(德)汉斯-约阿希姆·马德尔 孔洞一 崔庆伟
(德)汉斯-约阿希姆·马德尔 孔洞一 崔庆伟*
1 中国西部甘肃地区的一处废弃矿坑Mining pit in Gansu province, west China
2 德国萨克森州褐煤矿的采矿区与辐射影响区Mining areas and radiation affected areas in Saxony region in Germany
德国早在1980年就颁布了针对采矿区环境修复规划的相关法规。2005年的《区域规划法》对于褐煤矿区修复做了更为明确的规定,包括勘测地下水范围和开采其影响的区域、地表植被保护与恢复以及修复后再利用的土地性质和功能选择等。弗莱堡大学的Klapperich Wolf教授还总结了一套系统的规划研究流程(图5)。具体包括:1)问题评估与基础设施建设:建立环境监测点、评估站、交通系统、技术管理和建设管理机构;2)矿区环境修复:选取采样区进行修复技术评估(例如具体的水体净化与土壤修复),衡量矿产资源价值与环境价值以及环境检测机制;3)辐射区环境修复:与矿区基本相同;4)保护、恢复与复垦:建筑保护、植被恢复和生境再造等;5)功能转换:改造再利用的可能性讨论。
3 萨克森州褐煤矿区环境修复与改造项目的公共参与组织架构Organizational structure of public participation in environmental rehabilitation project of Saxony lignite region
4 德国的矿区环境修复法律与规划框架Legal and planning framework for Reclamation of mining areas in Germany
5 采矿区的生态修复研究流程Research procedure of mining areas’ ecological restoration
6 生态修复的目标与3个层面的措施Purpose of ecological restoration and measures at three levels
7 萨克森州褐煤采矿区的采矿废水渠与沉淀池分布图Location of waste water purification ditch and settling tanks in Saxony region
8 萨克森州褐煤采矿区的沉淀池Waste water settling tanks in Saxony Region
此外,对于改造为休闲娱乐花园的修复项目,可以引入多样的园林观赏植物。例如著名的埃姆舍公园改造项目中,设计师彼得 拉茨(Peter Latz)就有意保留废弃工矿场地内的网格状空间并种植了多种植物。此外还可以设置观光廊道开展科学普及,向人们揭示从草本到木本植物的演替过程,反映大自然总是在变化的真理。
9 中国西北矿区单一结构的复垦植被栽植Unitary planting in the mining lands’ reclamation in northwest China
10 野生植物在废弃矿区的自然演替Natural succession of wild plants in abandoned mining areas
11 萨克森州进行土壤修复的矿区工地Construction site of soil restoration in Saxony region
针对不同污染物类型可使用不同的修复方法:无机污染物(如重金属)可以通过表面活性剂或有机溶剂去除,也可以用高压提取或利用压缩气体(例如二氧化碳)作为萃取剂,以及通过植物进行富集吸收[7];去除有机污染物(如矿物油和溶剂)的最常用方法是高温处理——在温度达到1 100℃的旋转炉里,有机物质挥发出来变成废气,再经过物理沉淀和生物吸收(例如苯、氯化烃等有毒物质)收集在过滤装置内[7]。
马德尔博士作为德国环境问题专家,在参与阿尔及利亚东北部EI Dough山区采石场生态修复项目中采取各种措施以增加其生物多样性。从法国殖民时代到今天,这片区域的大多数采石场未经人工修复和再利用。面对一处位于悬崖下面比较湿润的采石废弃地,研究人员选择合适地点利用天然黏土建造了一处小池塘作为山脉蝾(Pleurodeles poireti)等当地濒危物种的栖息地(图12),保证它们在合适的生命周期内在此产卵孵化。
12 小池塘的生态修复措施为采石场内的山脉蝾提供栖息地Restoration measure of small pond provides habitat for Pleurodeles poireti
13 多方参与的规划机制Planning mechanism of multi-participation
在德国,关于矿区改造的经典案例还有作为 IBA 项目的 Fürst Pückler Land、埃姆舍(Emscher Park) 以及Lausitz lake area项目等。每个项目都具有不同特色,需要进行特殊的规划与讨论,从而更好地协调环境保护、经济发展与社会公正等问题。由此可见,矿区生态修复和再利用是一个十分复杂的系统工程,它不仅需要专业的生态修复技术,更需要法律与制度层面的管理框架,以及保证社会参与和顺利运作的规划流程,此外还应该在大的区域背景下看待其修复与再利用。本文作者介绍的4个方面的工作内容较为完整地回应了上述问题,这对于实现矿区生态修复与合理再利用,促进区域可持续发展以及获得综合效益最大化具有重要意义。
①图1来源:Hajo Mader,2009;图2改绘自:Surface Mining, 2003;图3改绘自:LMBV,2006;图4改绘自:Vattenfall,2006;图 5改绘自:TU Freiburg,Klapperich Wolf,2002;图6改绘自:Vattenfall,2006;图7来源:Vattenfall,2006; 图 8、9、11、12来 源:Hajo Mader;图10来源:孔洞一;图13来源:LMBV,2006。
Fig. 1 source: HajoMader, 2009; Fig. 2 source: Surface Mining, 2003; Fig. 3 source: LMBV, 2006; Fig. 4 source:Vattenfall, 2006; Fig. 5 source: TU Freiburg, Klapperich Wolf, 2002; Fig. 6 source: Vattenfall, 2006; Fig. 7 source:Vattenfall, 2006; Fig. 8/9/11/12 source: Hajo Mader; Fig. 10 source: Kong Dongyi; Fig. 13 source: LMBV, 2006.
