
2017-09-15 07:08
中国学术期刊文摘 2017年17期


数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2015-01—2017-06 检索时间:2017-07-03

Entomology 昆虫学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物The evolution of myrmicine ants: PhylogenyWard, Philip S.;Systematic Entomology87and biogeography of a hyperdiverse ant cladeBrady, Sean G.;(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Fisher, Brian L.; et al.2015, 40(1): 61-81Invasion biology of spotted wingDrosophilaAsplen, Mark K.;Journal of Pest Science81(Drosophila suzukii): A global perspectiveAnfora, Gianfranco;and future prioritiesBiondi, Antonio; et al.2015, 88(3): 469-49465Insects in fluctuating thermal environments Colinet, Herve;Sinclair, Brent J.;Vernon, Philippe;et al.Annual Review of Entomology 2015, 60: 123-140Annual Review of Entomology61Multiorganismal insects: Diversity andfunction of resident microorganisms Douglas, Angela E.2015, 60: 17-3454The beetle tree of life reveals that Coleoptera survived end-Permian mass extinction to diversify during the Cretaceous terrestrial revolution Mckenna, Duane D.;Wild, Alexander L.;Kanda, Kojun; et al.Systematic Entomology 2015, 40(4): 835-880Wild boar populations up, numbers of huntersMassei, Giovanna;Pest Management Science53down? A review of trends and implicationsKindberg, Jonas;for EuropeLicoppe, Alain; et al.2015, 71(4): 492-50050Pesticide-induced stress in arthropod pests for optimized integrated pest management programs Guedes, R. N. C.;Smagghe, G.;Stark, J. D.; et al.Annual Review of Entomology 2016, 61: 43-62Annual Review of Entomology49Plant responses to insect egg depositionHilker, Monika;Fatouros, Nina E.2015, 60: 49349Insect heat shock proteins during stress and diapause King, Allison M.;MacRae, Thomas H.Annual Review of Entomology 2015, 60: 59-75Synthesis, crystal structure, herbicidalLiu, Xinghai;Pest Management Science48activities and 3D-QSAR study of some novelXu, Xiaoyan;1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]pyridine derivativesTan, Chengxia; et al.2015, 71(2): 292-301

Environmental Sciences 环境科学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Cesium-containing triple cation perovskiteSaliba, Michael;Energy & Environmental Science340solar cells: Improved stability, reproducibilityMatsui, Taisuke;and high efficiencySeo, Jiyoun; et al.2016, 9(6): 1989-1997Supercapacitorelectrodematerials:Yu, Zenan;Energy & Environmental Science338Nanostructures from 0 to 3 dimensionsTetard, Laurene;Zhai, Lei; et al.2015, 8(3): 702-730315Understanding the rate-dependent J-V hysteresis, slow time component, and aging in CH3NH3PbI3perovskite solar cells: The role of a compensated electric field Tress, W.;Marinova, N.;Moehl, T.; et al.Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(3): 995-1004Visible-light driven heterojunctionMoniz, Savio J. A.;Energy & Environmental Science308photocatalysts for water splitting: A criticalShevlin, Stephen A.;reviewMartin, David James;2015, 8(3): 731-759et al.305Hysteresis-less inverted CH3NH3PbI3planar perovskite hybrid solar cells with 18.1%power conversion efficiency Heo, Jin Hyuck;Han, Hye Ji;Kim, Dasom; et al.Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(5): 1602-1608A high efficiency solution processed polymerYusoff, Abd. Rashid bin Energy & Environmental Science209inverted triple-junction solar cell exhibiting aMohd; Kim, Dongcheon;power conversion efficiency of 11.83%Kim, Hyeong Pil; et al.2015, 8(1): 303-316207Defect migration in methylammonium lead iodide and its role in perovskite solar cell operation Azpiroz, Jon M.;Mosconi, Edoardo;Bisquert, Juan; et al.Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(7): 2118-2127Ni2P as a Janus catalyst for water splitting:Stern, Lucas-Alexandre;Energy & Environmental Science201Feng, Ligang;The oxygen evolution activity of Ni2P nanoparticlesSong, Fang; et al.2015, 8(8): 2347-2351198Recent progress and perspective in solutionprocessed Interfacial materials for efficient and stable polymer and organometal perovskite solar cells Chueh, Chuchen;Li, Changzhi;Jen, Alex K. -Y.Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(4): 1160-1189Metal-organic frameworks and their derivedXia, Wei;Energy & Environmental Science187nanostructures for electrochemical energyMahmood, Asif;storage and conversionZou, Ruqiang; et al.2015, 8(7): 1837-1866

Environmental Studies 环境研究

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Nature Climate Change155Rapidly falling costs of battery packs forNykvist, Bjorn;electric vehiclesNilsson, Mans 2015, 5(4): 329-332RisingtemperaturesreduceglobalwheatAsseng,S.;Nature Climate Change125productionEwert,F.;Martre, P.; et al.2015, 5(2): 143-147101Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world Pepin, N.;Bradley, R. S.;Diaz, H. F.; et al.Nature Climate Change 2015, 5(5): 424-430Exceptional twentieth-century slowdown in Rahmstorf, Stefan;Nature Climate Change93Atlantic Ocean overturning circulationBox, Jason E.;Feulner, Georg; et al.2015, 5(5): 475-48085Assessing species vulnerability to climate change Pacifici, Michela;Foden, Wendy B.;Visconti, Piero; et al.Nature Climate Change 2015, 5(3): 215-225Anthropogenic contribution to global Nature Climate Change81occurrence of heavy-precipitation andFischer, E. M.;high-temperature extremesKnutti, R.2015, 5(6): 56078Increased frequency of extreme La Nina events under greenhouse warming Cai, Wenju;Wang, Guojian;Santoso, Agus;et al.Nature Climate Change 2015, 5(2): 132-137PhysiologicalplasticityincreasesresilienceSeebacher, Frank;Nature Climate Change76of ectothermic animals to climate changeWhite, Craig R.;Franklin, Craig E.2015, 5(1): 61-6675Unabated planetary warming and its ocean structure since 200 Roemmich, Dean;Church, John;Gilson, John; et al.Nature Climate Change 2015, 5(3): 240-245Nature Climate Change70Darcy’s law predicts widespread forestMcDowell, Nathan G.;mortality under climate warmingAllen, Craig D.2015, 5(7): 669-672

Ergonomics 人体工程学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物International Journal of67Gamification in theory and action: A surveySeaborn, Katie;Human-Computer Studies Fels, Deborah I.2015, 74: 14-31Event-triggered robust distributed stateDong, Hongli;International Journal of45estimation for sensor networks withWang, Zidong;General Systemsstate-dependent noisesAlsaadi, Fuad E.; et al.2015, 44(2): 254-26639Trust in automation: Integrating empirical evidence on factors that influence trust Hoff, Kevin Anthony;Bashir, Masooda Human Factors 2015, 57(3): 407-434Young, Mark S.;Ergonomics34State of science: Mental workload in ergonomicsBrookhuis, Karel A.;Wickens, Christopher D.;2015, 58(1): 1-17 et al.30Reliable H-infinity state estimation for 2-D discrete systems with infinite distributed delays and incomplete observations Luo, Yuqiang;Wei, Guoliang;Liu, Yurong; et al.International Journal of General Systems 2015, 44(2): 155-168Accident Analysis and27Modeling crash spatial heterogeneity: RandomXu, Pengpeng;Prevention parameter versus geographically weightingHuang, Helai2015, 75: 16-2525Receding horizon filtering for a class of discrete time-varying nonlinear systems with multiple missing measurements Ding, Derui;Wang, Zidong;Alsaadi, Fuad E.; et al.International Journal of General Systems 2015, 44(2): 198-211International Journal of25Event-triggered synchronization control forLi, Qi; Shen, Bo;General Systems complex networks with uncertain inner couplingLiang, Jinling; et al.2015, 44(2): 212-22520A multinomial logit model-Bayesian network hybrid approach for driver injury severity analyses in rear-end crashes Chen, Cong;Zhang, Guohui;Tarefder, Rafiqul; et al.Accident Analysis and Prevention 2015, 80: 76-88The patient work system: An analysis of self-careHolden, Richard J.;Applied Ergonomics20performance barriers among elderly heart failureSchubert, Christiane C.;patients and their informal caregiversMickelson, Robin S.2015, 47: 133-150

