
  • 英语教育类数字出版物的策划研究
    鑫英语教育类的出版物能够为教学活动提供帮助,英语教育类数字出版物是指与英语教育相关的数字专辑,由于数字出版物的媒介载体不同分为两种,即电子出版物与网络出版物。本文通过对数字出版物策划的每个环节进行创新,培养更多的出版物的编辑人才。1 英语教育类数字出版物的优势传统教育类出版物大多数为纸质品,在书籍保存过程中存在缺陷,读者在寻找时容易出现差错,管理图书效率较低。网络技术发展,数字教育类图书的出现解决了上述问题。在教育类各种数字出版物中,英语类刊物的数量逐渐增

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    章题目作者来源出版物160 Modeling and application of process damping in milling of thin-walled workpiece made of titanium alloy Li, Xin;Zhao, Wei;Li, Liang; et al.Shock and Vibration 2015, 431476 140 Analysis of cell-free DNA in maternal blo

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  • 经典文献推荐
    域经典文献来源出版物:Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 1934,26(8): 851-855Methane hydrate: A major reservoir of carbon in the shallow geosphere?Kvenvolden, KAAbstract:Methane hydrates are solids composed of rigid cages of water molecules

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    . S.;来源出版物Shock and Vibration 2015, 431476 Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology meta-analysis Revello, R.; et al. 2015, 45(3): 249-266 91 89 Procedure-related risk of miscarriage following amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampl

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  • ·经典文献推荐·
    s, AJ来源出版物:Archives of Medical Research, 2005, 36(6): 697-705New antibiotics for bad bugs: Where are we?Bassetti, Matteo; Merelli, Maria; Temperoni, Chiara; et al.Abstract: Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is growing up day by

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  • 昆虫学
    昆虫学来源出版物:Insect Science, 2015, 22(5): 651-660封面介绍:Females of the common green blow fly,Lucilia sericata, ovipositing on rat carrion. When females oviposit in aggregations, even-aged larval offspring develop faster and fewer are pr

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    次: 82来源出版物: Annual Review of Entomology,2013,58: 373-391联系邮箱: Leal,WS; wsleal@ucdavis.edu被引频次: 63The Juvenile Hormone Signaling Pathway in Insect DevelopmentJindra,M; Palli,SR; Riddiford,LMAbstract: The molecular action of juvenil

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    次: 63来源出版物:Ieee Transactions on Cybernetics,2013,43(6): 1796-1806联系邮箱:Wu,ZG; nashwzhg@gmail.com被引频次: 52Distributed Synchronization in Networks of Agent Systems With Nonlinearities and Random SwitchingsTang,Y; Gao,HJ; Zou,W; et al.

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    : 214来源出版物: Journal of Memory and Language,2013,68(3): 255-278联系邮箱: Barr,DJ; dale.barr@glasgow.ac.ukss被引频次: 59The ventral visual pathway: an expanded neural framework for the processing of object qualityKravitz,DJ; Saleem,KS; Bake

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    次: 22来源出版物: British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, 2013, 66(1): 8-38联系邮箱: Gelman, A; gelman@stat.columbia.edu被引频次: 19Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variableHayes, AF; Preacher

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    频次: 8来源出版物: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2013, 109: 364-392联系邮箱: Olajire, AA; olajireaa@yahoo.com被引频次: 7An Improved Method for the Determination of Petroleum Hydrocarbons From Soil Using a Simple Ultrasonic Extra

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  • 国外数据库各学科高被引论文TOP5
    频次:88来源出版物:Ultraschall in Der Medizin, 2013, 34(2):169-184联系邮箱:Bamber, J; jeff@icr.ac.uk被引频次:72EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the Clinical Use of Ultrasound Elastography. Part 2:Clinical ApplicationsCosgrove, D; Piscagli

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  • 国外数据库各学科高被引论文TOP5
    次: 72来源出版物: Ultraschall in Der Medizin, 2013, 34(2): 169-184 联系邮箱: Bamber, J; jeff@icr.ac.uk被引频次: 57EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the Clinical Use of Ultrasound Elastography. Part 2: Clinical ApplicationsCosgrove, D; Pi

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  • 国外数据库各学科高被引论文TOP5
    次: 53来源出版物: Composite Structures,2013,96: 833-849联系邮箱: Jha,DK; z7404702@iitb.ac.in被引频次: 50Static,free vibration and buckling analysis of isotropic and sandwich functionally graded plates using a quasi-3D higher-order shear deforma

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  • 国外数据库各学科高被引论文TOP5
    次: 72来源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2013,43(6): 1796-1806联系邮箱: Wu,ZG; nashwzhg@gmail.com被引频次: 59Distributed Synchronization in Networks of Agent Systems With Nonlinearities and Random SwitchingsTang,Y; Gao,HJ; Zou,W; et a

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  • 国外数据库各学科高被引论文TOP5
    次: 51来源出版物: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2013, 160(2): A259–A267联系邮箱: Trahan, MJ; kmabraham@comcast.net被引频次: 36The Identification of Stable Solvents for Nonaqueous Rechargeable Li-Air BatteriesBryantsev, VS; Uddin, J; G

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