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[7]Ulrich Wöstmann(2016): Natürliche Selbstreinigung und Immobilisierung bei schädlichen Bodenveränderungen und Altlasten.
[8]Hermann Remmert(1991): Das Mosaik-Zyklus-Konzept und seine Bedeutungfür den Naturschutz, Laufen/ Salzach.
[9]梁留科,常江,吴次芳,Klaus Borchard. 德国煤矿区景观生态重建、土地复垦及对中国的启示[J]. 经济地理,2002,22(6):711-715.
Liang Liuke, Chang Jiang, Wu Cifang, Klaus Borchard.Study on the Ecological Restoration of Landscape in Germany Mining Regions and Reference to China[J].Economic Geography, 2002, 22(6): 711-715.
[10]Frank Sander(2013): Sanierung von Bergbaufolgen Landschaft der Braukohle in Sachsen, Leipzig.
Along with the growing population and the improving living standard in the world, resource on consumption is increasingly larger. Most of such resources are concealed in the earth surface layer,providing energy for growth of animals and plants as well as playing an important role in absorption of carbondioxide and supply of oxygen.Though these resources provide basic conditions for human survival, most people have no awareness of the property of earth surface, just as sensitive as our skin; the earth surface is a highly complex ecosystem composed of various inorganics, soil,water, microorganism, animals and plants, etc.
In Germany, 66ha-land is turning into residential or transportation land everyday, leading to serious loss of natural resources[1]. By 2030,this fi gure will be reduced to 30ha., but there still will be plenty of land being occupied. It seems that people have been used to willfully using land,especially mineral resources, as hands-down free resources - over the past 200 years, exploitation of lignite in Germany, the mining area in historical colonial as well as the centralized excavation in the fast developing China have caused large-area of earth surface demanding urgent reclamation (Figure 1).
"Reclamation" refers to the productive capacity of restoring available cultivated land or pasture land in its original meaning, but now it lays more emphases on making the land restore to natural conservation and self-reliant living state. People also gradually realize that each harm to "earthskin"must be slowly cured through a treatment process; human intervention and reasonable process planning shall also be considered for the reclamation process and exploitation and reuse.Germany has accumulated abundant experience in mining area restoration and transformation,particularly in the successful reclamation of lignite mining area in original East Germany and the transformation project of industrial heritage in Ruhr[2]. By borrowing ideas from the operation mode of restoration and transformation practice of mining area in Germany, this paper will address its main planning process and work contents from the following four aspects by combining speci fi c cases,with a hope of bringing some enlightenment to the ecological reclamation, transformation and reuse practices of current mining area in China. Works on such aspects include: problem assessment and institutional arrangement; legal basis and planned process; reclamation technology and natural process;social participation and functional conversion.
1 Problem assessment and institutional arrangement
As for the reclamation and transformation of abandoned mining area, i.e., a large-scale long-lasting and costly project with large land occupation, the environmental problem in mining area shall be firstly assessed during actual operation; meanwhile, management problems,such as system design and organization structuring,shall be considered. Particularly, in the area with changed land ownership and complex stakeholders,parties concerned shall be organized to negotiate and establish a cooperation platform so as to form specific management organization; moreover,reasonable financing channel, benefit distribution mode, etc. shall be designed.
