目的探讨磁共振弥散峰度成像技术(diffusion kurtosis imaging,DKI)对急性脑梗死半暗带诊断、病情严重度判断、疗效观察的临床价值。材料与方法急性脑梗死43例,分为三组:超急性期(13例)、急性期(14例)、亚急性期(16例),行头颅MRI、DTI、DKI、T2-FLAIR扫描,测量MK、MD图的病灶面积及MK、MD值,以病灶对侧正常镜像区作为对照,经对比及分析后,进行统计学分析。结果(1)三组MK图异常信号区表现为不均匀、边缘清晰的高信号,MD图异常信号区则相反。(2)三组病灶区MK值升高、MD值下降与镜像区比较有显著性差异。(3)三组MK图病灶面积明显小于MD图。二者重叠部分为匹配区,非重叠部分为不匹配区。不匹配区出现率:超急性期组86.4%,急性期组92.8%,亚急性期组75%。(4)三组病灶区∆MK明显大于∆MD。(5)三组病灶侧匹配区的MK、MD值和∆MK、∆MD变化明显大于不匹配区。(6)三组MK、MD面积和MK、MD值与脑梗死病情严重程度(NIHSS评分)呈显著正相关和正相关。(7) 14例复查T2-FLAIR病灶:①同首次MK图比较:10例基本一致,提示疗效佳,4例明显变大,提示疗效差;②与首次MD图比较:10例变小,提示疗效佳,2例基本一致,提示稳定,2例明显变大,提示效果差。结论DKI可显示急性脑梗死坏死区和缺血区,对半暗带有诊断价值;能评估病情严重程度;动态监测可评价治疗效果。
目前,脑血管疾病已成为威胁人类健康的三大疾病之一[1]。脑梗死发病率占全部脑血管病的75%,急性脑梗死占急性脑血管疾病的60%~80%[2]。最关键而有效的治疗在于有效治疗时间窗内早期溶栓治疗,尽早恢复缺血半暗带(ischemia penumbra,IP)脑组织的供血。不同的研究结果显示IP存在的时间长短不一:有认为缺血后3~6 h[3],最近有研究可达到24 h,甚至48 h[4-7]。很多在睡眠中起病或无法确定起病的具体时间。因此应用缺血半暗带的影像学改变指导超时间窗的溶栓治疗已经成为临床研究热点。
弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)的参数平均弥散系数(mean diffusivity,MD)反映组织细胞毒性水肿的范围,显示脑梗死缺血的范围;弥散峰度成像(diffusion kurtosis imaging,DKI)的参数平均峰度(mean kurtosis,MK)则对细胞内细胞骨架结构的崩裂与线粒体水肿敏感,显示坏死的区域。恢复期T2-FLAIR异常信号区代表脑梗死的最终坏死区。本研究对急性脑梗死患者进行DTI、DKI、T2-FLAIR联合检查,为半暗带的诊断、病情评估、疗效判断提供客观依据。
搜集2014年10月至2015年12月在汕头大学医学院第二附属医院神经内科住院治疗的急性脑梗死患者43例,平均年龄63.9岁。其中男26例,平均年龄63.9岁;女17例,平均年龄64岁。记录患者姓名、性别、年龄、发病时间、是否吸烟、合并有高血压和糖尿病及心脏病等脑梗死危险因素、入出院时的美国国立卫生研究院脑卒中量表评分(National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale,NIHSS)。
纳入标准:(1)符合2010年中国急性缺血性脑卒中诊治指南中缺血性脑卒中的诊断标准[2]:①急性起病;②局灶性神经功能缺损,少数为全面神经功能缺损;③症状和体征持续24 h以上;④排除非血管性脑部病变;⑤头颅CT或磁共振排除脑出血和其他病变,有责任缺血灶。(2)常规MRI及DWI检查明确为急性脑梗死。(3)首发急性脑梗死,可有陈旧性腔隙性脑梗死。(4)发病时间≤72 h。排除标准:(1)头颅CT和(或)MRI检查有脑出血、颅内感染、占位性病变、脑变性疾病、脑外伤等其他颅脑疾病;(2)合并非神经系统的严重疾病,如心肺肝肾功能衰竭、血液系统疾病、严重电解质紊乱等;(3)发病时间大于72 h;(4)发病1个月复查发现首次脑梗死部位附近有新(再)发脑梗死者(影响T2-FLIAR检测结果)。分组:根据患者发病时间[8],分为超急性期组(发病时间≤6 h)13例、急性期组(发病时间>6 h≤24 h)14例、亚急性期组(发病时间>24 h≤72 h) 16例。14例(超急性期组6例、急性期组4例、亚急性期组4例)患者到发病1个月时(恢复期)复查头颅磁共振T2-FLIAR。
所有患者发病后均行头颅CT检查,排除脑出血;在发病72 h内均行头颅T1WI、T2WI等常规序列扫描及DWI、DTI、DKI检查。14例发病1个月时做T2-FLAIR检查。
采用美国通用公司(GE)生产的Signa Excite HDxT 3.0 T磁共振机,用标准8通道头线圈作发射及接收线圈。
