My home Part B Let’s learn教学实录与评析

2017-12-08 00:48潘灵君李蔓
广西教育·D版 2017年11期




(一) Greetings

T:Hello,boys and girls,nice to meet you!

Ss:Nice to meet you,too!

T:Youre so cute and friendly.I love you.Im Miss Pan.Today Im your new teacher.Lets learn together! Are you ready?


(二) Introduce the rules of PK

T:Today youre going to have a group competition.(展示多维度评价表,如图1)If you can watch and listen carefully,speak loudly and answer the question actively,you will get a point.Understand?






T:Do you like fairy tales?(课件出示童话故事)

Ss:Yes,we do.

T: I like fairy tales very much,too.Now,I want to share a story with you.(播放绘本故事视频,师演绎)The snow is heavy,there is a little girl walking on the street.“Could you buy a match?”“Could you buy a match?”But,no one help the little girl. What a poor girl!She needs a sweet home!Lets help her!Come on,follow me and do the action!(师戴上花环,拿出魔法棒)Magic,magic,magic word!(师做手势,教学助人为乐的“咒语” )

Ss:Magic,magic,magic word!(生做手势,跟老师学“咒语” )




T:(课件出示卖火柴的小女孩的旁白:Im so hungry! Where is food?)Angels.Lets help her! Magic,magic,magic word!(师做手势)Look!

Ss:Magic,magic,magic word!(生跟着老师做手势)

T:Look!Its a fridge!(课件出示冰箱图)Lets spell the word.


T:Look,is it tall?What color is it?

Ss:Its blue.

T:Lets open the fridge.(课件呈现打开冰箱的情形)Wow,so much food!What can you see in the fridge?

S1:I see a watermelon and a bread.

S2:I see a cake.

S3:I see an apple.

T:Where is the watermelon?Who can try?Show me your hand!You please.

Ss:Its in the fridge.

T:How about the eggs?Where are the eggs?Please pay attention to the word——eggs.And we should use the word——Theyre.

S1:They are near the watermelon.

T:Youre so clever.The whole class,say it together.

Ss:They are near the watermelon.

T:Lets take the/some... and put them on the table.What will you take for the little match girl?

S1:I want to take some eggs.

S2:I will take the juice for her.

S3:I will take the cake for her.

T:Wow,you are great!(在评价表给学生加分)

【评析】基于学生已经掌握了食物、水果这一类单词,执教老师先回顾旧知再引入新知,降低了学生学习新知的难度。在教学句型时,执教老师运用旧知“Where is the...”迁移到“Where are the...”,教学过渡自然,使学生易于理解和接受。


T:(课件出示卖火柴的小女孩的旁白:Yummy! Im full.Thank you!Im tired now...)Oh,she is tired.What will she do?Can you guess?


S2:Have a rest.

T:So she needs a sofa,right?


T:Lets help her!

Ss:Magic,magic,magic word!

T:(课件出示沙发的图片)How many sofas do you see?

Ss:I can see two.

T:Where are the sofas?

Ss:They are on the floor.

T:(课件出示卖火柴的小女孩的旁白:Im tired,I want to sleep.)She needs a bed now.Help her,can you?

Ss:Yes,we can.Magic,magic,magic word!

T:(课件出示床的图片)Look my mouth!——Bed.e-e-[e],b-e-d,bed.Can you try these words?(标红元音字母)


T:What color is the sofa?Is it big?Is it beautiful?

Ss:Its orange and beautiful.

T:Wow,you are so clever! (在評价表给学生加分)

【评析】本节课学习的单词有“Sofa,Bed”,每当卖火柴的小女孩需要帮助时,学生只要念出咒语“Magic,magic,magic word”,就能够帮助她,而该情境始终贯穿于新知教学的全过程。学生通过学习新词、操练新句型,帮助卖火柴的小女孩添置了不同的家具,推动了故事情节的发展和情境的衍生,在故事情境不断得到丰富的同时,也体会到了帮助他人的乐趣。


T:Oh,who know this one?(课件出示电话机图片)


T:Thats wonderful! In this word,ph sounds [f] ,one sounds [??n].Follow me and spell.


T:Look at the picture,where is the phone now?

Ss:Its on the table.

T:You can speak loudly and cleanly,so Ill give a point for girls.(在评价表给学生加分)

T:Do you know this one?

Ss:Its an iphone!

T:Youre so fashion.I have got an iphone,and maybe youve got one.(学生的回答突破了教学预设,执教老师抓住课堂生成进行补充性反馈)Look,how many phones do you see?(课件出示3部电话机图片)

Ss:I see three.

T:Good job!Where are the phones?