Evolutionary Biology 生物进化学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物MEGA7:MolecularevolutionarygeneticsKumar, Sudhir;Molecular Biology and Evolution699analysis version 7.0 for bigger datasetsStecher, Glen;Tamura, Koichiro 2016, 33(7): 1870-1874IQ-TREE: A fast and effective stochasticLam-Tung Nguyen;Molecular Biology and Evolution207algorithm for estimating maximum-likelihoodSchmidt, Heiko A.;phylogeniesvon Haeseler, Arndt;2015, 32(1): 268-274 et al.156Clumpak: A program for identifying clustering modes and packaging population structure inferences across K Kopelman, Naama M.;Mayzel, Jonathan;Jakobsson, Mattias;et al.Molecular Ecology Resources 2015, 15(5): 1179-1191RASP (Reconstruct Ancestral State inYu, Yan;Molecular Phylogenetics and148Phylogenies): A tool for historicalHarris, Alan J.;EvolutionbiogeographyBlair,Christopher;et al.2015, 87: 46-49116Model inadequacy and mistaken inferences of trait-dependent speciation Rabosky, Daniel L.;Goldberg, Emma E.Systematic Biology 2015, 64(2): 340-355Hedges, S. Blair;Molecular Biology and Evolution115Tree of life reveals clock-like speciation andMarin, Julie;diversificationSuleski, Michael;2015, 32(4): 835-845et al.87The evolution of myrmicine ants: Phylogeny and biogeography of a hyperdiverse ant clade(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Ward, Philip S.;Brady, Sean G.;Fisher, Brian L.; et al.Systematic Entomology 2015, 40(1): 61-81Systematic Biology84The unsolved challenge to phylogeneticMaddison, Wayne P.;correlation tests for categorical charactersFitzJohn, Richard G.2015, 64(1): 127-13675Genetic rescue to the rescue Whiteley, Andrew R.;Fitzpatrick, Sarah W.;Funk, W. Chris; et al.Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2015, 30(1): 42-49Genomics and the challenging translation into Shafer, Aaron B. A.;Trends in Ecology & Evolution68conservationpracticeWolf, Jochen B. W.;Alves, Paulo C.; et al.2015, 30(2): 78-87

Fisheries 渔业

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Energy acquisition and allocation to eggMcBride, Richard S.;Fish and Fisheries59production in relation to fish reproductiveSomarakis, Stylianos;strategiesFitzhugh, Gary R.; et al.2015, 16(1): 23-57The seascape nursery: A novel spatialNagelkerken, Ivan;Fish and Fisheries46approach to identify and manageSheaves, Marcus;nurseries for coastal marine faunaBaker, Ronald; et al.2015, 16(2): 362-37143The ways in which fish use estuaries:A refinement and expansion of the guild approach Potter, Ian C.;Tweedley, James R.;Elliott, Michael; et al.Fish and Fisheries 2015, 16(2): 230-239Aquaculture40Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fattyacids and aquaculture in perspective 2015, 449: 94-107 Tocher, Douglas R.33Utilisation of feed resources in production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway Ytrestoyl, Trine;Aas, Turid Synnove;Asgard, Torbjorn Aquaculture 2015, 448: 365-374Risk assessment of the environmentalTaranger, Geir Lasse;Ices Journal of Marine Science32impact ofNorwegian AtlanticsalmonKarlsen, Orjan; Bannister,farmingRaymond John; et al.2015, 72(3): 997-102131Examining common assumptions about recruitment: A meta-analysis of recruitment dynamics for worldwide marine fisheries Szuwalski, Cody S.;Vert-Pre, Katyana A.;Punt, Andre E.; et al.Fish and Fisheries 2015, 16(4): 633-648Sarda, Francesc;Fish and Fisheries31Overlooked impacts and challenges of theColl, Marta;new European discard banHeymans, Johanna J.;2015, 16(1): 175-180et al.30Management strategy evaluation: Best practices Punt, Andre E.;Butterworth, Doug S.;de Moor, Carryn L.;et al.Fish and Fisheries 2016, 17(2): 303-334Ices Journal of Marine Science29Experimental design in ocean acidificationCornwall, Christopher E.;research: Problems and solutionsHurd, Catriona L.2016, 73(3): 572-581

Food Science & Technology 食品科技

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Phenolics and polyphenolics in foods, beveragesShahidi, Fereidoon;Journal of Functional Foods98and spices: Antioxidant activity and healthAmbigaipalan,effects: A reviewPriyatharini2015, 18: 820-897Loutfi, Amy;Journal of Food Engineering67Electronic noses for food quality: A reviewCoradeschi, Silvia;Mani, Ganesh Kumar;2015, 144: 103-111 et al.63Role of quercetin as an alternative for obesity treatment: You are what you eat!Nabavi, Seyed Fazel;Russo, Gian Luigi;Daglia, Maria; et al.Food Chemistry 2015, 179: 305-310Food Chemistry60Interactions of polyphenols with carbohydrates,lipids and proteins Jakobek, Lidija 2015, 175: 556-56759Plants belonging to the genus Thymus as antibacterial agents: From farm to pharmacy Nabavi, Seyed Mohammad;Marchese, Anna;Izadi, Morteza; et al.Food Chemistry 2015, 173: 339-347Roleira, Fernanda M.Food Chemistry58Plant derived and dietary phenolic antioxidants:F.; Tavares-da-Silva,Anticancer propertiesElisiario J.; Varela,2015, 183: 235-258Carla L.; et al.58The beneficial role of curcumin on inflammation;diabetes and neurodegenerative disease: A recent update Ghosh, Shatadal;Banerjee, Sharmistha;Sil, Parames C.Food and Chemical Toxicology 2015, 83: 111-124Sensory expectations based on product-extrinsicPiqueras-Fiszman,Food Quality and Preference58food cues: An interdisciplinary review of theBetina; Spence,empirical evidence and theoretical accountsCharles2015, 40: 165-17956Essential oils as antimicrobials in food systems :A review Calo, Juliany Rivera;Crandall, Philip G.;O'Bryan, Corliss A.;et al.Food Control 2015, 54: 111-119A sensitive molecularly imprinted polymer basedquartzcrystalmicrobalancenanosensorforEren,Tanju;Food Chemistry54selective determination of lovastatin in red yeastAtar, Necip; Yola,2015, 185: 430-436 riceMehmet Lutfi; et al.

