王思成 李全 吴献民 李广峰 曹烈虎 曹中华 张鑫 杨国庆张友忠 苏佳灿
目的评估关节镜下肘关节清理术治疗创伤后肘关节僵硬的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2012年1月至2016年12月上海中冶医院收治的42例创伤后肘关节僵硬患者,全部给予关节镜下清理术,术后第1天即在疼痛控制下进行肘关节屈伸功能锻炼,比较手术前后肘关节主动活动的关节活动度(range of motion,ROM),Mayo肘关节功能评分(Mayo elbow performance score,MEPS)及疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)。结果全部患者获得随访,分别于术后3、6、12个月进行随访。术后肘关节ROM较术前有明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。术后3~6个月改善较为明显,6~12个月改善幅度降低。在MEPS评分方面从术前的(69.5±15.5)分增加至末次随访的(90.4±22.4)分,平均改善了20.9分(P <0.001)。术后MEPS评分结果为优22例,良17例,中3例,优良率达92.86%。术后较术前VAS均明显降低(P <0.05)。结论 关节镜下清理术是治疗创伤后肘关节僵硬一个很好的治疗方式,创伤小,疼痛轻,有利于术后早期功能锻炼,能够改善肘关节功能。
肘关节; 创伤后关节僵硬; 关节镜; 关节清理术
手术在臂丛麻醉或者全麻下进行,患者取侧卧位,肩关节外展90°,肘关节屈曲90°,于上臂上止血带止血。术前在皮肤上绘制体表解剖标识,将尺神经的行走路径特别标记。利用表面标识,经软点注入20 ml生理盐水扩张关节腔,便于关节镜置入。于肱骨外上髁近端2 cm,前方1 cm处,切开皮肤,钝性分离组织,置入关节镜设备,建立第一个工作通道—近端外侧入路。然后,透过从近端外侧肘关节入路进入的关节镜到达对侧皮下组织,于肱骨内上髁远端2 cm,前方2 cm处建立近端内侧入路。通过这两个入路处理肘关节前室。于尺骨鹰嘴近端3 cm,沿肱骨外上髁嵴进入肘后关节腔,建立后外侧入路,于后外侧入路内侧2 cm处建立后正中入路,处理肘关节后室。通过手术入路,关节镜的监控及操作下,使用3.5 mm磨钻去除所有的影响关节功能的骨赘和异位骨化,磨除部分冠状突、尺骨鹰嘴;用异物钳取出关节内游离体;用刨刀及射频清除滑膜,纤维组织等,对肘关节前方病灶清除需要对冠突窝进行清理,对于肘关节后方的病灶需要清理鹰嘴窝。然后,松解挛缩的关节囊。小心地保持刨刀的钝边朝向尺神经及内侧关节囊。避免损伤尺神经。之后,再次采用手法松解以获得满意的肘关节功能,根据术前肘关节功能障碍情况将肘关节固定在伸直或屈曲位矫形器。术后应用吲哚美辛栓防止异位骨化。
术后第1天开始在静脉镇痛泵的镇痛下进行无痛持续被动运动(continuous passive motion,CPM)。CPM功能训练4次/d,20 min/次,功能训练遵循动静结合的原则。每天锻炼后使用上肢矫形器维持肘关节已经改善了的关节活动度(range of motion,ROM),每天可以拆卸下来进行4~6次肘关节运动训练,该矫形器应使用至少6周,大概每天有1~2 h的训练时间,训练结束后再用矫形器固定。术后2~4 d开始进行主动功能训练,6周后逐渐进行抗阻训练,用以增强肌肉力量。主动及被动训练应持续不少于6个月。功能训练过程中注意控制疼痛和水肿。
分别于术后3,6及12个月进行随访,手术前后采用Mayo肘关节功能评分(Mayo elbow performance score,MEPS)及疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)对患者进行评估,并测量肘关节主动活动的ROM。
采用SPSS17.0统计软件进行分析。所有的计量数据均以 x-±s表示,术前和术后3、6、12个月ROM、MEPS 评分及 VAS 评分比较采用配对t检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
全部患者获得随访,没有患者转换为开放性手术或需要二次手术治疗。患者伤后平均手术时间为17个月(11~47个月)。术后肘关节ROM较术前有明显改善,从术前的(50.7±18.3)°增加到(119.7±23.6)°,平均增加了69°,差异有统计学意义(P <0.001)。术后3和6个月时改善较为明显,6和12个月时改善幅度降低,说明早期的功能锻炼意义较大。在MEPS评分方面从手术前的(69.5±15.5)分,增加至末次随访的(90.4±22.4)分,平均改善了20.9分(P <0.001)。术前MEPS评分优0例,良 6例,中 25例,差11例。术后MEPS评分结果为优22例,良17例,中3例,差0例,优良率达92.86%。术后疼痛VAS评分均较术前明显降低(P <0.05),见表1。
表1 手术前后肘关节ROM、MEPS评分及VAS评分比较(n=42, x-±s)
目前,关节镜下松解治疗创伤后肘关节僵硬已经被认为是一个安全的手术操作,并发症发生率低[12]。Pederzini等[22]对关节镜手术治疗243例创伤后或退行性肘关节僵硬患者进行评价,结果术后肘关节功能改善显著。Phillips等[23]对25例患者进行了关节镜手术,其中15例为创伤后关节粘连,10例为退行性骨关节炎所造成关节挛缩,平均随访18个月,术后平均屈伸活动度改善了41°,肘关节ROM取得了明显的改善,其中创伤后关节僵硬的患者表现出更大的改善。Kim等[24]描述了63例肘关节挛缩患者行关节镜手术治疗的情况,这些患者症状持续时间小于1年,术后取得满意的临床结果,肘关节ROM平均增加 49°。Kelly等[25]发现25例肘关节僵直患者中的24例治疗效果在术后2年中呈现“好的”或“更好的”结果。Cefo等[14]的研究探讨肘关节镜对创伤后肘关节僵硬的疗效,他们表示,关节镜下松解对患者创伤后肘关节挛缩症是一种安全可靠的治疗方法,优点包括手术创伤小、手术疤痕小、能改善关节的外观、减少疼痛、加速康复、缩短住院时间等。
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Su Jiacan, Email:drsujiacan@163.com
Efficacy of arthroscopic debridement for treatment of post-traumatic elbow stiffness
Wang Sicheng1, Li Quan2, Wu Xianmin1, Li Guangfeng1, Cao Liehu2, Cao Zhonghua1, Zhang Xin1, Yang Guoqing1, Zhang Youzhong1, Su Jiacan2.1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Shanghai Zhongye Hospital Shanghai 200941, China;2Department of Orthopedics Trauma, Changhai Hospital of Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
BackgroundWith over 5% of morbidity, elbow stiffness is a common and difficult complication after elbow trauma or surgery, which can severely interfere with the daily activities and life quality of patient. The post-traumatic elbow stiffness may be caused by intraarticular or extra-articular factors. The common intra-articular factors include osteophytosis,osteochondritis, synovitis, joint asymmetry and loose bodies, while the common extra-articular factors include heterotopic ossification, joint capsule contracture, ligament injury, fasciitis and skin diseases. These factors result in joint stiffness by altering normal elbow motions. The mixed presence of intra-articular and extra-articular factors is also common. The failure of conservative treatment is a definite indication of surgical treatment. Currently, there are many options of open surgery for the treatment of post-traumatic elbow stiffness. However, the large trauma of traditional open surgery and the additional soft tissue damage possibly caused by surgical approach increase the risk of relapse of soft tissue contracture and the chance of heterotopic ossification occurrence. Furthermore, it