Ss:They are on the table.

T:Is his answer good,very good or wonderful?


T:He can speak fluently.(在评价表给学生加分)

【评析】执教老师在教学新词过程中渗透语音教学,引导学生区分单词的单数和复数,突破学习难点,同时指导学生正确运用重点句型“Where are the...”,有利于学生在连贯的情景中学习新词和操练新句型,提高听说能力。


T:Just now we have learn many new words. Read together,each word for twice.(手指向黑板)


T:Youve known so many words,now lets play a game.Do you like games?endprint

Ss:Yes! Let me try.

T:We are going to play a game——sharp eyes. If you know the word,you can stand up quickly and read loudly,ready?(课件出示“火眼金睛”游戏)

Ss:Yes.Lets go!

T:All of you have done a good job(在评价表给学生加分). Im so proud of you. Heres chant. First,please listen to me,and then its your turn.(师拍手,生跟读)

Ss:Where are the phones?Theyre on the table.Where are the beds?Theyre near the sofa.Where are the keys,theyre on the fridge.(生起立拍手,齐说童谣,师走下讲台与学生互动)

T:Look,this is a broken home of the Little Match Girl.But toady you help her a lot,so she has a beautiful home now.(课件显示电话铃响起)Boys and girls,lets answer the phone.(课件出示卖火柴的小女孩的旁白:Wow,Im so happy.Youre kind angels,thank you so much!)Thank you,kind angles,big hands for yourselves.



T:Just now you help The Little Match Girl to build a warm and beautiful home,thats really good!Right?


T:How about Zhang Pengs home?Lets go and see.Now please open your books,and turn to page 42.


T:Please listen to a dialogue carefully and think about this question:Where are the keys?(播放课文录音)

Ss:Theyre on the fridge.

T:You got it,now please listen and follow the video.(播放课文录音)

Ss:(生跟录音读课文)Mum,where are my keys?


T:You can read loudly(在评价表给学生加分).This time,please read the text by yourself and finish this paper.


[True or false

a) The phone is under the table. ( )

b) The bed is near the door. ( )

c) The books are on the sofa. ( )\&]


T: Most of you can find the right answer,congratulations.Now lets do the pair work. Please look at the picture in page 42. Then ask and answer in pairs. First,Ill show you an example. Im A,who is B?(举例示范)

S1:Let me try!

T:S1,where are the keys?

S1:Theyre on the table.

T:Wonderful. Boys and girls,do you understand?One minute for you to do the pair works.


S1:Where is/are the...?

S2:Its/they are in/on/under/near...



T :(课件展示家里的照片)Look,this is my home,its pink and white. The fridge is near the sofa. The books are on the shelf. The Kitty is on the sofa. My home is small,but its beautiful. Do you agree?


T:How about your home?Please work in pairs,discuss and finish this paper.(见图3)Talk about your lovely home,and then share in the class.endprint

[Look,this is my dream home.

Its ________. In the room,it has ______ (beds,phones,chairs...)The_______(desks,tables,phones...)are _______ (in/on/under/near)the _______(floor,door,window...)

I love my home.\&]


T:Times up.Who can try?

S1:Let me try! (生上台展示)Look,this is my lovely home. Its big and beautiful. Its white and blue. The book is near the window. I love my home.

T:Good job! Your spoken English is quiet good! (在评价表给学生加分)

S2:Look,this is my home. Its small but beautiful.Its pink and white. The tables are on the floor.

T:They can speak loudly and clearly?What do you think of them?


T:Boys and girls,do you love your home?

Ss:Yes,I do.

T:Of course we love our homes. It says“East or west,home is the best.”I hope you can love your home,enjoy your life.

T:Lets count together. Let me see who is the winner today.

Ss:I,2,3...The winner is girls.(师生共同计算评分表里男生、女生的分数)

T:Congratulations.Time flies,its time to say goodbye to you. Goodbye,boys and girls.








执教老师在新知教学中融入大量的旧知识,新旧知识交替呈现,增加了课堂教学的容量。本课教材定位为词汇课,但执教老师考慮到学生的学习基础与能力水平,以及知识内容的深度和广度,最终将本节课定位为词汇和句型整合课。执教老师在教学新知时,不断引用学生学过的句型,如“Where is the...”“ What colour is...”“ Is it tall/big”“ How many...can you see” ,引导学生学习新知。同时,通过语言的大量输入交替呈现旧知,唤起学生对旧知的回忆,降低了学生学习新知的难度,有效地突破了“名词复数的特殊疑问句”这一学习难点。




(责编 欧孔群)endprint

恰巧而妙 情切致美——张名河词作评析