(1)常规MR扫描序列及参数:常规MR扫描包括轴面T1WI、T2WI、矢状面T2WI。扫描参数:常规SE序列T1-FLAIR (TR 2162 ms,TE 20.6 ms),矩阵320×256,FOV 240 mm×180 mm,层厚7 mm,层距1.5 mm;T2-FLAIR (TR 4420 ms,TE 112.1 ms),矩阵384×256,FOV 240 mm×180 mm,层厚7 mm,层距1.5 mm。(2) DWI序列及参数:采用SE-EPI序列,TR 6000 ms,TE 98.6 ms,矩阵128×128,FOV 240 mm×240 mm,层厚7 mm,层距1.5 mm,共30层,NEX为2。(3) DTI、DKI扫描:采用梯度回波单次激发的回波平面成像序列(GRE-EPI序列),层厚:5 mm,间隔:0.5 mm,TR 4500 ms,TE 98.6 ms,FOV 240 mm×240 mm,矩阵128×128,体素大小为2 mm×2 mm×3 mm,进行DKI扫描,扫描层数18层,NEX为1,扫描时间3 min 5 s,扩散敏感梯度场施加的方向为15个,每个方向的b值均有三个值(0、1000、2000 s/mm2)。DKI扫描同时获得DTI的MD和MK图像及数值。图像面积单位:mm2,MD值的单位为μm2/ms。(4) T2-FLAIR扫描:采用FLAIR Fast序列,TR 8602 ms,TE 122 ms,矩阵为288×160,FOV 240 mm×240 mm,层厚7 mm,层间距1.5 mm。
将扫描的DKI 序列原始DICOM 数据传输至在GE ADW4.6工作站,使用GE 医疗集团提供的Functool 9软件包的处理软件进行图像处理。(1)选择基底节层面进行阈值设定,设定以保留最高信噪比为原则,设定上限达到尽量保留全脑实质范围并去除非脑组织,下限刚好消除背景噪声;(2)填上MR 扫描的参数b (0,1000,2000 s/mm2)及b0的数目后,计算机自动计算生成DKI的MK参数图及DTI的MD参数图;(3)所有病例进行手绘感兴趣区(region of interest,ROI),多发病灶者选择大面积的病灶。测量时注意尽量避开脑沟、脑室区域。根据扫描MK图、MD图信号异常区的实际面积(mm2)大小,将MK图信号异常区与MD图信号异常区的重叠部位设为匹配区,不重叠部位设为不匹配区,采用ROI法。分别测量病灶侧匹配区和不匹配区以及对侧与病灶相对应的镜像区(包括匹配区和不匹配)的MK值和MD值(分别测量3次、取平均值)。记录首次MK和MD图像上异常信号区域面积(mm2)、MK值和MD值(μm2/ms)、∆MK和∆MD*;14例发病1个月时复查T2-FLAIR异常信号面积(mm2)。根据各参量的均值,计算脑梗死区域各变量的变化率。*∆MK、∆MD为MK及MD值的变化幅度,其计算公式:参量变化率=|X病灶侧-X镜像侧|/X镜像侧×100%(X代表不同的扩散参量)。
面积的测量:使用GE ADW4.6工作站及GE 医疗集团提供的Functool 9软件包的面积测量工具对MD图、MK图及T2-FLAIR图中病灶的异常信号区进行人工勾画、测量面积。具体操作是:由2名主治资格以上的影像科医师在单盲和标准窗宽窗位下勾画、测量MRI参数图的异常信号面积,然后取两者平均值作为最终数据。
应用SPSS 22.0进行统计分析。(1)病灶区与镜像区MK值和MD值的比较、病灶匹配区与不匹配区的MK值和MD值的比较、病灶区MK面积与MD面积的比较、病灶匹配区与不匹配区∆MK(MK的变化幅度)和∆MD (MD的变化幅度)的比较、病灶区∆MK与∆MD的比较、复查T2-FLAIR病灶面积与首次MK病灶面积和MD病灶面积的比较均采用t检验。(2) MK病灶面积和MD病灶面积、病灶侧MK值升高和MD值下降与病情NIHSS评分的相关性采用Spearman相关分析。(3)以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
MK图病灶区面积(217.26±320.807) mm2明显小于MD图病灶区面积(398.21±586.762) mm2,P<0.01。大部分MK图病灶区小于MD图病灶区,MK图病灶区=MD图病灶区部分为匹配区,MD图病灶区大于MK图病灶区部分为不匹配区。不匹配区的出现率超急性期组86.4% (11/13)、急性期组92.8% (13/14)、亚急性期组75% (12/16)(图1,2)。
三组的病灶(匹配区和不匹配区) ∆MK与∆MD比较均有显著性差异(P值均<0.01;表2)。提示MK值异常幅度显著大于MD值异常幅度。
∆MK和∆MD与NIHSS评分呈正相关,r值分别为0.345和0.343,P值均<0.05;MK面积和MD面积与NIHSS评分呈显著正相关,r值分别为0.618和0.735,P值均<0.01。提示 ∆MK和∆MD、MK面积及MD面积能够呈现脑梗死病情的严重程度。
