目的探讨腰椎终板Modic改变与相邻椎间盘退变的相关。材料与方法于66例腰椎结构和定量MR图像上,采用Pfirrmann分级半定量和测量椎间盘T2和T2*值定量评价椎间盘退变程度,比较腰椎终板Modic改变与椎间盘Pfirrmann评分、T2和T2*值的相关性。结果66例患者中,14例患者(21.2%)终板有19个椎间盘相邻的终板有Modic改变,包括2个椎间盘相邻的终板为Modic 1型改变,17个椎间盘相邻的终板为Modic 2型改变。正常终板、Modic 1型终板和Modic 2型终板相邻椎间盘的Pfirrmann评分分别为2.40±0.96、4.00±1.41和4.12±1.27,T2值分别为(95.38±51.88)、(70.50±36.06)和(58.65±38.47) ms,T2*值分别为(34.43±19.16)、(24.00±1.41)和(28.65±23.39) ms,差异均有统计学意义(P值分别为0.000、0.000和0.023)。Modic 2型终板相邻的椎体伴有严重的椎间盘退变(Pfirrmann评分升高,T2和T2*值降低),与正常终板相邻的椎间盘比较,差异具有统计学意义(P值分别为0.000、0.000和0.006)。结论腰椎终板Modic改变与相邻的椎间盘退变具有相关性,终板改变和椎间盘退变应作为腰椎退变的整体改变。
2015年3月至2015年6月间,75例因下腰痛患者在我院采用3.0 T MR扫描仪行结构和定量MR成像。2例患者MRI检出腰椎肿瘤并累及椎间盘,4例患者检查过程中未能很好配合,T2和T2*mapping序列图像伪影较多,1例患者有多个椎体融合改变,1例患者不能耐受额外T2和T2*mapping序列扫描,1例患者检出腰椎结核,共9例患者排除本研究,最终66例患者入选本研究。入选的66例患者中,男26例,女40例,年龄范围22~79岁(平均48.7岁)。全部患者检查前均签署书面知情同意书,医院伦理委员会同意本研究。
全部患者MRI检查采用32通道脊柱线圈,在Siemens Magnetom Skyro 3.0 T MR成像系统(Siemens Healthcare,Germany)进行。扫描方案见文献[7],扫描参数见表1。T2和T2*mapping 由在线商业软件MapIt (Siemens Healthcare,Germany)自动生成。
由1名有多年MRI读片经验的放射诊断医师在正中矢状面T2 map和T2*map上并参照正中矢状面T2WI手动绘制尽可能包含髓核和内层纤维环的感兴趣区(region of interest,ROI)测量椎间盘的T2和T2*值。由2名有多年MRI读片经验的放射诊断医师在不知道椎间盘的T2和T2*值的情况下,基于矢状面T2加权图像对腰椎椎间盘进行Pfirrmann分级。Pfirrmann分级标准为:Ⅰ级,椎间盘为均匀高信号;Ⅱ级,椎间盘信号不均匀伴或不伴水平低信号带;Ⅲ级,椎间盘呈不均匀灰信号,高度正常或轻度降低,纤维环和髓核分界不清;Ⅳ级,椎间盘为不均匀灰信号,高度正常或中度降低,髓核和纤维环界限消失;Ⅴ级,椎间盘为黑信号并且塌陷[8]。根据矢状面T1WI和T2WI终板信号改变分为4型:Modic 0型(即正常终板),T1WI和T2WI无异常信号;Modic 1型,T1WI低信号,T2WI高信号;Modic 2型,T1WI和T2WI均为高信号;Modic 3型,T1WI和T2WI均为低信号[9]。
采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验比较腰椎终板改变间相邻椎间盘Pfirrmann评分差异。如差异有统计学意义,采用Mann-Whitney U检验行两两比较。统计软件采用IBM SPSS Statistics 24,P<0.05认为有统计学意义。
全部66例患者中,14例患者(21.2%)有19个椎间盘相邻的终板有Modic改变(34.8%),其中3例患者有2个椎间盘相邻的终板有Modic改变,1例患者有3个椎间盘相邻的终板伴有Modic改变,无一例患者有3个以上的椎间盘相邻的终板伴有Modic改变。19个椎间盘相邻终板Modic 改变中1型2个,2型17个,3型0个。330个椎间盘的相邻的终板Modic 改变与Pfirrmann评分、T2和T2*值见表2,不同Modic改变的相邻椎间盘Pfirrmann评分、T2和T2*值间差异存在统计学意义。由于与Modic 1型终板相邻的椎间盘仅2个和无Modic 3型终板,故未对这两型进行统计学处理。与正常终板(Modic 0型)相邻椎间盘比较,Modic 2型改变终板相邻的椎间盘的Pfirrmann评分升高、T2和T2*值下降(图1,2),差异有统计学意义(z值分别为5.436,4.328,2.754;P值分别为0.000,0.000,0.006)。
表1 T2和T2* mapping扫描参数Tab. 1 Parameters of T2 and T2* mapping
表2 终板Modic改变与相邻椎间盘Pfirrmann评分、T2和T2*值相关性Tab. 2 Association of endplate Modic changes with Pfirrmann scores, T2 and T2* values of the adjacent interveterbral discs