Forestry 林业

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Keenan, Rodney J.;Forest Ecology and Management52Dynamics of global forest area: Results from theReams, Gregory A.;FAO global forest resources assessment 2015Achard, Frederic;2015, 352: 9-20et al.Cambi, Martina;Forest Ecology and Management38The impact of heavy traffic on forest soils: ACertini, Giacomo;reviewNeri, Francesco;2015,338:124-138et al.36Growth and yield of mixed versus pure stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.) and European beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) analysed along a productivity gradient through Europe Pretzsch, H.;del Rio, M.;Ammer, Ch.; et al.European Journal of Forest Research 2015, 134(5): 927-947Quantifying consequences of removingAchat, D. L.;Forest Ecology and Management31harvesting residues on forest soils andDeleuze, C.;tree growth: A meta-analysisLandmann, G.; et al.2015, 348: 124-14130Improving winter wheat yield estimation by assimilation of the leaf area index from Landsat TM and MODIS data into the WOFOST model Huang, Jianxi;Tian, Liyan;Liang, Shunlin; et al.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2015, 204: 106-121Barbero, R.;International Journal of29Climate change presents increased potential forWildland Fire very large fires in the contiguous United StatesAbatzoglou, J. T.;Larkin, N. K.; et al.2015, 24(7): 892-89927A benchmark of lidar-based single tree detection methods using heterogeneous forest data from the alpine space Eysn, Lothar;Hollaus, Markus;Lindberg, Eva; et al.Forests 2015, 6(5): 1721-1747Kane, Van R.;Forest Ecology and Management27Water balance and topography predict fire andLutz, James A.;forest structure patternsCansler, C. Alina;2015, 338: 1-13et al.27Demand for multi-scale weather data for regional crop modeling Zhao, Gang;Siebert, Stefan;Enders, Andreas;et al.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2015, 200: 156-171Annals of Forest Science26Climate change impacts and adaptation in forestmanagement: A review Keenan, Rodney J.2015, 72(2): 145-167

Gastroenterology & Hepatology 胃肠病及肝病

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物GlobaldistributionandprevalenceofhepatitisMessina,JaneP.;Hepatology321CvirusgenotypesHumphreys,Isla;Flaxman, Abraham; et al.2015, 61(1): 77-87Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir plus ribavirin forCharlton, Michael;Gastroenterology220treatment of HCV infection in patients withEverson, Gregory T.;advanced liver diseaseFlamm, Steven L.; et al.2015, 149(3): 649-659219Hepatitis C guidance: AASLD-IDSA recommendations for testing, managing, and treating adults infected with hepatitis C virus Chung, Raymond T.;Davis, Gary L.;Jensen, Donald M.; et al.Hepatology 2015, 62(3): 932-954All-oral 12-week treatment with daclatasvirplussofosbuvirinpatientswithhepatitisCNelson,DavidR.;Hepatology202virus genotype 3 infection: ALLY-3 phase IIICooper, James N.;2015, 61(4): 1127-1135 studyLalezari, Jacob P.; et al.185Expanding consensus in portal hypertension report of the baveno VI consensus workshop:Stratifying risk and individualizing care for portal hypertension de Franchis, Roberto Journal of Hepatology 2015, 63(3): 743-752Kahrilas, P. J.;Neurogastroenterology and178The chicago classification of esophagealMotility motility disorders, v3.0Bredenoord, A. J.;Fox, M.; et al.2015, 27(2): 160-174175Fibrosis stage is the strongest predictor for disease-specific mortality in NAFLD after up to 33 years of follow-up Ekstedt, Mattias;Hagstrom, Hannes;Nasr, Patrik; et al.Hepatology 2015, 61(5): 1547-1554Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is the secondleadingetiologyofliverdiseaseamongadultsWong, Robert J.;Gastroenterology169awaiting liver transplantation in the unitedAguilar, Maria;2015, 148(3): 547-555 statesCheung, Ramsey; et al.166AASLD guidelines for treatment of chronic hepatitis B Terrault, Norah A.;Bzowej, Natalie H.;Chang, Kyong-Mi; et al.Hepatology 2016, 63(1): 261-283Liver fibrosis, but no other histologic features,Angulo, Paul;Gastroenterology165is associated with long-term outcomes ofKleiner, David E.;patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseDam-Larsen, Sanne; et al.2015, 149(2): 389

Genetics & Heredity 遗传学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Standards and guidelines for the interpretationof sequence variants: A joint consensusRichards, Sue;Genetics in Medicine747recommendation of the american college ofAziz, Nazneen;medical genetics and genomics and the Bale, Sherri; et al.2015,17(5):405-424association for molecular pathologyKumar, Sudhir;Molecular Biology and699MEGA7: Molecular evolutionary geneticsEvolution analysis version 7.0 for bigger datasetsStecher, Glen;Tamura, Koichiro2016, 33(7): 1870-1874265The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome Iyer, Matthew K.;Niknafs, Yashar S.;Malik, Rohit; et al.Nature Genetics 2015, 47(3): 199IQ-TREE: A fast and effective stochasticam-Tung Nguyen;Molecular Biology and207algorithm for estimating maximum-likelihoodSchmidt, Heiko A.;EvolutionphylogeniesvonHaeseler,Arndt;2015, 32(1): 268-274et al.167NON-CODING RNA towards a molecular understanding of microRNA-mediated gene silencing Jonas, Stefanie;Izaurralde, Elisa Nature Reviews Genetics 2015, 16(7): 421-433High-throughputfunctionalgenomicsusingShalem, Ophir;Nature Reviews Genetics159CRISPR-Cas9Sanjana,NevilleE.;2015, 16(5): 299-311Zhang, Feng155Exome sequencing of hepatocellular carcinomas identifies new mutational signatures and potential therapeutic targets Schulze, Kornelius;Imbeaud, Sandrine;Letouze, Eric; et al.Nature Genetics 2015, 47(5): 505Association analyses identify 38 susceptibilityLiu, Jimmy Z.;Nature Genetics153loci for inflammatory bowel disease andvan Sommeren, Suzanne;highlight shared genetic risk across populationsHuang, Hailiang; et al.2015, 47(9): 979152LD score regression distinguishes confounding from polygenicity in genome-wide association studies Bulik-Sullivan, Brendan K.; Loh, Po-Ru;Finucane, Hilary K.;et al.Nature Genetics 2015, 47(3): 291RASP (Reconstruct Ancestral State inYu, Yan;Molecular Phylogenetics and148Phylogenies): A tool for historicalHarris, Alan J.;EvolutionbiogeographyBlair, Christopher; et al.2015, 87: 46-49

Geochemistry & Geophysics 地球化学和地球物理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物IEEE Transactions onVivone, Gemine;86A critical comparison among pansharpeningGeoscience and Remote Sensing algorithmsAlparone, Luciano;Chanussot, Jocelyn; et al.2015, 53(5): 2565-2586Space geodesy constrains ice age terminalPeltier, W. R.;Journal of Geophysical86deglaciation: The global ICE-6G_C (VM5a)Argus, D. F.;Research-Solid EarthmodelDrummond, R.2015, 120(1): 450-48779Effects of Bacillus subtilis on the reduction of U(VI) by nano-FeO Ding, Congcong;Cheng, Wencai;Sun, Yubing; et al.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2015, 165: 86-107Zhang, Fan;IEEE Transactions on77Saliency-guided unsupervised feature learningGeoscience and Remote Sensing for scene classificationDu, Bo;Zhang, Liangpei 2015, 53(4): 2175-218470Potential antarctic ice sheet retreat driven by hydrofracturing and ice cliff failure Pollard, David;DeConto, Robert M.;Alley, Richard B.Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2015, 412: 112-121Object detection in optical remote sensingHan, Junwei;IEEE Transactions on64images based on weakly supervised learningZhang, Dingwen;Geoscience and Remote Sensingand high-level feature learningCheng, Gong; et al.2015, 53(6): 3325-333761Organic molecules in the sheepbed mudstone,gale crater, mars Freissinet, C.;Glavin, D. P.;Mahaffy, P. R.; et al.Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets 2015, 120(3): 495-514Local binary patterns and extreme learningLi, Wei;IEEE Transactions on60machine for hyperspectral imageryChen, Chen;Geoscience and Remote SensingclassificationSu, Hongjun; et al.2015, 53(7): 3681-369360Accuracy and reliability of multi-GNSS real-time precise positioning: GPS,GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo Li, Xingxing;Ge, Maorong;Dai, Xiaolei; et al.Journal of Geodesy 2015, 89(6): 607-635Ma, Jiayi;IEEE Transactions on59Robust feature matching for remote sensingGeoscience and Remote Sensing image registration via locally linear transformingZhou, Huabing;Zhao,Ji;etal.2015, 53(12): 6469-6481