Since the 1970s, a mass of abandoned mining areas appear in Saxony region in east of Germany due to the exhaustion of lignite resource. In East Germany era, this region produced 3mt lignite every year, whereas the all-year-round exploitation had polluted the underground water and surface runoff in its radiating area and endangered the ecological diversity in mining area (Figure 2).Due to the characteristics of geological structure,many underground aquifers in this region have been cut off or damaged; in addition, the waste water generated by exploitation back flows into underground water and converges into surface runoff, thus causing water system pollution of the whole region. Moreover, opencast working had resulted in large-area of bare soil and rock, and such "abiotic environment" pernicious plate would gradually extend over time until causing vegetation degradation of the whole region. All environmental problems, as mentioned above, shall be assessed and detected at the beginning.
In addition, organization structuring and functional conversion, which also involves the mine field ownership and interest coordination problem, shall also be considered at the beginning of project. The change of political system before and after the German reunification makes the demarcation of reclamation responsibility subjects more complicated: the coal mine in this region was completely state-owned in East Germany period,but belongs to several states and other different interest groups after reunification[3]. Who is hold responsible for the high reclamation expense? To answer this question, a negotiation organization structure shall be established (Figure 3). After interest negotiation and organization collaboration,many interest-related groups finally reach an agreement on jointly sharing reclamation expense.
"LMBV" is a key part in this structure, mainly responsible for coordinating the interests of parties concerned and comprehensively planning the reclamation and reuse plan and progress. Its main tasks are as follows: 1) properly make early ecological and geological assessment; 2) determine the abandoned mining area and that no longer for exploitation; 3) assess the ecological benefit of restored mining area; 4) detect and control water pollution in mining area and its radiating range; 5) restore the vegetation of the bare earth surface in mining area; 6) coordinate the interests of parties concerned in regional planning frame,and form the reuse decision mechanism of mining area after reclamation. Supported by the abovementioned structure, LMVB has finally formed a joint administrative organization[4]led by state governments and elected by interest-related groups through coordinating the interests of parties concerned. This organization has signed "Common Program for Transformation Project in Lignite Mining Area", thus forming a community in legal sense, which protects interests of respective party and jointly promotes the transformation progress in mining area.
2 Legal basis and planned process
The reclamation and transformation planning for lignite mining area in Germany mainly involves laws and regulations on the following three aspects (Figure 4): 1) regional and spatial planning methods; 2) energy policies; 3) various environmental protection laws. Regional and spatial planning method and energy policies codetermine the land use planning and reclamation planning,whereas environmental protection laws determine the special rules of reclamation planning on aspects such as water, vegetation and pollution treatment.Such legal regulations guarantee the smooth implementation of reclamation work through supervising the behaviors of mining companies and collecting relevant taxes; they also realizes the balance between ecological compensation and environmental benefits of miningarea by public participation and reclamation technology[5].
Germany has issued relevant laws and regulations in allusion to environmental reclamation planning of mining area as early as in 1980. The "Regional Planning Law" in 2005 makes the reclamation provisions of lignite mining area more specific,including survey of underground water range and area affected by exploitation, earth surface vegetation protection and restoration, nature and function selection of reused land after reclamation,etc. Klapperich Wolf, Professor from University of Freiburg, has summarized a set of systematic planning research process (Figure 5), specifically including: 1) problem assessment and infrastructure construction: establish environment monitoring point, assessment station, transportation system, technical management and construction management organization; 2) environmental reclamation of mining area: select sampling area to make reclamation technology assessment (e.g.specific water purification and soil reclamation),measure mineral resource value, environmental value and environmental detection mechanism;3) environmental reclamation of radiating area:basically same as that of mining area; 4) protection,restoration and reclamation: building protection,vegetation restoration and habitat recreation;5) functional conversion: discussion on possibility of transformation and reuse.
3 Reclamation technology and natural process
Some study has pointed out that the overall objective of mining area reclamation is to turn the damaged mining area into a site with animate ecological environment and landscape through realizing natural conservation, leisure &sightseeing and earth texture restoration (Figure 6). Its operation contents include forest land and wasteland restoration and conservation, farmland,pasture land or mountain style restoration, water pollution control, etc.; and it may finally delimit the regional ecological control boundary as well as form the vegetation appearance and scenery space consistent with regional earth texture and the processed water puri fi cation system.