is difficult to perform early functional rehabilitation because of pain. Therefore, considering the several factors of elbow stiffness, the open surgery has obvious limitations and risks. With the development of surgical technique and medical equipment, the technique of debridement and arthrolysis under arthroscopy has been remarkably improved, which observes and deals with various intra-articular and extra-articular problems well. At the same time, this technique is beneficial to the initiation of early functional rehabilitation by reducing the operation trauma and relieving the pain. However, the arthroscopic elbow debridement is challenging because of the limitation of working space, the proximity between surgical incision and neurovascular structure and the easiness of triggering complication. The purposes of this study are to evaluate the efficacy of arthroscopic debridement for the treatment of post-traumatic elbow stiffness, to introduce this surgical technique and to discuss the possible difficulties and risks.Methods(1)General information. From January 2012 to December 2016, 42 patients (24 males and 18 females) with post-traumatic elbow stiffness were treated in Shanghai Hospital of metallurgical corporation of China LTD(MCC).The age ranged from 21 to 59 years with an average of 42.3 years. 18 cases had the left side affected, and 24 cases had the right side affected. The symptoms of all patients were mainly limited joint motion and pain. The causes of joint stiffness were evaluated by preoperative X-ray films and computed tomography (CT), which included osteophytosis and heterotopic ossification for 32 cases and loose bodies for 28 cases. Of the 42 patients, 31 cases had the history of surgery.(2)Inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria:① The range of elbow motion cannot reach 30-130°; ② The patient receives conservative treatment for more than 6 months, while the range of elbow motion does not improve obviously; ③ With or without the formation of osteophyte, elbow joint space still exists under fluoroscopy, and no successive bone callus passes through joint. Exclusion criteria: ① The bony deformity of elbow joint is obvious and requires corrective surgery; ② The patient with primary or inflammatory elbow arthritis;③The patient who cannot cooperate with postoperative active and passive functional trainings; ④ The skin infection around elbow or the scar contracture caused by burn; ⑤ Myositis ossificans of elbow joint;⑥ Elbow joint space almost disappears, such as joint ankylosis;⑦ The location of ulnar nerve is unknown because the patient had ulnar nerve surgery or elbow surgery for multiple times before.(3)Operative methods. The operation was performed under brachial plexus block or general aesthesia. The patient was in lateral position with shoulder abduction of 90° and elbow flexion of 90°, and the upper arm was tied with tourniquet. The anatomic landmarks of body surface were drawn on the skin preoperatively, and the pathway of ulnar nerve was marked specially. Based on the surface landmarks, the expansion of joint cavity was achieved by injecting 20 ml of saline via soft point, which facilitated the insertion of arthroscopy. The skin was cut open at 2 cm proximal to the humeral supracondylar and 1 cm ahead, and the soft tissue was bluntly separated for the insertion of arthroscopy. In this way, the first working path-proximal lateral approach was established. Then, the arthroscopy from proximal lateral elbow approach reached the contralateral subcutaneous tissue to establish proximal medial approach at 2 cm distal to the condylus medialis humeri and 2 cm ahead. The anterior compartment of elbow joint was debrided via these two approaches. At 3 cm proximal to the olecranon, the arthroscopy entered posterior joint cavity along the humeral supracondylar ridge to establish posterolateral approach. Posterior median approach was established at 2 cm medial to the posterolateral approach. The posterior compartment of elbow joint was debrided via the posterolateral and posterior median approaches. Under the monitoring and operation of arthroscopy, a 3.5 cm power drill was used to remove all the osteophyte and heterotopic ossification that affected joint function and part of coronoid process and olecranon through the approaches