在海宁和钱塘江之间,靠近盐官老城。立即,不同文化的各方人员在当地开始了共同“建设宜居家园”的步伐,以其惊人和特别的方式,以各自的智慧。他们不仅建设家,还要建设他们所需要的,比如禅修所, 办公场所……
inhabitations, working and social mediation places that corresponds to them.
This phenomenon awakes Shanghai and Hangzhou's inhabitants curiosity, some of them who already aspired to alternative ways of living, involved themself in the co-creation of this town. At list a human communuity of around 25,000 inhabitants will be founded in 2026.
The town is delimited by the existing canals wich are useful for its fulfilment. It has been founded neerly in the midle of the territory. The town is from its beginning not destined to expand itself on the fields because one of the adopted rule is about to maintain the equilibrium between the ground occupation and its impacts with preserving the land to support the living conditions and preserve resilient capacitys. This town and fields form a local scale ecosociosystem with tiny needed inputs. This from an other paradigm harmonious town and field relation, fortuitously reapper after more than two hundret years of unconitionnalty worldwide urban expansion.
The synopsis of research ended with followingquestions :
What form will have this town and its architecture ?
How will it be possible to live there ?
Which relations we can imagine with the territories in the future ?
This town and its architecture raise lots of other questions which the students of CAA will be confronted with.
The group of students involved in this project, will prepare and make prospective and projectual inquiry in order to present end of the year the results of this exploration. They will present their architectural interpretation project developed in this graduation design studio at CAA.
The description below is an answear to this main questions.
concepts and corresponding urban issues-DESCRIPTION August 2017
・Research method to generate jiuli town
Following a cross study between Baishizhou urban
village in Shenzhen and Shibam old town in Yemen,the architect's position of multicultural communities guidance has been experimented in the studio.
It has been the place to simulate a guided bottom-up growth process of a town through collaborative work, a holistic method focusing alternatively on management or spontaneity, taking action of one's other work, in common and individually and recreating scenarios of local communities lifestyle.
・Between undetermined spontaneous appropriation and determined framework
The graduation design studio students have been giving inclusive guidance to the emergency of
situations with refugees and local people as well as how to anticipate the sustainable conditions for a harmonious small town's growing process. The first target was to formulate rules for an ecosociosy stemic agglomeration process and to guarantee the habitableness of dense and highly imbricated elements. It was also a research about how to welcome the undetermined spontaneous appropriation within a determined framework of diversity and inclusive potentials. It is the result of negotiation and contact through different fragments and elements in order to generate something larger in common. Each element is a micro-world which putted end to end are forming a world, away from to the mainstream one.
・Jiuli town has inherent characteristics of an old town or an urban village
The result has been generated through a tension between anticipation and unplaned process of growth, between infrastructural community scale decisions and bottom-up demands. It has the inherent characteristics of an old town and an urban village :integrative forces, ethnic and social diversity, cluster of multi-actors, built density (townFAR2) and 55% foot print, the requested congestion and density of inhabitan's (350/HA), the walkableness of the public space, the human scale (1KM2), the multifuntionnal services distributed everywhere on the ground floor,the diversity of the paths and passages, the high habitableness of the street. Maybe what is different here from an urban-village is the controlled conditions to guarantee microclimates and mediation space and to be a multicultural post-globalisation small town.
It has also been a place to explore what could be considered as the emerging forms of local architecture in an era of globalization. The aspirant architects have tried to synthesize contemporary vernacular architecture in this framework and came up fi rst with its hypothetical characteristics and particularities in accordance with the identified local determinism such as available materials. They integrated the impact of the social and climatic determinisms on the synthesis of new vernacular architecture.
Considering the dynamics of growth and auto-过程的规则,并保证居住的密集和高度重叠元素。这也是关于如何多样及包容的在一个确定的限制框架内欢迎不确定的自发占用的研究。它是通过不同的片段和元素进行协商和接触的结果,来生成更大层面的共识。每个元素都是一个微型世界,逐渐地形成了一个远离主流的世界。
organisation of this project, it could emerge in an urban context and become an alternative way to generate town form in urbanized condition. In our case, the town is in the middle of the countryside. It has been optimistically hypothesized that the digital revolution would in the future lead to a reterritorialization process in favor of small multicultural garden-towns that are self-sufficient in energy and food. In our mind these places could be attractive with economic opportunities and new lifestyles, and they could also be more resilient and sustainable than the current urban areas.An alternative town and countryside planning strategy Under digital revolution epoch, the place where you are has become less determining than your competence or your level of integration in the global-network.
It o ff ers an opportunity to accomplish new live styles and to think about more livable places to be.
Small towns with preserved countryside could welcome spontaneous reterritorialisation process of metropolitan and multicultural community with local actors.
The small towns has been disquali fi ed in the last规划战略还包括保护小镇不受汽车业的过度使用及因之而生的非理性的侵略性的附属基础设施而带来的影响。正因此,这里与主干道不相连。为了解决上述的问题,低碳足迹运输系统如郊区火车、河航运、马或人力推进应受到青睐。
decades.The small towns have lost attractivity due to economic problems under globalisation and demographic losses.
The attractivity of such towns should be redefined, in our times.
In our case, the proposed planning strategy consists in preserving the town and countryside balance. For instance, in preserving and repair the countryside from holes being made in by dispersed constructions and in contrast by building dense and compact urban matrix.The planning strategy consists also in preserving from cars deterritorialisation effects and from their unreasoned intrusive and invasive uses and dedicated infrastructures. That's why here the chosen location is disconnected from main-roads.
In response, low carbon footprint transportation systems like suburban train, canal shipping, horse or human force propulsion should be favoured.
A process of research to be continued
The presented result is a kind of empirically generated prototype of tool to use in other contexts and situation.The recycling of mainstream large urban structure is probably the next step of the research.