孙付春,李玉龙,文昌明,钟 飞
孙付春,李玉龙,文昌明,钟 飞
(成都大学机械工程学院,成都 610106)
为解决当前泵用齿轮副侧隙大、小界定含糊的问题,基于侧隙传动与困油的性能要求,从双齿啮合区内的2困油容积连通和单齿啮合区卸荷的性能完善方面,通过困油循环及困油过程的分析,建立出2类区域内的困油流量及峰值,推导出卸荷用侧隙、连通用侧隙及其均值和峰值;并进行实例运算和验证分析。结果表明:卸荷区与连通区的困油流量峰值比为3,前者的卸荷负担最大;连通区的真正连通,所需侧隙高达2.41 mm,实际上并不存在;卸荷侧隙大于连通侧隙,以连通侧隙作为侧隙大与小的分界点,卸荷侧隙作为上限值的界定可行;计算与试验的侧隙误差为7.5%,比较吻合,且上限值有20%的安全裕度,比较可靠等。泵用侧隙的界定为大、小侧隙的正确区分提供了参考,也可为后续的相关研究提供参考。
Note:1and2indicate two center points of driving gear and driven gear;indicates meshing point;indicates backlash point;pindicates inlet pressure, Pa;pindicates outlet pressure, Pa;1and2indicate the two different trapped-oil volumes on1side and2side, mm3;1and2indicate trapped-oil pressure of1and2, Pa;indicates the location variables defined as the curvature radius of meshing point of driving gear, mm;sindicates the location of1just formed, mm;sindicates the location of2just disappeared, mm;sindicates the location of1with minimum volume, mm;sindicates the location of2just formed, mm;sindicates the location of1just disappeared, mm;sindicates the location of2with minimum volume, mm; similarly hereinafter.
图1 困油循环及困油过程
Fig.1 Trapped oil circulation and trapped oil process
式中为体积弹性模量,Pa,in、Qout为外界流进、流出困油容积的交换流量,mm3/ s;且记以流入为正。则
Note:QandΔpdindicate shear flow and differential pressure flow through backlash gap, mm3·s-1; cindicates backlash for connection of two trapped-oil volumes, mm;1,2andindicate trapped-oil pressure rate of change over time, Pa·s-1;1and2,indicate trapped-oil volume rate of change over time, Pa·s-1; similarly here in after.
图2 连通侧隙的计算
Fig.2 Gap calculation of backlash for connection
式中Δp为许可压差,Pa,为节圆压力角,rad,c为满足Δp的侧隙值,mm;为流量系数;为等效卷吸速度,mm/ s;为介质密度,kg/m3。得
例取=3 mm,=10,=20°,=30°,则c=2.41 mm,该值很大,小齿数的泵用齿轮副是无法实现的,即2个单一的1、2的真正连通是不存在的,只能是一定允许压差下的近似连通。
文献[17]提供了试验用侧隙=30、50、200m的一组试验结果,如图3a所示。试验用泵的几何参数为模数4.75齿数10,齿顶圆直径58 mm,中心距48.8 mm,=12.7 mm,由齿轮副三维模型测得0=20 mm3,对应于试验用侧隙分别为30、50、200m的压力角为23°50′、23°40′、23°10′,出口压力p为2、1、2 MPa。=870 kg/m3,=0.09 Pa·s,=0.62。由图3a中,知转速=1 000 r/min下困油压力的峰值为2.7、3.7、7.3 MPa。另外,由矩形卸荷槽距中心线的距离B=6.4 mm,经计算知采用的是大侧隙卸荷槽,其卸荷效果一般[13]。
分别将Δp取2.7、3.7、7.3 MPa和Δp2取0.7、2.7、5.3 MPa,分别代入式(11)和式(18),计算结果,如图4所示。其中,图3a为试验结果,图3b为择算后的连通侧隙,图3c为择算后的卸荷侧隙,其最大值和均值,如表1所示。其中,d,和s,为由卸荷槽关闭点位置,即B=6.4 mm计算出的连通侧隙和卸荷侧隙。
表1 六类侧隙值的计算结果
Note:d,andd,indicate the mean value and the maximum peak value of backlash gap used for the connection of two trapped-oil volumes;s,ands,indicate the mean value and the maximum peak value of backlash gap used for trapped-oil relief;d,indicates the backlash gap used for the connection of two trapped-oil volumes when the trapped-oil relief was closed;s,indicates the backlash gap used for trapped-oil relief when the trapped-oil relief was closed;indicates the relative error between theoretical value and experimental value when large backlash,%.