Geography 地理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Regional Studies55Smart specialization, regional growth andMccann, Philip;applications to European union cohesion policyOrtega-Argiles, Raquel 2015, 49(8): 1291-1302International Journal of Urban and53The nature of cities: The scope and limits ofScott, Allen J.;Regional Research urban theoryStorper, Michael2015, 39(1): 1-1548Go greener, feel better? The positive effects of biodiversity on the well-being of individuals visiting, urban and peri-urban green areas Carrus, Giuseppe;Scopelliti,Massimiliano;Lafortezza, Raffaele;et al.Landscape and Urban Planning 2015, 134: 221-228Planning for cooler cities: A framework toNorton, Briony A.;Landscape and Urban Planning48prioritise green infrastructure to mitigate highCoutts, Andrew M.;temperatures in urban landscapesLivesley, Stephen J.;2015, 134: 127-138et al.48On the notion of regional economic resilience:Conceptualization and explanation Martin, Ron;Sunley, Peter Journal of Economic Geography 2015, 15(1): 1-42Land cover changes in the Brazilian Cerrado andBeuchle, Rene;Applied Geography41Caatinga biomes from 1990 to 2010 based on aGrecchi, Rosanasystematic remote sensing sampling approachCristina; Shimabukuro,2015, 58: 116-127Yosio Edemir; et al.41Toward a dynamic theory of global production networks Yeung, Henry Wai-chung;Coe, Neil M.Economic Geography 2015, 91(1): 29-58Manifestations and underlying drivers of van Vliet, Jasper;Landscape and Urban Planning40agricultural land use change in Europede Groot, Henri L. F.;Rietveld, Piet; et al.2015, 133: 24-3639Towards an evolutionary perspective on regional resilience Boschma, Ron Regional Studies 2015, 49(5): 733-751Global Environmental The roads ahead: Narratives for sharedO’Neill, Brian C.;Change-Human and Policy35socioeconomic pathways describing worldKriegler, Elmar;Dimensions futures in the 21st centuryEbi, Kristie L.; et al.2017, 42: 169-180

Geography, Physical 自然地理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Completion of the 2011 national land cover Photogrammetric EngineeringHomer, Collin;216database for the conterminous united states:and Remote Sensing Representing a decade of land cover changeDewitz, Jon;informationYang, Limin; et al.2015, 81(5): 345-354Isprs Journal ofChen,Jun;Photogrammetry and Remote135Global land cover mapping at 30 m resolution:A POK-based operational approachChen, Jin;SensingLiao, Anping; et al.2015, 103: 7-2763Comparing and contrasting the behaviour of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice over the 35 year period 1979-2013 Simmonds, Ian Annals of Glaciology 2015, 56(69): 18-28The last Eurasian ice sheets: A chronologicalHughes, Anna L. C.;Boreas58database and time-slice reconstruction,Gyllencreutz, Richard;DATED-1Lohne, Oystein S.; et al.2016, 45(1): 156Brief communication: Contending estimates of 2003-2008 glacier mass balance over the Pamir-Karakoram-Himalaya Kaab, A.;Treichler, D.;Nuth, C.; et al.Cryosphere 2015, 9(2): 557-564Is my species distribution model fit forGuillera-Arroita,Global Ecology and51purpose? Matching data and models toGurutzeta; Lahoz-Monfort,BiogeographyapplicationsJose J.; Elith, Jane; et al.2015, 24(3): 276-29248Go greener, feel better? The positive effects of biodiversity on the well-being of individuals visiting, urban and peri-urban green areas Carrus, Giuseppe;Scopelliti, Massimiliano;Lafortezza, Raffaele; et al.Landscape and Urban Planning 2015, 134: 221-228Planning for cooler cities: A framework toNorton, Briony A.;Landscape and Urban48prioritise green infrastructure to mitigateCoutts, Andrew M.;Planninghigh temperatures in urban landscapesLivesley, Stephen J.; et al.2015, 134: 127-13847Overview and current status of remote sensing applications based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)Pajares, Gonzalo Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 2015, 81(4): 281-329Solomina, Olga N.;Quaternary Science Reviews46Holocene glacier fluctuationsBradley, Raymond S.;Hodgson, Dominic A.;2015, 111: 9-34 et al.

Geology 地质学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Rooney, Alan D.;Geology43A cryogenian chronology: Two long-lastingStrauss, Justin V.;synchronous Neoproterozoic glaciationsBrandon, Alan D.;2015, 43(5): 459-462et al.A genetic linkage between subduction- andHou, Zengqian;Geology40collision-related porphyry Cu deposits inYang, Zhiming;continental collision zonesLu, Yongjun; et al.2015, 43(3): 247-25039Direct stratigraphic dating of India-Asia collision onset at the Selandian (middle Paleocene, 59 ± 1 Ma)Hu, Xiumian;Garzanti, Eduardo;Moore, Ted; et al.Geology 2015, 43(10): 859-862Sedimentology38The geochemistry of carbonate diagenesis:The past, present and future Swart, Peter K.2015, 62(5): 1233-130435Porphyry deposits and oxidized magmas Sun, Weidong;Huang, Ruifang;Li, He; et al.Ore Geology Reviews 2015, 65: 97-131Geochemical and mineralogical evidenceDai, Shifeng;Ore Geology Reviews34for a coal-hosted uranium deposit in theYang, Jianye;Yili Basin, Xinjiang, northwestern ChinaWard, Colin R.;2015, 70: 1-30et al.34Geology and genesis of the giant Beiya porphyry-skarn gold deposit, northwestern Yangtze Block, China Deng, Jun;Wang, Qingfei;Li, Gongjian;et al.Ore Geology Reviews 2015, 70: 457-485Dicranoptycha osten sacken, 1860 (Diptera,Kania, Iwona;Cretaceous Research32Limoniidae) from the earliest cenomanianWang, Bo;burmese amberSzwedo, Jacek2015, 52: 522-53031Structural control and genesis of the Oligocene Zhenyuan orogenic gold deposit, SW China Deng, Jun;Wang, Qingfei;Li, Gongjian; et al.Ore Geology Reviews 2015, 65: 42-54Continent Formation Through Time28The zircon archive of continent formationRoberts, Nick M. W.;through timeSpencer, Christopher J.2015, 389: 197-225

Geosciences, Multidisciplinary 地球综合科学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Completion of the 2011 national land coverHomer, Collin;Photogrammetric Engineering216database for the conterminous united states:and Remote Sensing Representing a decade of land cover changeDewitz, Jon;informationYang, Limin; et al.2015, 81(5): 345-354Le Quere, C.;Earth System Science Data139Global carbon budget 2014Moriarty, R.;Andrew, R. M.; et al.2015, 7(1): 47-85135Global land cover mapping at 30 m resolution: A POK-based operational approach Chen, Jun;Chen, Jin;Liao, Anping; et al.Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2015, 103: 7-27Le Quere, C.;Earth System Science Data121Global carbon budget 2015Moriarty, R.;Andrew, R. M.; et al.2015, 7(2): 349-39696A comprehensive review on the applications of coal fly ash Yao, Z. T.;Ji, X. S.;Sarker, P. K.; et al.Earth-Science Reviews 2015, 141: 105-121Bony, Sandrine;Nature Geoscience89Clouds, circulation and climate sensitivityStevens, Bjorn;Frierson, Dargan M. W.;2015, 8(4): 261-268 et al.85Lower edge of locked main himalayan thrust unzipped by the 2015 gorkha earthquake Avouac, Jean-Philippe;Meng, Lingsen;Wei, Shengji; et al.Nature Geoscience 2015, 8(9): 708Recent trends and drivers of regional sources and Sitch, S.;Biogeosciences84sinks of carbon dioxideFriedlingstein,P.;Gruber, N.; et al.2015, 12(3): 653-67979Spectral evidence for hydrated salts in recurring slope lineae on Mars Ojha, Lujendra;Wilhelm, Mary Beth;Murchie, Scott L.; et al.Nature Geoscience 2015, 8(11): 829Causes and impacts of the 2014 warm anomaly in Bond, Nicholas A.;Geophysical Research Letters74theNEPacificCronin,MeghanF.;Freeland, Howard; et al.2015, 42(9): 3414-3420