与膝关节的软骨、软骨下骨、周围韧带和肌肉作为一个整体维系膝关节的功能处于一个动态变化一样,脊柱关节的椎间盘、终板和脊旁肌也作为一个整体处于一个相互影响的动态变化中。椎间盘作为承载人体轴向压力椎体关节的纤维软骨,特别是下腰椎的椎间盘,而且缺乏血管,营养主要靠终板弥散,因此较早出现退变[12-13]。退变的椎间盘2型胶原纤维含量增加和含水量降低,同时髓核的蛋白多糖降低,这样椎间盘的纤维含量增加,而且失去结构[12]。退变的椎间盘失去其应有的结构和功能,使椎体关节稳定性降低和缓冲轴向压力的能力降低,从而终板和脊旁肌受力增加,因此,退变的椎间盘也会使邻近的终板退变加剧。Modic等[9]根据椎体终板在MRI信号改变将终板分为3型。对照组织病理学改变,Modic 1型改变终板出现裂隙,邻近的骨髓内出现带血管的纤维组织,从而使得T1和T2延长;Modic 2型改变代表终板黄骨髓化,从而使得T1缩短和T2延长;Modic 3型改变代表骨质硬化,T1 和T2均缩短[13]。终板退变降低弥散,使椎间盘获得的营养减少,进而会加剧椎间盘退变。本研究结果也验证这一假设,终板Modic改变与椎间盘Pfirrmann评分、T2和T2*值有相关性,其中Modic 2型终板伴有椎间盘Pfirrmann评分升高、T2和T2*值降低,说明椎体终板改变常伴有或加剧相邻椎间盘退变。虽然有文献报道终板Modic改变与椎间盘Pfirrmann评分有相关性[6,14],但据笔者所知,终板Modic改变与椎间盘T2和T2*值相关性尚未见相关报道,因此,本研究为首次报道Modic改变与椎间盘T2和T2*值有相关性。
图1 男,35岁,L4终板Modic 1型改变。A:矢状面T2WI示L4椎体下缘终板斑片状高信号灶(箭)。B:矢状面T1WI示L4椎体下缘终板相应部位呈低信号(箭)改变。C:矢状面T2 map示L4-5椎间盘T2值降低(箭)(T2值:L1-2,150 ms;L2-3,140 ms;L3-4,99 ms;L4-5,53 ms;L5-S1,52 ms)。D:矢状面T2* map示L4-5椎间盘T2值降低(箭)(T2*值:L1-2,26 ms;L2-3,23 ms;L3-4,29 ms;L4-5,19 ms;L5-S1,21 ms)图2 男,49岁,L5和S1终板Modic 2型改变。A:矢状面T2WI显示L5椎体上缘终板长条状高信号灶(长箭)和S1上缘终板短条状高信号灶(短箭)。B:矢状面T1WI 终板相应部位呈高信号改变(长箭和短箭)。C:矢状面T2 map显示L4-5(长箭)和L5-S1(短箭)椎间盘T2值降低(T2值:L1-2,122 ms;L2-3,148 ms;L3-4,151 ms;L4-5,76 ms;L5-S1,51 ms)。D:矢状面T2* map显示L4-5 (长箭)和L5-S1 (短箭)椎间盘T2值降低(T2*值:L1-2,29 ms;L2-3,28 ms;L3-4,58 ms;L4-5,26 ms;L5-S1,25 ms)Fig. 1 A 35-year-old man with Modic type 1 change at the endplate of L4. A: Sagital T2WI shows that there is patch of high signal (arrow) at the lower endplate of L4. B: Sagital T1WI shows that it is of hypointense (arrow). C: Sagital T2 map demonstrates that the T2 values of L4-5 disc are decreased (arrow)(T2 values: L1-2, 150 ms. L2-3, 140 ms. L3-4, 99 ms. L4-5, 53 ms. L5-S1, 52 ms). D: Sagital T2* map shows the T2* values of L4-5 disc are decreased also(arrow) (T2* values: L1-2, 26 ms. L2-3, 23 ms. L3-4, 29ms. L4-5, 19 ms. L5-S1, 21 ms). Fig. 2 A 49-year-old man with Modic type 2 change at the endplates of L5 and S1. A: Sagital T2WI shows a hyperintense long strip (long arrow) at the upper endplate of L5 and a hyperintense short strip (short arrow) at the upper endplate of S1. B: Sagital T1WI shows that they are of hyperintense (long arrow and short arrow). C: Sagital T2 map reveals that the T2 values of L4-5 (long arrow) and L5-S1 (short arrow) discs are decreased (T2 values: L1-2, 122 ms. L2-3, 148 ms. L3-4, 151 ms. L4-5, 76 ms. L5-S1, 51 ms). D: Sagital T2* map shows the T2* values of L4-5 (long arrow) and L5-S1 (short arrow) discs (T2* values: L1-2, 29 ms. L2-3, 28 ms. L3-4, 58 ms. L4-5, 26 ms. L5-S1, 25 ms).
综上所述,本研究通过比较腰椎终板Modic改变与椎间盘退变的结构和定量MRI的相关性,结果表明,腰椎终板改变与椎间盘退变具有相关性,Modic 2型改变的终板相邻的椎间盘退变严重。腰椎终板改变可能是腰椎作为一个“整体-器官”在发生退变时的征象之一。在评价下腰痛患者MRI时,终板和椎间盘改变都应引起放射诊断医师的重视。