mentioned above. Intra-articular loose bodies were taken out with foreign-body forceps. synovial membrane and fibrous tissue were removed with planer and Radiofrequency.The debridement of coronoid fossa was required for the removal of the anterior lesion of elbow joint, while the debridement of olecranon fossa was required for the removal of the posterior lesion of elbow joint. Then, the contractural joint capsule was loosened. To avoid the injury of ulnar nerve, the blunt edge of planer was carefully kept toward the ulnar nerve and medial capsule. Afterward, the manual loosening was applied again to obtain satisfactory elbow joint function. According to the preoperative dysfunction, the elbow joint was fixed in extension or flexion orthosis. Indomethacin suppository was used postoperatively to prevent heterotopic ossification.(4)Postoperative management.Started from the 1st postoperative day, continuous passive motion (CPM) was carried out under the analgesia of intravenous analgesic pump. The CPM functional training was performed 4 times per day and 20 minutes per time, which followed the principles of combination of static and dynamic. Upper limb orthosis was used to maintain the improved ROM of elbow joint after training every day, which can be disassembled to carry out elbow joint exercise for 4-6 times per day. The orthosis should be used for at least 6 weeks with 1-2 hours of training per day. Active functional training was started 2-4 days after operation. 6 weeks later, resistance exercise was gradually carried out to enhance muscle strength. Active and passive training should last no less than 6 months. During the process of functional training,attention should be paid to control pain and edema.(5)Curative effect evaluation.Follow up was carried out at the 3rd, 6th and 12th months. Mayo elbow performance score (MEPS) and visual analogue scale (VAS) were used for patient evaluation before and after operation, and the active range of motion (ROM) of elbow joint was measured. (6)Statistical analysis. The SPSS17.0 statistical software was used for analysis. All the measured data were expressed as . The ROM of elbow, MEPS and VAS were compared in the 3rd, 6th and 12th months before and after the operation were compared using paired t test, and P <0.05 was considered statistical difference.Results All patients were followed up, and no patient was converted to open surgery or required secondary procedure. The mean time from injury to operation was 17 months (11-47 months).The ROM of elbow joint improved significantly after operation, which increased from (50.7±18.3)°to (119.7±23.6)° with an average increment of 69°. The difference was statistically significant(P <0.001). After operation, the improvement was obvious at the 3rd and 6th months and reduced at the 6th and 12th months. This indicated that early functional exercise was of great significance.The MEPS increased from preoperative (69.5±15.5) points to (90.4±22.4)points during the last follow up, and the mean improved score was 20.9 points (P <0.01). According to MEPS, the preoperative function was excellent in 0 case, good in 6 cases, moderate in 25 cases and poor in 11 cases. The outcome of postoperative MEPS showed 22 cases of excellence, 17 cases of good and 3 cases of moderate. The good and excellent rate was 92.86%. The postoperative VAS scores all decreased remarkably compared to those before operation (P <0.05). During the follow-up, 1 patient who was found to have heterotopic ossification before operation turned less severe with indomethacin for treatment. The final ROM of this patient reached 95°. After operation, 4 patients presented with the numbness in ulnar nerve innervation area and recovered in 6 months with conservative treatment. No infection occurred in all cases.ConclusionsArthroscopic debridement is a great option for the treatment of post-traumatic elbow stiffness. This strategy achieves minimal invasion, small scar, little pain and short hospital stay to allow postoperative early functional training and to improve the appearance and function of elbow joint.
Elbow joint; Post-traumatic stiffness; Arthroscopy; Debridement
苏佳灿, Email:drsujiacan@163.com
王思成,李全,吴献民,等. 关节镜下清理术治疗创伤后肘关节僵硬的临床研究[J/CD].中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2017,5(3):207-212.