Geriatrics & Gerontology 老年医学和老年学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物American geriatrics society 2015 updated beersRadcliff, Sue;Journal of the American191criteria for potentially inappropriate medicationYue, Jirong;Geriatrics Societyuse in older adultsRocco, Gina; et al.2015, 63(11): 2227-2246STOPP/START criteria for potentiallyO’Mahony, Denis;Age and Ageing161inappropriate prescribing in older people:O’Sullivan, David;Version 2Byrne, Stephen; et al.2015, 44(2): 213-218100The achilles’ heel of senescent cells: From transcriptome to senolytic drugs Zhu, Yi;Tchkonia, Tamara;Pirtskhalava, Tamar;et al.Aging Cell 2015, 14(4): 644-658Journals of Gerontology Series Protein ingestion to stimulate myofibrillar proteinMoore, Daniel R.;A-Biological Sciences and74synthesis requires greater relative protein intakesChurchward-Venne,Medical Sciences in healthy older versus younger menTyler A.; Witard,Oliver; et al.2015, 70(1): 57-6272Accelerated epigenetic aging in down syndrome Horvath, Steve;Garagnani, Paolo;Bacalini, Maria Giulia;et al.Aging Cell 2015, 14(3): 491-495Interventionstoslowaginginhumans:AreweLongo,ValterD.;Aging Cell70ready?Antebi, Adam;2015,14(4):497-510Bartke, Andrzej; et al.68Metabolic syndrome, aging and involvement of oxidative stress Bonomini, Francesca;Rodella, Luigi Fabrizio; Rezzani, Rita Aging and Disease 2015, 6(2): 109-120Effects of a vitamin d and leucine-enriched wheyBauer, Juergen M.;Journal of the American65protein nutritional supplement on measures ofMedical Directors Association sarcopenia in older adults, the PROVIDE study: AVerlaan, Sjors;randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialBautmans, Ivan; et al.2015, 16(9): 740-74755DNA methylation and healthy human aging Jones, Meaghan J.;Goodman, Sarah J.;Kobor, Michael S.Aging Cell 2015, 14(6): 924-932How sex and age affect immune responses,Giefing-Kroell,Aging Cell55susceptibility to infections, and response toCarmen; Berger, Peter;vaccinationLepperdinger, Guenter;2015, 14(3): 309-321et al.

Hematology 血液学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物The 2016 revision to the World HealthArber, Daniel A.;Blood288Organization classification of myeloidOrazi, Attilio;neoplasms and acute leukemiaHasserjian, Robert; et al.2016, 127(20): 2391-2405The 2016 revision of the World HealthSwerdlow, Steven H.;Blood232Organization classification of lymphoidCampo, Elias; Pileri,neoplasmsStefano A.; et al.2016, 127(20): 2375-2390210Three-year follow-up of treatment-naive and previously treated patients with CLL and SLL receiving single-agent ibrutinib Byrd, John C.;Furman, Richard R.;Coutre, Steven E.; et al.Blood 2015, 125(16): 2497-2506Molecular basis of cardioprotection signal Circulation Research149transduction in ischemic pre-, post-, and Heusch, Gerdremote conditioning2015, 116(4): 674-699118International phase 3 study of azacitidine vs conventional care regimens in older patients with newly diagnosed AML with>30% blasts Dombret, Herve;Seymour, John F.;Butrym, Aleksandra;et al.Blood 2015, 126(3): 291-299Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminateSteensma, David P.;Blood115potential and its distinction fromBejar, Rafael;myelodysplastic syndromesJaiswal, Siddhartha; et al.2015, 126(1): 9-16115Gut microbiota-dependent Trimethylamine N-Oxide (TMAO) pathway contributes to both development of renal insufficiency and mortality risk in chronic kidney disease Tang, W. H. Wilson;Wang, Zeneng;Kennedy, David J.;et al.Circulation Research 2015, 116(3): 448-455CD19-targeted chimeric antigen receptorMaude, Shannon L.;Blood110T-cell therapy for acute lymphoblasticTeachey, David T.;leukemiaPorter, David L.; et al.2015, 125(26): 4017-4023106National institutes of health consensus development project on criteria for clinical trials in chronic graft-versus-host disease: I.The 2014 diagnosis and staging working group report Jagasia, Madan H.;Greinix, Hildegard T.;Arora, Mukta; et al.Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2015, 21(3): 389-401Circulation Research102Reproducibility in science improving theBegley, C. Glenn;standard for basic and preclinical researchIoannidis, John P. A.2015, 116(1): 116-126

Horticulture 园艺学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Advances in Setaria genomics for geneticMuthamilarasan,Theoretical and Applied43improvement of cereals and bioenergyMehanathan;GeneticsgrassesPrasad, Manoj 2015, 128(1): 1-14Genome-wide association study for grainTheoretical and AppliedSukumaran, Sivakumar;38yield and related traits in an elite springGenetics wheat population grown in temperateDreisigacker, Susanne;irrigated environmentsLopes, Marta; et al.2015, 128(2): 353-36332Plant biostimulants: Definition, concept, main categories and regulation du Jardin, Patrick Scientia Horticulturae 2015, 196(SI): 3-14Isidro, Julio; Jannink,Theoretical and Applied29Training set optimization under populationGenetics structure in genomic selectionJean-Luc; Akdemir,Deniz; et al.2015, 128(1): 145-15826Effect of postharvest application of chitosan combined with clove oil against citrus green mold Shao, Xingfeng;Cao, Baoying;Xu, Feng; et al.Postharvest Biology and Technology 2015, 99: 37-43Molecular characterization of a new powderyHao, Yuanfeng;Theoretical and Applied23mildew resistance gene Pm54 in soft red winterParks, Ryan;GeneticswheatCowger, Christina; et al.2015, 128(3): 465-47622Construction of genetic map and QTL analysis of fiber quality traits for upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutumL.)Tang, Shiyi;Teng, Zhonghua;Zhai, Tengfei; et al.Euphytica 2015, 201(2): 195-213Development and evaluation of near-isogenicKhanna, Apurva;Theoretical and Applied21lines for major blast resistance gene(s) inSharma, Vinay;GeneticsBasmati riceEllur, Ranjith K.; et al.2015, 128(7): 1243-125921Genetic characterization of the wheat association mapping initiative (WAMI)panel for dissection of complex traits in spring wheat Lopes, M. S.;Dreisigacker, S.;Pena, R. J.; et al.Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2015, 128(3): 453-464The effect of alginate-based edible coatingsGuerreiro, Adriana C.;Postharvest Biology and20enriched with essential oils constituents onGago, Custodia M. L.;TechnologyArbutus unedoL. fresh fruit storageFaleiro, Maria L.; et al.2015, 100: 226-233