Under the joint effect of policy and legal guarantee, environmental awareness awakening among the public and enterprises as well as re fi ned detection and reclamation technologies, at present,mining area reclamation in Germany receives more and more attentions, and its investment in"vegetation restoration", "polluted site treatment"and "water treatment" becomes higher and higher[6].3.1 Water restoration
As for water restoration, firstly, the water in mining area and its surrounding radiating area shall be detected and assessed; then targeted reclamation treatment measures shall be taken according to the detection and assessment result. During diagnostic assessment, whether the surface water and underground water are provided with favorable biological and chemical properties and whether there is any mining area pollutant entering into surface water or underground water shall be fi rstly detected; then whether the substance exceeding the limit comes from mining area pollutant shall be judged; "accountability" for corresponding responsible party shall be implemented. Waste water purification ditch and waste water settling tank may be excavated to protect natural water from pollution by mining area waste water (Figure 7): transmit the mining wastewater in mining area through ditch to the planned lake area for purification treatment, thereby avoiding pollution of surrounding water.
Brown water is a common water pollution problem which disturbs the photosynthesis of submerged plant and causes oxygen deficit and even suffocation of fi sh stocks by impeding their respiration. The reason is that the residual waste water caused by ore exploitation, which contains many minerals but insufficient organic matter and oxygen, is discharged without treatment.Treatment measures include construction of waste water settling tank, arrangement of oxygenation facilities, cultivation of aquatic animals and plants,etc. Therefore, the river shall be twisted as possible so as to create a favorable waterfront habitat for amphibians, reptiles, insects, etc.
Disordered pH value is another common water pollution problem. As shown in Figure 8, the sulfate in settling tank severely exceeds the limit, causing severe acidity of water pH value and the existence of certain heavy metallic salt. Response measures are as follows: 1) inject clean water to neutralize its pH value; 2) calcify and separate sulfate with chemical method; 3) separate the heavy metal composition by water purification device.Experts from various fields may provide guidance in allusion to specific measure[7].
3.2 Vegetation restoration
Vegetation restoration is the key issue of mining area reclamation. Mining activity always generates large-area bare earth surface, which is easily extended without timely reclamation.Therefore, the area of vegetation reclamation is relatively large, and there may be many slopes or rock piles liable to water and soil loss. Meanwhile,the pH value of soil in bare ground always exceeds the limit; therefore, the soil shall be improved fi rstly- i.e. improve the soil adverse to vegetation growth into proper soil, and then select adaptable pioneer tree species and herbaceous plant for cultivation.
To be emphasized, single-structure planting pattern shall be avoided as mush as possible during vegetation restoration. The so-called "unitary planting structure" means single tree species, single diameter at breast height and single planting space(Figure 9). This is common in the current mining area reclamation in China. Its ecological cost is enormous - the capability of resisting diseases and insect pests and severe environment attack is weak, the ecological diversity is too poor to form abundant habitat types. On the contrary, vegetation planting shall comply with the following principles:1) select endemic tree species; 2) avoid linear and square array when planning plant community and species group and intentionally reserve clearance to improve ecological diversity; 3) mutually collocate fast-growing and slow-growing tree species as well as heliophilous and shade-tolerant tree species[8].Meanwhile, self-reclamation of vegetation by natural succession shall be adopted (Figure 10).In many abandoned lands, wild vegetation comes fi rst to immobilize the surface soil, then it gradually becomes abundant vegetation types. Certainly, this is a long-term process.
In addition to the diversity of vegetation types and group structures, attention shall also be paid to establishing natural habitat for animals (e.g. small waters or open dry lands) and considering the ecological relationship with adjacent forest (habitat connection system) during vegetation restoration.For example, Germany suggests to set out a protection area for no production in the mining area under operation. Relative to the over insolation and poor nutrition in mining area, such protection area will preferably enrich the local ecological diversity.
In addition, various garden ornamental plants may be introduced in the reclamation project transformed into leisure & entertainment garden. For example, during the famous Emscher Park Transformation Project, Peter Latz, the Designer, has intentionally reserved the go-space in abandoned mining field and planted various plants. Moreover, sightseeing corridor may also be arranged to carry out scienti fi c popularization,revealing the succession process from herbaceous plant to ligneous plant and re fl ecting the truth of the changing nature to people.