在=30、50m的情况下,如采用min=62、76m作为实际的侧隙值,则由式(15)的计算,原有的Δp为7.3、3.7 MPa,减小后为1.7、1.6 MPa,此时2个单一的1、2可视为近乎的连通。说明以min作为侧隙大与小的界定参考,是可行的。
1)侧隙卸荷区和侧隙连通区的困油流量比为3,侧隙卸荷区内的卸荷负担最大。侧隙连通区的真正连通,所需侧隙高达2.41 mm,实际上并不存在。
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Li Yulong, Liu Ku. Dynamic model of trapped oil and effect of related variables on trapped oil pressure in external spur-gear pump[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2009, 40(9): 214-219. (in Chinese with English abstract)
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Demarcated standard and verification of backlash relief in external gear pumps
Sun Fuchun, Li Yulong, Wen Changming, Zhong Fei
The gear pumps are used for pumping the working fluid, and its key component is a pair of gear pairs. In the power transmission, the backlash of the gear pair is used to form the lubricating oil film to avoid sticking due to the friction and heat expansion of the gear teeth, but it also affects the stability of the oil film. The choice of backlash in the gear pump is also limited. The backlash of the gear has an influence on the trapped oil performance and volumetric efficiency of the gear pump, while the definition whether there is a backlash existed and the definition what is large backlash and what is small backlash is vague. Based on the common requirements of different backlash values to transmission performance and trapped oil performance, the special trapped-oil circulation and trapped-oil process were analyzed in this study, and the emphasis was on the double teeth meshing range and the single tooth meshing range. From the connection aspect of two different trapped-oil volumes in double teeth meshed range and the improvement aspect of trapped oil performance in single tooth meshed range, we used to separately calculate dynamic trapped-oil flow rate and its maximum value under the two different ranges of double teeth meshing and single tooth meshing, as well as the different formulas to separately calculate dynamic backlash values, its mean value, its lower limiting value used for the connection in double teeth meshed range, and the relief in single tooth meshed range. From such exercises, we derived the definition what was large backlash and what was small backlash. The backlash therefore was defined as, a small backlash was when the backlash value was less than the maximum peak of the backlash for connection, and when the backlash value was greater than the maximum peak of the backlash for connection and less than the maximum peak of the backlash for trapped oil relief, it was a large backlash, and when the backlash value was greater than the maximum peak of the backlash for trapped oil relief, it belonged to the large backlash. An instance of an external gear pump which backlash was 30, 50, 200m, was operated and its operation results were analyzed by the theory we developed. The results showed that when the trapped oil flow peak ratio of the unloading area and the connected area was 3, the unloading burden of the former was large. In fact, the really communicating to the communication area required up 2.41 mm backlash, which did not actually exist. So the gear pairs used in gear pumps was the gear pairs with backlash forever. The absolute connection of each other of two different trapped-oil volumes in double teeth meshed range and the absolute trapped-oil relief in single tooth meshed range were nonexistent, but only relatively existed under a certain permission pressure difference. As long as the trapped-oil relief requirement in single tooth meshed range was satisfied by an adopted backlash value, then the connection of two different trapped-oil volumes each other would naturally be met by the adopted backlash value. Backlash for trapped oil relief was larger than the backlash for connection, which can be used in definition what was large backlash and what was small backlash, and the backlash for trapped oil relief can be used as the upper limit. The error in the calculation and experiment was 7.5%, which was reasonable, and the upper limit of the safety margin was 20%, which was reliable. This research provided a reference for distinguishing large backlash between small backlash by Pump backlash defining, and which also provided a theoretical basis for the subsequent studies.
pumps; vibrations; gear pumps; backlash for connection; backlash for relief; demarcated size; trapped-oil flow rate
TH325; TH137.3
孙付春,李玉龙,文昌明,钟 飞. 齿轮泵侧隙卸荷的界定标准与验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(20):61-66. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.20.008 http://www.tcsae.org
Sun Fuchun, Li Yulong, Wen Changming, Zhong Fei. Demarcated standard and verification of backlash relief in external gear pumps[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(20): 61-66. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.20.008 http://www.tcsae.org