Imaging Science & Photographic Technology 成像科学与摄影技术

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Completion of the 2011 national land coverHomer, Collin;Photogrammetric Engineering and216database for the conterminous united states:Remote Sensing Representing a decade of land cover changeDewitz, Jon;informationYang, Limin; et al.2015, 81(5): 345-354Chen, Jun;Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry135Global land cover mapping at 30 m resolution:and Remote Sensing A POK-based operational approachChen, Jin;Liao, Anping; et al.2015, 103: 7-2786A critical comparison among pansharpening algorithms Vivone, Gemine;Alparone, Luciano;Chanussot, Jocelyn;et al.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015, 53(5): 2565-2586Menze, Bjoern H.;IEEE Transactions on Medical77The multimodal brain tumor image segmentationImaging benchmark (BRATS)Jakab, Andras;Bauer, Stefan; et al.2015, 34(10): 1993-202477Saliency-guided unsupervised feature learning for scene classification Zhang, Fan;Du, Bo;Zhang, Liangpei IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015, 53(4): 2175-2184Improvement and expansion of the Fmaskalgorithm: Cloud, cloud shadow, and snow Zhu, Zhe;Remote Sensing of Environment75detection for Landsats 4-7, 8, and Sentinel 2Wang, Shixiong;2015, 159: 269-277 imagesWoodcock, Curtis E.69Evaluation of the ESA CCI soil moisture product using ground-based observations Dorigo, W. A.;Gruber, A.; De Jeu,R. A. M.; et al.Remote Sensing of Environment 2015, 162: 380-395Object detection in optical remote sensingHan, Junwei;IEEE Transactions on Geoscience64images based on weakly supervised learningZhang, Dingwen;and Remote Sensingand high-level feature learningCheng, Gong; et al.2015, 53(6): 3325-333760Local binary patterns and extreme learning machine for hyperspectral imagery classification Li, Wei;Chen, Chen;Su, Hongjun; et al.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015, 53(7): 3681-3693Ma, Jiayi;IEEE Transactions on Geoscience59Robust feature matching for remote sensingand Remote Sensing image registration via locally linear transformingZhou, Huabing;Zhao, Ji; et al.2015, 53(12): 6469-6481

Immunology 免疫学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Musso, Didier;Emerging Infectious Diseases304PotentialsexualtransmissionofZikavirusRoche,Claudine;Robin, Emilie;2015, 21(2): 359-361 et al.Campos, Gubio S.;Emerging Infectious Diseases236Zika virus outbreak, bahia, brazilBandeira, Antonio C.;Sardi, Silvia I.2015, 21(10): 1885-1886190Molecular and cellular insights into T cell exhaustion Wherry, E. John;Kurachi, Makoto Nature Reviews Immunology 2015, 15(8): 486-499Gourinat, Ann-Claire;Emerging Infectious Diseases187Detection of Zika virus in urineO'Connor, Olivia;Calvez, Elodie; et al.2015, 21(1): 84-86176Control of adaptive immunity by the innate immune system Iwasaki, Akiko;Medzhitov, Ruslan Nature Immunology 2015, 16(4): 343-353McNab, Finlay;Nature Reviews Immunology174Type I interferons in infectious diseaseMayer-Barber, Katrin;Sher, Alan; et al.2015, 15(2): 87-103171IL-6 as a keystone cytokine in health and disease Hunter, Christopher A.;Jones, Simon A.Nature Immunology 2015, 16(5): 448-457Nature Immunology169The immunology of asthmaLambrecht, Bart N.;Hammad, Hamida 2015, 16(1): 45-56166A dural lymphatic vascular system that drains brain interstitial fluid and macromolecules Aspelund, Aleksanteri;Antila, Salli;Proulx, Steven T.;et al.Journal of Experimental Medicine 2015, 212(7): 991-999Nature Reviews Immunology159Periodontitis: From microbial immune subversionto systemic inflammation Hajishengallis, George 2015, 15(1): 30-44

Infectious Diseases 传染病学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Emergence of plasmid-mediated colistinLiu, Yiyun;Lancet Infectious Diseases436resistance mechanism MCR-1 in animals andWang, Yang;human beings in China: A microbiological andWalsh, Timothy R.;2016, 16(2): 161-168 molecular biological studyet al.Musso, Didier;Emerging Infectious Diseases304Potential sexual transmission of Zika virusRoche, Claudine;Robin, Emilie; et al.2015, 21(2): 359-361236Zika virus outbreak, Bahia, BrazilCampos, Gubio S.;Bandeira, Antonio C.;Sardi, Silvia I.Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015, 21(10): 1885-1886Calvet, Guilherme;Detection and sequencing of Zika virus fromLancetInfectiousDiseases191amniotic fluid of fetuses with microcephalyAguiar, Renato S.;in Brazil: A case studyMelo, Adriana S. O.;2016, 16(6): 653-660et al.187Detection of Zika virus in urine Gourinat, Ann-Claire;O'Connor, Olivia;Calvez, Elodie; et al.Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015, 21(1): 84-86Clinical practice guideline for the managementPappas, Peter G.;Clinical Infectious Diseases138of candidiasis: 2016 update by the infectiousKauffman, Carol A.;diseases society of americaAndes, David R.; et al.2016, 62(4): E1-E50136Spread of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Myanmar: A cross-sectional survey of the K13 molecular marker Tun, Kyaw M.;Imwong, Mallika;Lwin, Khin M.; et al.Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015, 15(4): 415-421Effect of use of 13-valent pneumococcalconjugate vaccine in children on invasiveMoore, Matthew R.;Lancet Infectious Diseases135pneumococcal disease in children and adultsLink-Gelles, Ruth;in the USA: Analysis of multisite, population-Schaffner, William;2015, 15(3): 301-309basedsurveillanceetal.130Sepsis: A roadmap for future research Cohen, Jonathan;Vincent, Jean-Louis;Adhikari, Neill K. J.;et al.Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015, 15(5): 581-614Independent emergence of artemisinin resistanceTakala-Harrison,Journal of Infectious Diseases118mutations among plasmodium falciparum inShannon; Jacob,southeast asiaChristopher G.;2015, 211(5): 670-679Arze, Cesar; et al.

Information Science & Library Science 图书情报学

Instruments & Instrumentation 仪器与仪器仪表

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Yin, Shen;IEEE Transactions on303Data-based techniques focused on modern industry:Industrial Electronics An overviewLi, Xianwei;Gao, Huijun; et al.2015, 62(1): 657-667Yin, Shen;IEEE Transactions on214Improved PLS focused on key-performance-Industrial Electronics indicator-related fault diagnosisZhu, Xiangping;Kaynak, Okyay 2015, 62(3): 1651-1658114A survey of fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant techniques-part I: Fault diagnosis with modelbased and signal-based approaches Gao, Zhiwei;Cecati, Carlo;Ding, Steven X.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62(6): 3757-3767Ricker, George R.;Journal of AstronomicalTelescopes Instruments and112Transiting exoplanet survey satelliteWinn, Joshua N.;Vanderspek, Roland;Systemsetal.2015, 1(1): 01400397Wearable sensors for human activity monitoring:A review Mukhopadhyay,Subhas Chandra IEEE Sensors Journal 2015, 15(3): 1321-1330IEEE Transactions on95Intelligent particle filter and its application to faultYin, Shen;Industrial Electronics detection of nonlinear systemZhu, Xiangping2015, 62(6): 3852-386194Recent advances in graphene based gas sensors Varghese, Seba S.;Lonkar, Sunil;Singh, K. K.; et al.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 218: 160-183Structural damage identification with powerLi, Jun;Smart Structures and84spectral density transmissibility: NumericalHao, Hong;Systemsand experimental studiesLo, Juin Voon 2015, 15(1): 15-4079Vibration control of a flexible beam with output constraint He, Wei;Ge, Shuzhi Sam IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62(8): 5023-5030Chemometrics andJaumot,Joaquim;IntelligentLaboratory77MCR-ALS GUI 2.0: New features and applicationsde Juan, Anna;Systems Tauler, Roma2015, 140: 1-12

