
2017-11-19 22:37许晓玲王菊蓉
作文新天地(高中版) 2017年10期



一 题型介绍

从2017年1月春考开始,上海市英语高考试卷的题型就做出了许多调整,其中之一便是笔试部分增加了概要写作(Summary Writing)(10分),从而使英语高考的写作数量从原来的一篇增加为两篇。

在分析这一新题型前,不妨让我们来回顾一下上海市英语高考卷部分题型的变化: 2005年阅读部分增加了一篇选择题形式的快速阅读题(配对题)(4题,共8分),它要求学生快速阅读文章并选出符合段落主旨的选项。2010年阅读部分出现了一篇以填空题形式的回答问题(4题,共8分),其中有4分是考查对文章信息点的归纳和总结,虽然有字数限制,但这个信息点一般不涉及对文章的整体理解,只考查文章的部分内容。而2017年概要写作这一新题型,不仅分值增加了,而且要求考生必须用自己的话在概括每一段的段落大意基础上,对整篇文章进行概括。应该说,概要写作来源于之前这两大老题型,但对考生的能力要求上又远远高于它们。

目前概要写作所给定的语篇一般在300词左右, 内容丰富多样, 包含故事、时政、科普等,体裁基本上为记叙文、说明文和议论文,字数要求在60词以内。它主要考查考生以下的能力目标:能理解作者的写作意图;能理解句子、段落之间的逻辑关系;能用自己的语言概括所读材料的主旨大意。总而言之,它是对学生阅读和写作综合能力的考查。

二 概要写作评分标准


1. 本题总分为10分,其中内容5分,语言5分。

2. 评分时应注意的主要方面:内容要点、信息呈现的连贯性和准确性。

3. 词数超过60,酌情扣分。

[档次 内容 语言 A 5 5 B 4 4 C 3 3 D 2 2 E 1 1 F 0 0 ]


1. 内容部分:

A. 能准确、全面地概括文章主旨大意,并涵盖主要信息。

B. 能准确概括文章主旨大意,但遗漏个别主要信息。

C. 能概括文章主旨大意,但遗漏部分主要信息。

D. 未能准确概括文章主旨大意,遗漏较多主要信息或留有过多细节信息。

E. 几乎不能概括文章的主旨大意,未涉及文中有意义的相关信息。

F. 完全未作答或作答与本题无关。

2. 语言部分:

A. 能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述。

B. 能用自己的语言较连贯、正确地表述,但有个别语言错误。

C. 基本能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述,但连贯性较差,且有少量不影响表意的语言错误。

D. 基本能用自己的语言表述,但连贯性较差,且严重语言错误较多。

E. 几乎不能用自己的語言连贯、正确地表述。

F. 完全未作答或作答与本题无关。

三 样题和样文

1. 样题:Summary Writing (10%)

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

I read what you wrote about “the good old days” with interest. Despite making some sensible points, to my mind your argument is wildly oversimplified in saying that the old days were better. All too often nowadays, we hear these black-and-white opinions about “globalization”. In my opinion, its a grey area and there are important benefits as well as some inevitable downsides as we move away from the good old days.

I feel that thriving cultures are not fixed and many of the best things come from cultures mixing. For example, many British people didnt take to the very spicy food introduced by Indian people. As a result, Indian food in Britain is not the same as an authentic curry from India, but for some, its even better. I took part in some market research recently and found out that even branded goods are often changed to suit local tastes. Did you know, for example, that McDonalds sell beer in France, lamb in India, and chili in Mexico?endprint

I found it hard to take in what you said about language. Did you really mean that English is “taking over the world”, as you put it? I dont think so! I agree that huge numbers of people now speak English. At the start of the 21st Century, about one and a half billion (1,500,000,000) people spoke English. That includes about 400 million speaking English as their first language and the rest speaking it as a second or third language. However, in many cases, a new type of English has been created. A kind of “global English” has taken off across the world. I think this is good in that it facilitates communication in an ever-shrinking, ever-more commercial world. People certainly dont want a single world language, but a new common “lingua franca”—global language—has major advantages for global business, scientific research and tourism.

Some people—like you—may be saddened by the passing of the “old days”,but it seems to me that most people are welcoming the mixing of cultures and the new things that are being created all the time. (353 words)

2. 参考样文:

The passage is meant to argue against the opinion that globalization does no good. Instead, the author thinks it has great advantages despite some disadvantages. On one hand, cultures mixing, resulting from globalization, will improve thins a lot. On the other hand, a “global English” brings convenience in almost every aspect. Thats why a majority of people embrace globalization. (59 words)

四 學生习作和点评


The author think mixed culture is better than simple cultures. Food in England is better than it in India. New things can be created by culture mixing. (27words)


建议给1.5分。首先,这篇概要内容不完整,几点关键信息都被遗漏。可以看出该学生语言基础很薄弱,文章意思没看懂,理不清文章的思路和结构。其次,这篇文章的语言很糟糕,都是简单句,且还有基本的语法错误,语法结构和词汇表达也很有限,更谈不上用自己的话传达意义了。第一句他可能想表达的是“The author thinks mixing cultures are better than single culture/traditional culture”,可惜出现了“The author think”主谓没有一致,和“mixed culture”(应为mixing cultures)这样的语法错误;想表达单一文化“single culture”,但又无法用精准的词来表达,只好写成了“simple cultures”。第二句是文章中所给的例子,在概要写作中是不需要的。第三句“New things can be created by culture mixing.”和原文表达的意思有出入,原文的意思是多元文化的融合使得许多事物的最好一面得以呈现,应改为:“Culture mixing brings about the best sides of things.”此外,原文第三、四段的内容在摘要中只字未提。