3.3 Soil reclamation and water and soil conservation
Generally, problems such as soil corrosion,water and soil loss, soil acidi fi cation and alkalization,humus reduction, permeability loss, geological looseness of soil base course and single biological species exist in lignite mining area. If effective measures for preventing soil and water loss are unavailable, the ecological reclamation area will become ecological deterioration area under the action of scouring, weathering and deserti fi cation.In allusion to this problem, measures such as earth surface vegetation coverage, terrace-type planting belt, construction of water and soil conservation barrier strip and ligneous plant cultivation for soil fixation can play an important role in water and soil conservation (Figure 11) and controlling the loss of soil nutrient. The land used for secondary ploughing shall be improved more carefully, e.g. add ameliorants to adjust pH value, and add arti fi ciallycultivated humus to enhance soil fertility. The thickness of soil layer under secondary ploughing shall be 2m above, then spread a layer of humusloess cultivation soil(with thickness of 20~50cm)on the restored surface. Then pioneer plants shall be planted to fi x the soil by their root system.
Different reclamation methods may be adopted in allusion to different pollutant types:inorganic pollutant (e.g. heavy metal) may be removed by surfactant or organic solvent; it may also be extracted under high pressure or with compressed gas (e.g. carbon dioxide) as extracting agent, or absorbed through concentration by plants; high-temperature processing is the most common method for organic pollutant (e.g. mineral oil and solvent): organic substance volatilizes into waste gas in the revolving furnace with temperature of 1 100ºC, and then is absorbed into filter device after physical sedimentation and biological absorption (e.g. toxic substances such as benzene and chlorinated hydrocarbon)[7].
3.4 Species protection and habitat reclamation
As a result of the enhancement of ecological consciousness, the goal of the German mining restoration has been changed from the agriculture& forestry reclamation to the establishment of leisure land, reconstructing the biological cycles and protecting the species[9]. Species protection and habitat reclamation play a more and more important role in mining area reclamation in current Germany or even in Europe. At present,2% of Germany territory is labeled as wasteland and location for protection of endangered species,and rare species protection areas are established in nature conservation areas and many forest parks. Many abandoned mining areas have become habitats for various wild animals and plants since they are free of interference for a long term, and they shall be utilized in reclamation planning.
Dr. Mader, as a German environmentalist,has taken various measures to increase biological diversity when participating in the ecological reclamation project of quarry in EI Dough mountain area in northeast Algeria. From the France colonization era up totoday, most quarrys in this region have received no arti fi cial reclamation and reuse. As for the wet abandoned quarry under precipice, researchers have selected a proper place to construct a small water pond with natural clay to serve as a habitat for local endangered species such as pleurodeles poireti (Figure 12), so as to ensure their oviposition and incubation in appropriate life cycle.
Moreover, abandoned quarry may also serve as habitat for large birds, such as precipice for raptorial bald eagle and mountain eagle as well as cave for vampire bats. Researcher can design and install some artificial nests, caves or simply fixed wood plates to provide more abundant living environment for birds.
Actually, the ecological restoration for quarry with little environmental pollution, especially the large-area quarrying relic, doesn't need excessive arti fi cial reclamation measures. There is abundant vegetation in rock gaps in quarry, and it may take on natural succession. Take the above-mentioned project as example, a quarry in South Annaba has been free of human intervention for a long period,and now it has formed highly diversi fi ed vegetation types. Dominant species, such as euphorbiakansui,rock juniper, summer coptischinensis, western coptischinensis, olive and holmoak, starts multiplying. Such abundant and diversified plant community habitat is far from human could create!
Finally, attention shall be paid that proper fence prevention measures shall be taken for all"ecological reclamation areas" so as to prevent wild animals (deer or boar, etc.) from attacking the frangible ecological restoration areas. In conclusion, different ecological reclamation technology is adopted for each mining area according to its characteristics. It is obvious that planning and design personnel cannot master all ecological reclamation technologies, but they shall keep learning and mobilize relevant professional personnel in practice. After all, the planner's mission is to coordinate and mobilize various professional knowledge and interest groups so as to settle the problem in an organic and harmonious organizational environment.
4 Social participation and functional conversion
In Germany, reuse of ecological reclamation field in mining area is always based on extensive social participation and discussion. Usually, the discussion will address the following aspects:1) environmental safety; 2) economic bene fi t and land use; 3) protection and shaping of scenery space and style; 4) natural conservation.