Integrative & Complementary Medicine 中西医结合与补充医学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物African Journal of TraditionalLiu, Ying;42RP-HPLC determination of ginsenosidesComplementary and AlternativeRG1 and RB1 in Panax ginseng fruitsHe, Qingnan;Liu,Donghai;etal.Medicines2015, 12(2): 12-16Meta-analysis of the effect and safety ofLan, Jiarong;38berberine in the treatment of type 2 diabetesZhao, Yanyun;Journal of Ethnopharmacologymellitus, hyperlipemia and hypertensionDong, Feixia; et al.2015, 161: 69-8133Traditional usages, botany, phytochemistry,pharmacology and toxicology of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.: A review Lin, Longfei;Ni, Boran;Lin, Hongmei; et al.Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015, 159: 158-183Esmaily, Habibollah;An investigation of the effects of curcumin onSahebkar,Chinese Journal of Integrative31anxiety and depression in obese individuals: AAmirhossein;Medicinerandomized controlled trialIranshahi, Mehrdad;2015, 21(5): 332-338et al.27Anti-inflammatory effects of water extract ofTaraxacum mongolicum hand.-Mazzon lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in acute lung injury by suppressing PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway Ma, Chunhua;Zhu, Lingpeng;Wang, Jing; et al.Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015, 168: 349-355Siviero, Angelo;25Curcumin, a golden spice with a lowGallo, Eugenia;Journal of Herbal MedicinebioavailabilityMaggini, Valentina;2015, 5(2): 57-70et al.25Alternative antimicrobial approach:Nano-antimicrobial materials Beyth, Nurit;Houri-Haddad, Yael;Domb, Avi; et al.Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015, 246012A review on phytochemistry andZhou, Guohong;24pharmacological activities of the processedTang, Liying;Journal of Ethnopharmacologylateral root of Aconitum carmichaelii DebeauxZhou, Xidan; et al.2015, 160: 173-19323Molecular mechanism of protopanaxadiol saponin fraction-mediated anti-inflammatory actions Yang, Yanyan;Lee, Jongsung;Rhee, Man Hee; et al.Journal of Ginseng Research 2015, 39(1): 61-68Anti-inflammatory, anticholinesterase andJournal of Ethnopharmacology22antioxidant activity of leaf extracts of twelveDzoyem, J. P.;plants used traditionally to alleviate pain and Eloff, J. N.2015, 160: 194-201 inflammation in South Africa

Limnology 湖沼学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Zarfl,Christiane;AquaticSciences97A global boom in hydropower dam constructionLumsdon, Alexander E.;Berlekamp, Jurgen; et al.2015, 77(1): 161-170Time-variable transit time distributions andWaterResourcesResearch62transport: Theory and application to storage-Harman, Ciaran J.dependent transport of chloride in a watershed2015, 51(1): 1-3060Quantifying renewable groundwater stress with GRACE Richey, Alexandra S.;Thomas, Brian F.;Lo, Minhui; et al.Water Resources Research 2015, 51(7): 5217-5238Water Resources Research Iglauer, Stefan;52CO2wettability of seal and reservoir rocks andthe implications for carbon geo-sequestrationPentland, C. H.;2015, 51(1): 729-774Busch, A.43The emergence of hydrogeophysics for improved understanding of subsurface processes over multiple scales Binley, Andrew;Hubbard, Susan S.;Huisman, Johan A.;et al.Water Resources Research 2015, 51(6): 3837-3866Lake diatom responses to warming: Reviewing Ruehland, Kathleen M.;Journal of Paleolimnology43theevidencePaterson,AndrewM.;2015, 54(1): 1-35Smol, John P.43A unified approach for process-based hydrologic modeling: 1. Modeling concept Clark, Martyn P.;Nijssen, Bart;Lundquist, Jessica D.;et al.Water Resources Research 2015, 51(4): 2498-2514Clark, Martyn P.;Water Resources Research39Improving the representation of hydrologicFan, Ying;processes in Earth System ModelsLawrence, David M.;2015, 51(8): 5929-5956et al.34Global analysis of approaches for deriving total water storage changes from GRACE satellites Long, Di;Longuevergne, Laurent;Scanlon, Bridget R.Water Resources Research 2015, 51(4): 2574-2594Seekell, David A.;Limnology and32The influence of dissolved organic carbon onOceanography primary production in northern lakesLapierre, Jean-Francois;Ask, Jenny; et al.2015, 60(4): 1276-1285

Marine & Freshwater Biology 海洋与淡水生物学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Zarfl, Christiane;Aquatic Sciences97A global boom in hydropower dam constructionLumsdon, Alexander E.;Berlekamp, Jurgen; et al.2015, 77(1): 161-170Marine Pollution Bulletin87The impact of debris on marine lifeGall, S. C.;Thompson, R. C.2015, 92(1-2): 170-17978Metacommunity organisation, spatial extent and dispersal in aquatic systems: Patterns,processes and prospects Heino, Jani;Melo, Adriano S.;Siqueira, Tadeu;et al.Freshwater Biology 2015, 60(5): 845-869Reinventing residual reserves in the sea: AreDevillers, Rodolphe;Aquatic Conservation-Marine59we favouring ease of establishment over needPressey, Robert L.;and Freshwater Ecosystemsfor protection?Grech, Alana; et al.2015, 25(4): 480-50446Infectious diseases affect marine fisheries and aquaculture economics Lafferty, Kevin D.;Harvell, C. Drew;Conrad, Jon M.; et al.Annual Review of Marine Science 2015, 7: 471-496Aquaculture40Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fattyacids and aquaculture in perspective Tocher, Douglas R.2015, 449: 94-10739Ecological impacts of global warming and water abstraction on lakes and reservoirs due to changes in water level and related changes in salinity Jeppesen, Erik;Brucet, Sandra;Naselli-Flores, Luigi;et al.Hydrobiologia 2015, 750(1): 201-227Jumars, Peter A.;Annual Review of Marine39Diet of worms emended: An update ofScience polychaete feeding guildsDorgan, Kelly M.;Lindsay, Sara M.2015, 7: 49738Microplastics in sediments: A review of techniques, occurrence and effects Van Cauwenberghe,Lisbeth; Devriese, Lisa;Galgani, Francois; et al.Marine Environmental Research 2015, 111(SI): 5-17Fontaneto, Diego;Marine Biodiversity38Guidelines for DNA taxonomy, with a focuson the meiofaunaFlot, Jean-Francois;Tang, Cuong Q.2015, 45(3): 433-451

Materials Science, Biomaterials 生物材料学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Biomaterials Hyaluronic acid-modified Fe3O4@Au Li, Jingchao;96core/shell nanostars for multimodal imagingHu, Yong;and photothermal therapy of tumorsYang, Jia; et al.2015, 38: 10-21Synthesis, properties, and biomedicalYue,Kan;Biomaterials70applications of gelatin methacryloylTrujillo-de Santiago,(GelMA) hydrogels Grissel; Moises Alvarez,2015, 73: 254-271Mario; et al.60Bioactive glasses beyond bone and teeth:Emerging applications in contact with soft tissues Miguez-Pacheco,Valentina; Hench, Larry L.; Boccaccini, Aldo R.Acta Biomaterialia 2015, 13: 1-15Biocompatible PEGylated MoS2nanosheets:Wang, Shige;Biomaterials58Controllable bottom-up synthesis and highlyLi, Kai;efficient photothermal regression of tumorChen, Yu; et al.2015, 39: 206-21755Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications Yu, Qian;Wu, Zhaoqiang;Chen, Hong Acta Biomaterialia 2015, 16: 1-13TPGS-stabilized NaYbF4:Er upconversionnanoparticlesfordual-modalfluorescent/CTTian,Gan;Zheng,Biomaterials55Xiaopeng; Zhang, Xiao; etimaging and anticancer drug delivery to2015, 40: 107-116 overcome multi-drug resistanceal.55Bioprintable, cell-laden silk fibroin-gelatin hydrogel supporting multilineage differentiation of stem cells for fabrication of three-dimensional tissue constructs Das, Sanskrita;Pati, Falguni;Choi, Yeongjin; et al.Acta Biomaterialia 2015, 11: 233-246Estanqueiro, Marilene;Colloids and Surfaces54Nanotechnological carriers for cancerB-Biointerfaces chemotherapy: The state of the artAmaral, Maria Helena;Conceicao, Jaime; et al.2015, 126: 631-64854Tumor microenvironment sensitive doxorubicin delivery and release to glioma using angiopep-2 decorated gold nanoparticles Ruan, Shaobo;Yuan, Mingqing;Zhang, Li; et al.Biomaterials 2015, 37: 425-435Two-dimensional magnetic WS2@Fe3O4nano-compositewithmesoporoussilicacoatingforYang,Guangbao;Biomaterials52Gong, Hua;drug delivery and imaging-guided therapy of2015, 60: 62-71 cancerLiu, Teng; et al.