We get benefits from the good old days. The culture are fixed and it is more interesting. More people speak English. So a new English was created. So we want a global language. We are welcome the new thing and mixing culture. (42 words)endprint


建议给3分。这篇概要未能准确概括文章的主旨大意,也遗漏了主要信息。语言上看似流畅,但出现了许多语法错误和表达错误,如“The culture are fixed”,主谓没有一致,且原文中的mix(混合) 竟然被看成了“fix”(固定;修理);“More people speak English. So a new English was created.”这句中的“So”应为小写,且前面的标点符号应改为逗号;时态有误,“was”应改为“has been”。三个简单句“More people speak English. So a new English was created. So we want a global language.”所表达的逻辑关系也比较混乱,建议改为:“More and more people speak English, thus a global language has come into being.”最后一句“We are welcome the new thing and mixing culture.”中的 “welcome”(adj.)用法错误,应为动词;“the new thing”和“culture”应为复数“new things”和“cultures”。


The passage is meant to argue that globalization has more shortcomings than benefits. However, the writer has the opposite opinion. He thinks that the cultures mixing resulted from globalization brings about many good things. On the other hand, the global language, English has advantages in global business, scientific research and tourism. (51 words)


建议给6分。本概述能基本涵盖全文的两个要点:①全球化的好处;②通用语言——英语带来各方面的便捷。可惜未对原文尾段进行提炼概括。第一句对全文的理解与提炼出现表达上的错误,与下文的两个论点内容相矛盾。可以有两个修改方案:①在第一句中“argue”后加入“against the opinion”;②把第一句中的“shortcomings”和“benefits”两个名词互换位置。但不管哪一种改法,第二句“However, the writer has the opposite opinion.”都显得多余(redundancy)。此外,本概述还存在一些语法错误:“resulted from”应改为“resulting from”。修改后的概要如下:

The passage is meant to argue against the opinion that globalization has more shortcomings than benefits. The writer thinks that mixing cultures resulting from globalization brings about many good things. On the other hand, the global language, English, has advantages in global business, scientific research and tourism. However, most people give a warm hug to globalization. (56 words)


The passage argues against the opinion that the days before globalization is better, and points out two advantages of globalization. First, many things, such as traditional food, have been improved during the mix of cultures. Second, English has facilitated the communication between countries in all aspects instead of taking over the world. (52 words)


建议给7.5分。跟上面那篇概要习作一样,本概述能基本涵盖全文要点:①全球化的好处;②通用语言——英语带来各方面的便捷。可惜同样未对原文尾段进行提炼概括。出现一些语法错误或语言问题:①“The passage argues against the opinion that the days before globalization is better”中的“is”改為“was”;②“during the mix of cultures”表达不精确,应改为“due to/because of cultures mixing”则更好;③本概述若用“promoted”和“dominating”取代原文中的“facilitated”和“taking over”,则可实现“用自己的语言,正确表述原文中相关内容”(参考上海市英语高考阅卷概要写作部分的评分标准)之目的。可见,学生有一定的词汇量并能灵活运用是多么重要, 因此教师在平时教学中尤其要关注学生对近义词的积累。修改后的概要如下:endprint

The passage argues against the opinion that the days before globalization was better, and points out two advantages of globalization. First, many things, such as traditional food, have been improved due to/because of cultures mixing. Second, English has promoted the communication between countries in all aspects instead of dominating the world as some people think. (52 words)


In the authors opinion, the advantages of globalization outweigh its disadvantages. Firstly, the cultures mixing has brought us many upsides. Secondly, although many people speak English, it is more than just a world language. Actually, the “global English” benefits business and promotes communication. In brief, although some mourn the passing of the good old days, most are open to globalization. (60 words)


建议给9分。本概述理解准确,涵盖全文要点:①全球化利大于弊;②多元文化的融合带来许多好处;③新环境下的英语带来各方面的便捷。此外,本概述还用自己的话对结尾段进行了提炼。语言表达自然流畅,基本没有语法结构上的错误,并且在语言上有几个亮点:用词精准,能够用自己的语言去取代原文中相对应的词或词组,如:“more than just a world language”“mourn the passing of ...”等;用“promote”和“are open to”分别取代了原文中的“facilitate”和“welcome”。本概述的不足之处:“The ‘global Englishbenefits business and promotes communication.”这句,若能改为“The “global English” benefits us in almost every aspects.”則更佳。修改后的概要如下:

In the authors opinion, the advantages of globalization outweigh its disadvantages. Firstly, cultures mixing has brought us many upsides. Secondly, although many people speak English, it is more than just a world language. Actually, the “global English” benefits us in almost every aspect. In brief, although some mourn the passing of the good old days, most are open to globalization. (60 words)endprint

How to Find the Main Idea 如何找出主旨
吃透材料 凸现主旨