
2017-11-01 22:51:14臧利国赵又群孙海燕尹荣栋
农业工程学报 2017年19期

臧利国,赵又群,孙海燕,尹荣栋,林 棻


臧利国1,2,赵又群2※,孙海燕1,尹荣栋1,林 棻2

(1. 南京工程学院汽车与轨道交通学院,南京 211167;2. 南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院,南京 210016)

为研究重要承载部件损伤对非充气弹性车轮性能的影响,对单组铰链组断裂前后的车轮进行了性能对比试验。采用拆除单组铰链组的方法模拟断裂损伤失效,基于台架试验对损伤前后车轮的负荷特性、接地压力分布特性及模态试验等进行了对比。结果表明:铰链组断裂损伤对车轮负荷特性的影响表现为径向刚度的下降,且与损伤所在车轮的位置有关。当损伤分别位于水平和竖直位置时,铰链组断裂损伤车轮的平均径向刚度较无损伤车轮的数值分别下降25%和35%;在相同垂向载荷作用下,铰链组断裂损伤对车轮接地压力分布的影响表现为接地印迹长度和接地面积的增大,垂向载荷为7 262 N时,损伤车轮的接地印迹长度较无损伤车轮的数值增大15%,接地印迹宽度没有变化,接地面积增大;整体上无损伤车轮的固有频率大于铰链组断裂损伤车轮对应的固有频率,大多数阻尼系数小于含有铰链组断裂损伤车轮对应的阻尼系数,节点的振型幅值大于相应的损伤车轮节点的振型幅值。该研究可为提高非充气弹性车轮的可靠性设计提供参考。


0 引 言





1 设备与方法

1.1 负荷特性及接地压力分布试验设备与方法


1. 顶板 2. 液压缸 3. 电源控制器 4. 压板 5. 侧板 6. 车轮 7. 液压站 8. 导向柱 9. 底板



1.2 模态试验设备与方法


图2 自由悬置模态试验原理示意图

模态试验所用的主要设备有西门子公司的LMS SCM205多通道数据采集系统、PCB 333B30加速度传感器(灵敏度为100 mV/g)、PCB 086C03力传感器(灵敏度为2.25 mV/N)。进行试验时将车轮自由悬置,在胎面中心线上均匀12个测点,并进行编号,在编号①、③和⑤的位置布置3个单向加速度传感器,采用移动力锤依次敲击12个测点进行径向激振,试验如图3所示。

a. 车轮 b. 仪器

采用LMS Test.Lab中的多参考点最小二乘复频域(Poly MAX)方法可识别高度密集模态,且对每一阶模态参数都有较高的识别精度,因此本试验采用Poly MAX模态分析方法进行模态参数识别和试数据处理。

在轮胎旋转过程中的振动激励主要来自于路面不平度和由轮胎质量或者刚度不均匀带来的激励,其中路面不平度对轮胎的激励能量主要集中在低频段。一般情况下在400 Hz以内可识别出轮胎的前10阶模态参数[31-32]。实际行驶过程中,前几阶模态就能反映轮胎的动态特性,综合轮胎动力学关心的频率范围和计算效率等因素[33],本次试验在LMS Test Lab 13A模态试验分析系统中设置频带为512 Hz,设置频率分辨率为0.83 Hz。

2 结果与分析

2.1 负荷特性试验




表1 铰链组断裂损伤前后非充气弹性车轮负荷特性试验

利用线性回归方法对铰链组断裂车轮的试验数据进行处理,得到静负荷特性曲线如图5所示。由图5可知在所施加负荷的范围内,无损伤车轮及不同方向铰链断裂的车轮静负荷特性曲线都近似为直线,直线斜率的倒数即为平均径向刚度。计算得到无损伤车轮的平均径向刚度为593.06 N/mm。编号1水平位置处铰链组断裂车轮的平均径向刚度值为443.2 N/mm,较无损伤车轮径向刚度值下降25%,编号4竖直位置处铰链组断裂车轮的平均径向刚度值为385.4 N/mm,较无损伤车轮径向刚度值下降35%。编号1处的铰链组断裂车轮的平均径向刚度值大于编号4处的铰链组断裂车轮的平均径向刚度值。


图5 铰链组断裂损伤前后非充气弹性车轮负荷特性曲线

2.2 接地压力分布试验


同样可得到铰链组断裂损伤在水平位置时车轮的接地压力分布,如图6e-6h所示。由图6e-6h可知此时的接地压力分布规律与6a-6d类似。测量图6a和图6e中接地印迹形状可知,在7 262 N的负荷作用下,无损伤车轮的接地印迹长度为120 mm,铰链组断裂损伤车轮的接地印迹长度增大至138 mm,增大15%,接地印迹宽度没有变化,均为285 mm;无损伤车轮的接地面积为34 200 mm2,铰链组断裂损伤车轮的接地面积增大至39 330 mm2。

a. F=7 262 N,无损伤车轮 a. F=7 262 N, Non-damage wheelb. F=13 492 N,无损伤车轮 b. F=13 492 N, Non-damage wheelc. F=19 722 N,无损伤车轮 c. F=19 722 N, Non-damage wheeld. F=26 201 N,无损伤车轮 d. F=26 201 N, Non-damage wheel e. F=7 262 N,损伤车轮 e. F=7 262 N, Damaged wheelf. F=13 554 N,损伤车轮 f. F=13 554 N, Damaged wheelg. F=16 607 N,损伤车轮 g. F=16 607 N, Damaged wheelh. F=22 993 N,损伤车轮 h. F=22 993 N, Damaged wheel