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Quantitative MR imaging study of association between lumbar vertebral endplate Modic changes and intervertebral disc degeneration
GONG Jing-shan, MEI Dong-dong, ZHU Jin, ZHOU Yang-yang
Department of Radiology, Shenzhen People’s Hospital, the Second Clinical Medical College of Jinan University, Shenzhen 518020, China
Objective:To investigate the relationship between vertebral endplate Modical changes and adjacent intervertebral disc degeneration.Materials and Methods:Lumbar structure and quantitative MR images of 66 patients were retrospectively analyzed. Disc degeneration was semi-quantitatively assessed using Pfirrmann grading system and quantitatively assessed using T2 and T2*values.Association between Pfirrmann scores, T2 and T2*values of intervertebral discs with adjacent endplate Modic changes was analyzed.Results:Nineteen intervertebral discs with adjacent endplate Modic changes were detected in fourteen patients (14/66,21.2%), which included 2 discs with Modic type 1 changes and 17 discs with type 2 changes. Pfirrmann scores of the discs adjacent to normal endplates, Modic type 1 endplates and Modic type 2 endplates were 2.40±0.96、4±1.41 and 4.12±1.27,respectively. T2 values were (95.38±51.88) ms, (70.50±36.06) ms and (58.65±38.47) ms. T2*values were (34.43±19.16) ms, (24.00±1.41) ms and (28.65±23.00) ms.The differences of disc Pfirrmann scores, T2 and T2*values among different endplate changes were statistical significant withPvalues of 0.000, 0.000 and 0.023,respectively. Comparing to discs adjacent to normal endplates, discs adjacent to Modic type 2 endplates had severe degeneration with increased Pfirrmann scores and decreased T2 and T2*values. The differences were statistical significant (Pvalues were 0.000, 0.000 and 0.006, respectively).Conclusions:Modic changes of vertebral endplate are associated with adjacent intervertebral disc degeneration. Both of them should be regarded as a facet of the "whole-organ" pathologic conditions in the procession of spinal degeneration.
Intervertebral disc degeneration; Lumbar vertebrae; Magnetic resonance imaging
深圳市人民医院(暨南大学第二临床医学院)放射科,深圳 518020
龚静山, 梅东东, 朱进, 等. 腰椎终板Modic改变与椎间盘退变的相关性的定量MRI研究. 磁共振成像, 2017, 8(7):514-518.*Correspondence to: Gong JS, E-mail: jshgong@sina.com
Received 13 Apr 2017, Accepted 3 May 2017
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by Shenzhen Science &Technology Program (No. JCYJ2014041622811967).