Generally, social groups participating in discussion include: 1) government and public interest groups, such as nature protectors,environmental scientist, etc. They mainly appeal for environmental safety and natural ecological protection, and also for improving life quality in mining area, facilitating human's closeness to nature, improving health level, enriching public amusement, etc.; 2) enterprises and developers,who consider more from perspective of economic benefits, hoping that the transformed mining area may profit and have reproduction function, e.g.used as reclamation farmland, economic forest,tourism area or for construction of buildings for renting, etc. 3) cultural scholars and social innovators such as social activists, architects and landscape architects, they hope to maintain the characteristic style of mining area, protect the landscape resource, and transform it into an open space and relic park satisfying the leisure,entertainment and science popularization education demand of citizens.
The above-mentioned different participating groups shall make interest appeal and development prospect in an organized and step-by-step way within a discussion frame. Such discussion mechanism approximately includes three levels(Figure 13): 1) control principle: define the ecological benefit index to be reached after reclamation and form the fi nancial pre-judgement of input/output; 2) project organization and social participation—interest-related parties, such as governments, enterprises, social groups and individuals, are engaged in a heated argument in the fair discussion mechanism, and finally obtain a mutually compromised satisfactory result; meanwhile, issues involving the regional interest coordination are also discussed; 3) scheme implementation: the reuse planning finally determined through discussion is entrusted to specific project implementation organization, and supervision mechanism shall be established[10].
5 Epilogue
In Germany, classic cases of mining area transformation also include IBA projects, i.e. Fürst Pückler Land, Emscher Park, Lausitz lake area project, etc. Each project has its own characteristics and requires special planning and discussion,thereby coordinating the environmental protection,economic development and social justice issues in a better way. It shows that ecological reclamation and reuse of mining area is a very complex system project, it not only requires professional ecological reclamation technology, but also asks for law and system management frame as well as the planned process ensuring social participation and smooth operation; moreover, reclamation and reuse shall also be considered under the general regional background. This paper introduces work contents in four aspects, comprehensively responding to the above problems, and it has great significance on realizing the ecological reclamation and reasonable reuse of mining area, facilitating regional sustainable development and obtaining maximum comprehensive benefits.
Curing the Earth Surface Skin — Theories and Practices of Ecological Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Areas in Germany
(Germany) Hans-Joachim Mader, KONG Dong-yi, CUI Qing-wei*
In the background of resource crisis and global urbanization process nowadays, the mining lands are just like the scars of earth skin and need careful curing by human beings. As one of the most developed industrial capitalist country in the world, Germany has accumulated rich experience in the field of restoration and regeneration of mining areas, and has made remarkable achievements. This paper introduces some general ideas and operating methods of mining lands’ ecological restoration and reclamation practices in Germany, in hope of providing some references in the managing, planning, designing and engineering practices in China.Based on the main procedure and working content, this paper will introduce the following four aspects: problems assessment& institutional arrangement, legal basis &planning procedure, reclaiming technologies & natural process, social participation & function conversion.
Germany; planning procedure; reclamation technology; social participation; reuse
TU 986
Fund Items:Beijing Forestry University Science & Technology Innovation Plan-2015 New Teacher’s Research Start-up Fund Project (No. BLX2015-35); Beijing Joint Construction Special Project Co-finance
(德)汉斯-约阿希姆 马德尔/1944年生/男/海德堡大学生物学博士,生态学家,环境评论家/ 勃兰登堡州环境部空间规划及自然保护局前局长,勃兰登堡州自然保护基金会前主席,国际退休专家委员会“环境高级顾问”
(Germany) Hans-Joachim Mader, who was born in 1944,is doctor of biology at the University of Heidelberg, and an ecologist, environmental commentator. He is former director of Department of Spatial Planning & Natural Protection in Brandenburg Ministry of Environment, former chairmanof Brandenburg State Conservation Foundation, senior advisor of the International Rescue Expert Committee (SES).
KONG Dong-yi, who was born in 1981 in Luoyang, Henan province, is a Ph.D. candidate of urbanization studies at Bauhaus University Weimar, main-editor of “Youth Landscape Architecture” NPO Organization. His research focuses on cultural landscape.
邮箱(Corresponding author Email):qingweicui@bjfu.edu.cn
CUI Qing-wei, who was born in 1985 in Dongming, Shandong province, holding doctor degree, is an assistant professor in the School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University. His research focuses on mining landscape and landscape architectural planning and design theory (Beijing 100083).
(编辑 / 任京燕)