Materials Science, Ceramics 陶瓷材料学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Roedel, Juergen;Journal of the European Ceramic152Transferring lead-free piezoelectric ceramicsSociety into applicationWebber, Kyle G.;Dittmer, Robert; et al.2015, 35(6): 1659-1681Advances in transparent glass-ceramicChen, Daqin;Journal of the European Ceramic119phosphors for white light-emitting diodes-AXiang, Weidong;SocietyreviewLiang, Xiaojuan; et al.2015, 35(3): 859-86961Substituted hydroxyapatites for biomedical applications: A review Supova, Monika Ceramics International 2015, 41(8): 9203-9231Fabrication and characterization of copperCeramics International Momeni, Moharnad57doped TiO2nanotube arrays by in situelectrochemical method as efficientMohsen; Ghayeb, Yousef;2015, 41(7): 8735-8741 visible-light photocatalystGhonchegi, Zohre45Relaxor ferroelectric BaTiO3-Bi(Mg2/3Nb1/3)O3ceramics for energy storage application Wang, Tong;Jin, Li;Li, Chunchun; et al.Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2015, 98(2): 559-566Todd, R. I.;Journal of the European Ceramic42Electrical characteristics of flash sintering:Society Thermal runaway of Joule heatingZapata-Solvas, E.;Bonilla, R. S.; et al.2015, 35(6): 1865-187742Preparation of ZnO flower/reduced graphene oxide composite with enhanced photocatalytic performance under sunlight Xu, Shaohua;Fu, Li;Pham, Tien Song Hiep;et al.Ceramics International 2015, 41(3): 4007-4013Enhanced energy storage properties ofJournal of the European Ceramic42Xu, Qi; Li, Tianming;SocietyNaNbO3modified Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3basedceramicsHao,Hua;etal.2015, 35(2): 545-55339Novel simple solvent-less preparation,characterization and degradation of the cationic dye over holmium oxide ceramic nanostructures Mortazavi-Derazkola,Sobhan; Zinatloo-Ajabshir,Sahar; Salavati-Niasari,Masoud Ceramics International 2015, 41(8): 9593-9601Preparation of cobalt coated TiO2and Ceramics International37Momeni, MohamadWO3-TiO2nanotube films via photo-assisteddeposition with enhanced photocatalytic Mohsen; Ghayeb, Yousef2016, 42(6): 7014-7022 activity under visible light illumination

Materials Science, Characterization & Testing 材料科学,表征和测试

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物A novel five-variable refined plate theoryBennoun, Mohammed;Mechanics of Advanced98for vibration analysis of functionallyHouari, Mohammed Sid Materials and StructuresgradedsandwichplatesAhmed;Tounsi,2016, 23(4): 423-431AbdelouahedXCT analysis of the influence of meltstrategies on defect population in Ti-6Al-4V Tammas-Williams, S.;Materials Characterization59components manufactured by SelectiveZhao,H.;2015, 102: 47-61ElectronBeamMeltingLeonard,F.;etal.34Four-parameter functionally graded cracked plates of arbitrary shape: A GDQFEM solution for free vibrations Fantuzzi, Nicholas;Tornabene, Francesco;Viola, Erasmo Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 2016, 23(1): 89-107Experimental Mechanics34Ncorr: Open-source 2D digital imageBlaber, J.; Adair, B.;2015, 55(6): 1105-112229Review of pulsed thermal NDT: Physical principles, theory and data processingcorrelation matlab softwareAntoniou, A.Vavilov, Vladimir P.;Burleigh, Douglas D.Ndt & E International 2015, 73: 28-52Vibration signal modeling of a planetary Liang, Xihui;Engineering Failure Analysis29gear set for tooth crack detectionZuo, Ming J.;2015, 48: 185-200Hoseini, Mohammad R.27Isogeometric analysis of laminated composite plates using the higher-order shear deformation theory Thai, Chien H.;Nguyen-Xuan, H.;Bordas, S. P. A.; et al.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 2015, 22(6): 451-469Influence of chain extender on mechanical,Arruda, Liliane Cardoso;Polymer Testing26thermal and morphological properties ofMagaton, Marina; Sumanblown films of PLA/PBAT blendsBretas, Rosario Elida; et al.2015, 43: 27-3726Estimation of elastoplastic parameters via weighted FEMU and integrated-DIC Mathieu, F.;Leclerc, H.;Hild, F.; et al.Experimental Mechanics 2015, 55(1): 105-119Effect of various thermal loadings on bucklingMechanics of Advanced25and vibrational characteristics of nonlocalEbrahimi, Farzad;Materials and Structures temperature-dependent functionally graded Salari, Erfannanobeams2016, 23(12): 1379-1397

Materials Science, Coatings & Films 材料科学,涂料和薄膜

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Brousse, Thierry;Journal of the Electrochemical282To be or not to be pseudocapacitive?Belanger, Daniel;SocietyLong, Jeffrey W.2015, 162(5): A5185-A5189Isoelectric point and adsorption activity of Zhu, Bicheng;Applied Surface Science102porous g-C3N4Xia, Pengfei;Ho, Wingkei; et al.2015, 344: A5185-A518997A review on g-C3N4for photocatalytic water splitting and CO2reduction Ye, Sheng;Wang, Rong;Wu, Mingzai; et al.Applied Surface Science 2015, 358: 15-27Applied Surface Science93Yuan, Lan;Photocatalytic conversion of CO2intovalue-added and renewable fuelsXu, Yijun 2015, 342: 154-16773The influence of water and protons on Li2O2crystal growth in aprotic LiO2cells Schwenke, K. Uta;Metzger, Michael;Restle, Tassilo; et al.Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2015, 162(4): A573-A584Applied Surface Science70Nickel-based cocatalysts for photocatalytichydrogen production Xu, You; Xu, Rong 2015, 351: 779-79364Tungsten-based nanomaterials (WO3&Bi2WO6): Modifications related to charge carrier transfer mechanisms and photocatalytic applications Kumar, S. Girish;Rao, K. S. R. Koteswara Applied Surface Science 2015, 355: 939-958Hydrogen oxidation and evolution reactionDurst, Julien;Journal of the Electrochemical62kinetics on carbon supported Pt, Ir, Rh, andSimon, Christoph;SocietyPd electrocatalysts in acidic mediaHasche, Frederic; et al.2015, 162(1): F190-F20360Redox electrolytes in supercapacitors Akinwolemiwa, Bamidele;Peng, Chuang;Chen, George Z.Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2015, 162(5): A5054-A5059HeteroatomdopedgrapheneinPutri,LutfiKurnianditia;Applied Surface Science55photocatalysis:AreviewOng,Wee-Jun;Chang, Wei Sea; et al.2015, 358: 2-14

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