图1 女,81岁,发病5 h。A:MK图异常病灶区,为不均匀性高信号,边缘清晰;MK图病灶面积为832 mm2;MK面积明显小于MD,有明显不匹配区。B:MD图异常病灶区,为均匀低信号区,边缘模糊;MD图病灶面积为2361 mm2 图2 男,80岁,发病12 h。A:MD图病灶面积为91 mm2。B:MK图病灶面积为88 mm2。MK与MD面积基本相同,无明显不匹配区 图3 男,57岁,发病24 h。A:首次MD图异常面积为191 mm2。B:首次MK图异常面积为53 mm2。C:复查T2-FLAIR最终梗死面积为50 mm2。复查T2-FLAIR面积基本与首次MK面积相等,小于首次MD面积,提示梗死面积无增大,治疗效果好Fig. 1 A case of 81-year-old women, 5 hours from stroke onset. A: MK showed a hyperintense lesion with significant intense contrast different and clear boundary. The area of MK lesion was 832 mm2. The areas of MK lesion were much smaller than MD lesion, and there was significant MD/MK mismatch. B:MD showed a hypointense lesion without significant intense contrast different and fuzzy boundaries. The area of MD lesion was 2361 mm2. Fig. 2 A case of 80-year-old man, 12 hours from stroke onset. A: The area of MD lesion was 91 mm2. B: The area of MK lesion was 88 mm2. The areas of MK and MD lesions were similar, and there was no significant MD/MK mismatch. Fig. 3 A case of 57-year-old man, 24 hours from stroke onset. A: The area of MD lesion at the first visit was 191 mm2. B: The area of MK lesion at the first visit was 53 mm2. C: The area of T2-FLAIR at the final visit was 50 mm2. The areas of followup T2-FLAIR lesion and the MK lesion at the first visit were similar, and much smaller than MD lesion at the first visit. It suggested that no expansion of the original lesion and therapeutic effect was good.
图4 男,66岁,发病24 h。A:首次MD图异常面积为130 mm2。B:首次MK图异常面积为41 mm2。C:复查T2-FLAIR最终梗死面积为72 mm2。复查T2-FLAIR面积大于首次MK面积,小于首次 MD面积,提示梗死区增大(但未超过原来缺血区) 图5 女,50岁,发病8 h。A:首次MD图异常面积为75 mm2。B:首次MK图异常面积为42 mm2。C:复查T2-FLAIR最终梗死面积为93 mm2。复查T2-FLAIR面积大于首次MK面积,大于MD面积,提示最终梗死面积大于原来梗死区并增大到整个半暗带区以外,脑梗死病情进展Fig. 4 A case of 66-year-old man, 24 hours from stroke onset. A: The area of MD lesion at the first visit was 130 mm2. B: The area of MK lesion at the first visit was 41 mm2. C: The area of T2-FLAIR at the final visit was 72 mm2. The areas of follow-up T2-FLAIR lesion were bigger than the MK lesion at the first visit, and smaller than MD lesion at the first visit. It suggested that there was some expansion of the original lesion. Fig. 5 A case of 50-year-old women,8 hours from stroke onset. A: The area of MD lesion at the first visit was 75 mm2. B: The area of MK lesion at the first visit was 42 mm2. C: The area of T2-FLAIR at the final visit was 93 mm2. The areas of follow-up T2-FLAIR lesion were bigger than the MK and MD lesion at the first visit. It suggested that there was a significant expansion of the original lesion and associated with poor outcomes.