2.3 模态试验



表2 铰链组断裂损伤前后车轮模态试验数据

a.无损伤车轮1阶振型 a. First-order mode of non-damage wheelb. 无损伤车轮2阶振型 b. Second-order mode of non-damage wheelc. 无损伤车轮3阶振型 c. Third-order mode of non-damage wheeld. 无损伤车轮4阶振型 d. Fourth-order mode of non-damage wheel e.损伤车轮1阶振型 e. First-order mode of damaged wheelf. 损伤车轮2阶振型 f. Second-order mode of damaged wheelg. 损伤车轮3阶振型 g. Third-order mode of damaged wheelh. 损伤车轮4阶振型 h. Fourth-order mode of damaged wheel

图7 铰链组断裂损伤前后非气充式弹性车轮1-4阶振型

Fig.7 Vibration modes of first-order to fourth-order of non-pneumatic elastic wheel before and after hinge group fracture

3 结 论


2)铰链组断裂损伤对车轮接地压力分布特性的影响表现为接地印迹和接地面积的变化。在相同载荷作用下,铰链组断裂损伤车轮的接地印迹长度和接地面积增大。垂向载荷为7 262 N时,损伤车轮的接地印迹长度较无损伤车轮的数值增大15%,接地印迹宽度没有变化,接地面积增大。


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臧利国,赵又群,孙海燕,尹荣栋,林 棻. 铰链组局部损伤的非充气弹性车轮负荷接地及固有特性[J].农业工程学报,2017,33(19):102-107. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.19.013 http://www.tcsae.org

Zang Liguo, Zhao Youqun, Sun Haiyan, Yin Rongdong, Lin Fen. Load, contact behavior and natural characteristics of non-pneumatic elastic wheel with local damage hinge group[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(19): 102-107. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.19.013 http://www.tcsae.org

Load, contact behavior andnatural characteristics of non-pneumatic elastic wheel with local damage hinge group

Zang Liguo1,2, Zhao Youqun2※, Sun Haiyan1, Yin Rongdong1, Lin Fen2

(1.211167,; 2.210016,)

The conventional pneumatic tires have disadvantages in terms of puncture, blowout at high speed, pressure maintenance, and so on. Due to these structural inevitable weaknesses, non-pneumatic tires have been developed and are being investigated. A new non-pneumatic elastic wheel was proposed and studied to solve these problems. As an important bearing member of the non-pneumatic elastic wheel, the force of hinge group is very complex and it has a significant effect on the performance of the wheel. However, in the complex off-road driving, the hinge group has to withstand complex random load and impact load, and inevitably there will be damage failure. In order to explore the performance change of the wheel after the failure of the important bearing parts, it is necessary to study the influence of the hinge group with local damage on the performance of the non-inflated elastic wheel. In this paper, an experimental study on basic characteristics of non-pneumatic elastic wheel with local hinge group fracture damage was conducted in order to enhance the reliability. Based on tire characteristic test-bed, the tests on basic characteristics of static radical stiffness and contact behavior as well as the modal test were conducted. The wheel with local damage, one hinge group of which was disassembled, was used to simulate hinge group fracture condition in this paper. The results show that the effect of the hinge group fracture damage on the wheel load characteristics is the decrease of the radial stiffness, and it is also related to the damage position on the non-pneumatic elastic wheel. The radial stiffness of non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel is 593.06 N/mm, and the corresponding values of the non-pneumatic elastic wheel with fractured hinge group on horizontal position and vertical position are 443.2 and 385.4 N/mm, respectively. Compared with non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel, the numerical value of radial stiffness is reduced by 25% and 35% respectively on horizontal position and vertical position when the fractured hinge group is installed. That is to say the consistency of radial stiffness and deformation uniformity get worse for the wheel with local damage, so the poor performance of riding comfort of non-pneumatic elastic wheel appears. The influence of the hinge group fracture damage on the grounding pressure distribution is the change of grounded imprinting length and grounded area. Under the same vertical load, these 2 indicators of the non-pneumatic elastic wheel with fractured hinge group increase compared with non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel. When the vertical load is 7 262 N, the imprinting length of the non-pneumatic elastic wheel with fractured hinge group on horizontal position is 138 mm, and the numerical value of non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel is 120 mm. The ground imprinting length of the damaged wheel is increased by 15% compared with that of the non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel. The grounded imprinting width does not change, and the value remains at 285 mm. As a result, the total grounded area of the damaged wheel also increases. The area of the non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel is 34 200 mm2, and the area of damaged wheel increases to 39 330 mm2. The contact length and area of the wheel with local damage are greater than corresponding values of the non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel under the same load. The influence of the hinge group fracture damage on the wheel modal test is the change of the natural frequency, the damping coefficient and the modal shape. In addition to a few orders, the natural frequency of non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel is greater than that of non-pneumatic elastic wheel with local damage hinge group, and the damping coefficient of the most of non-damaged non-pneumatic elastic wheel is less than that of non-pneumatic elastic wheel with local damage hinge group. The value of the amplitude of modes gets smaller for the non-pneumatic elastic wheel with local damage hinge group.

vehicles; tires; wheels; local damage; load characteristic; contact behavior; modaltest








臧利国,山东菏泽人,讲师,博士,主要从事车辆系统动力学的研究。南京 南京工程学院汽车与轨道交通学院,211167。 Email:zangliguo1102503@ nuaa.edu.cn

※通信作者:赵又群,河北秦皇岛人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事车辆系统动力学的研究。南京 南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院,210016。Email:yqzhao@nuaa.edu.cn

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