
2017-11-01 09:10崔庆伟
风景园林 2017年8期



在人们的普遍印象中,矿区是一些破败荒凉、混乱不堪并充满危险的地方。然而当许多人亲眼目睹了峭壁嶙峋的矿石深坑、连绵高耸的尾矿料堆以及沧桑虬劲的机械构筑,内心却往往为之震撼——这些遭受破坏的土地形成了特殊的场地肌理,其显现出来的巨大空间尺度与孤寂荒凉气氛能够给人以强烈深沉的特殊感受,并蕴含着工业废墟、荒野自然甚至如画风景一般的丰富美学特性。也正基于此,诸如罗伯特·史密森(Robert Smithson)、罗伯特·莫里斯(Robert Morris)和赫尔曼·普瑞戈恩(Herman Prigann)等大地艺术家赋予废弃矿区以艺术内涵,而以彼得·拉茨(Peter Latz)为代表的一批风景园林师更是开启了新的后工业景观设计语汇。20世纪八九十年代以来,德国在鲁尔工业区和萨克森州褐煤矿区开展了大量工矿废弃地修复再生实践,并尝试通过举办建筑展、花园展以及大型公园项目有效改善自然环境,促进经济复兴与提升城市活力。诸如波鸿西园、盖尔森基兴市北星公园以及海尔布隆市砖瓦厂公园等经典作品都极大程度地尊重了采矿工业遗迹,并充分利用人为扰动的复杂地形创造出兼顾公众休闲、文化记忆与生态修复的后矿业景观。








Remediation and Landscape Reclamation of Mining Areas

The development of human civilization is inseparable from the coal, metal, stone and other mineral resources, but also inevitably causes various interference on the natural environment and social life. China is a mining power, and all types of mining areas and waste lands have become a common component of China’s surface,forming a very unique landscape type.

In people’s general impression, the mining area is somewhat a dilapidated, chaotic and dangerous place. However, when many people witness the cliffs of rugged ore pits, the towering tailing piles and the vicissitudes of mechanical constructions, their hearts are often shocked—these damaged lands form a special site texture, and their great spatial scales and the lonely desolate atmosphere can give people a strong and deep special feeling, and contains abundant aesthetic features of industrial ruins, wilderness nature and picturesque landscape. It is also based on this that the earth artists such as Robert Smithson, Robert Morris and Herman Prigann gave abandoned mining areas with artistic connotation,and a group of landscape architects represented by Peter Latz opened the new post-industrial landscape design vocabulary. Since the 1980s and 1990s, Germany has carried out a large number of industrial and industrial wasteland restoration and rehabilitation practices in the Ruhr Industrial Zone and the Saxon Lignite Mine Area. It has attempted to improve the natural environment and promote economic revitalization by organizing construction exhibitions, garden exhibitions and large park projects, to enhance the vitality of city. The classic works including the Customs Union, Bochum West Park, North Star Park in Gelsenkirchen City, and the Brick Factory Park in Haier Blooming City at a great degree respected the mining industry remains, made full use of the artificial disturbed complex terrain to create the post-mining landscape which took into account public leisure, cultural memory and ecological restoration.

Among them, the ecological restoration is undoubtedly the most important work in the mining area landscape reconstruction.Relying on the strong self-healing ability of the nature, many abandoned mining areas are often able to gradually restore into the new animal and plant community system. It is particularly good in areas where hydrothermal conditions are better. For example, the 12th China International Garden Expo Garden Park (to be held in Nanning, Guangxi), intends to retain nearly 10 mechanisms of gravel mine and transform it into a pit garden. In the 40m deep pit with the largest area, the water level has risen rapidly close to the surface position since the mining was stopped from last summer,while several nearby mining pits abandoned longer ago has long formed lakes and shrubs with lush vegetation. These remoted pits and caves are long abandoned, and have become active places for hares, frogs, snakes, lizards and various insects.

Of course, not all mining areas are so thriving, and many mining waste lands are still facing with serious environmental pollution and ecological damage: the pit land with the topsoil stripped is extremely poor, waste rock slag is easy to cause soil erosion,no grass can grow on coal gangue due to the acid geotechnical conditions, and the remaining tailings after melting cause a variety of heavy metal pollution to the soil and water… When these damage and pollution go beyond the anti-interference limit that the land can withstand, the nature cannot carry out self-recovery,and it will deteriorate without human intervention. Because of this,domestic and foreign mining area restoration practices are very focused on the application of arti fi cial repair means. In the present days with the vigorous development of the green industry, a large number of ecological restoration enterprises have also emerged in China. They introduce, develop, test and promote various engineering and technical measures, involving soil improvement,heavy metal control, slope greening, disaster prevention and control and other fields. The artificial restoration eliminates site pollution and reconstructs ecosystems through physical, chemical and biological pathways, but also greatly changes the landscape pattern of the mining area, resulting in damage to many habitat resources with potential use values and natural restoration. Because of this, the current status of excessively high arti fi cial intervention restoration project is also questioned by ecology, heritage protection, landscape architecture and other disciplines…

With the slowdown in economic growth and urbanization process, China has more and more mining waste lands. How to rebuild healthy ecosystems, expand land use, and promote sustainable economic development has became the current biggest problem for mining area restoration and landscape regeneration.In this regard, people may need to establish a more comprehensive landscape awareness and value judgment on the mining land, and tap its rich cultural and ecological connotation. In addition to the conventional construction and land reclamation, we should also make full use of the unique industrial heritage, scenic experience and habitat conditions, to create greater comprehensive benefits.And this requires a reasonable and efficient balance between natural recovery and arti fi cial restoration measures, and also need to organize land resources management, urban and rural planning,landscape architecture, architecture, art, heritage protection and many other professionals work together!

In recent years, the study and practice fields of landscape architecture research continue to expand—from the simple creation of the aesthetic third nature to the protection, repair,change and integration of the more extensive natural system, and the waste mining area as a typical fourth nature is an important component of this expansion. The theme topic of the current issue “Remediation and Landscape Reclamation of Mining Areas”is to promote the communication and exchange between different professions. It will not only help landscape architects to learn more ecological restoration ideas and technology, help them to carry out more in-depth cooperation with geological engineering,environmental science, soil and water conservation and ecological protection and other professions, but also hope that we can have indepth thinking of the disciplines’ own strengths and disadvantages,as well as what kind of wisdom and strength we can contribute to mining area restoration and landscape regeneration.

With our feet on the reality and dream in mind, in the face of the increasing damaged nature and mining land in and out of city,we still have a long way to go…

Translator: WANG Hui Proofreader: WANG Xi-yue

Acquiring editor of the current issue: CUI Qing-wei August 17th, 2017