表1 病灶侧匹配区与不匹配区MK值和MD值的比较Tab. 1 Comparison of the MK value and the MD value of the lesion side matching area and the mismatched region
表2 各组MK变化幅度(∆MK)与MD变化幅度(∆MD)的比较Tab.2 Comparison of ∆MK and ∆MD of the groups
脑梗死实质是由于血管闭塞、脑血流量(cerebral blood flow,CBF)下降而引起的脑细胞形态和功能的改变甚至死亡。1977年Abtrup等[9]首次提缺血半暗带(ischemia penumbra,IP)的概念:即介于正常脑组织与梗死组织之间的局部低灌注、功能异常、结构保持完整,恢复正常血流后功能可恢复的区域。所以尽快恢复IP的血流供应,成为早期脑梗死治疗的主要手段。
表3 匹配区、不匹配区MK值和MD值的比较Tab.3 Comparison of the MK value and the MD value of the matching area and not matching area
表4 匹配区、不匹配区MK变化幅度(∆MK)与MD变化幅度(∆MD)的比较Tab.4 Comparison of ∆MK and ∆MD of the matching area and not matching area
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Clinical study of magnetic resonance diffusion kurtosis imaging technology on half dark with acute cerebral infarction diagnosis value
ZHANG Qin-cheng1, WANG Guang-wen2, GUO Yue-lin3, ZHENG Xiao-hong1, CHEN Wei1*
1Department of Neurology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical Academy of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China
2Department of Neurology, Maoming People's Hospital of Guangdong Province,Maoming 525000, China
3Department of Medical Imaging, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical Academy of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China
Objective:The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical value of diffusional kurtosis imaging on diagnosis, prognosis and observation of curative effect of ischemic penumbra.Materials and Methods:Forty-three patients were divided into superacute stage group (n=13), acute stage group (n=14) and subacute group (n=16). All the patients were examined with conventional MRI, DTI, DKI and T2-FLAIR, measured the area of abnormal signal of MK and MD maps. MK values and MD values of the corresponding parts of the mirror side were used as controls. These data were used for statistical analysis.Results:(1) The MD maps of our three groups in the lesion side showed relatively homogeneous low signal with fuzzy edge, in comparison, the MK maps showed heterogeneous high signal with clear edge. (2) In the lesion, the increase in the MK value, decrease in the MD value was different from that of the reference side (P<0.01). (3) The lesion area (mm2)in the MK map was obviously smaller than that in the MD map, with their difference being the mismatch area. The mismatch occurrence rate were 86.4%, 92.8%, 75.0%respectively in superacute, acute and subacute group. (4) ∆MK was apparently greater than ∆MD in the lesion. (5) MK, MD, ∆MK,∆MD value in the match area varied a lot more than that of the mismatch area. (6) The lesion area in the MK and MD map and the MK and MD value positively correlated to the severity of ischemia evaluated by NHISS. (7) Fourteen cases were followed up with T2-FLAIR: ① Compared with the primitive MK map: ten cases showed almost the same lesion area, indicating good curative effect, 4 cases showed severely enlarged lesion area, indicating poor clinical outcome. ② Compared with the primitive MD map:ten cases showed smaller lesion area, indicating good curative effect, 2 cases showed the same lesion area, indicating stable clinical state, 2 cases showed significantly enlarged lesion area, indicating poor clinical outcome. Conclusions: DKI was able to differentiate infarct and ischemic area separately in ischemia, and it played an important role in detecting penumbra. Moreover, it could be used to evaluate the severity of ischemia and the curative effect if the patients were followed up with this technique in the long term.
Intracranial embolism and thrombosis; Acute disease; Magnetic resonance imaging
1. 汕头大学医学院第二附属医院神经内科,汕头 515041
2. 广东省茂名市人民医院神经内科,茂名 525000
3. 汕头大学医学院第二附属医院影像科,汕头 515041
张钦城, 王广文, 郭岳霖, 等. 弥散峰度成像对急性脑梗死半暗带诊断价值的临床研究. 磁共振成像, 2017, 8(7):486-492.
*Correspondence to: Chen W, E-mail: chw7203@126.com
Received 12 Mar 2017, Accepted 6 June 2017