
2017-09-08 03:40郭雅蓉侯扶江于应文
草业科学 2017年8期


(1.草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室,兰州大学草地农业科技学院,甘肃 兰州 730020; 2.农业部草牧业创新重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730020)



(1.草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室,兰州大学草地农业科技学院,甘肃 兰州 730020; 2.农业部草牧业创新重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730020)

以祁连山北坡高寒灌丛化草甸和高寒草原为对象,测定比较夏季、冬季和春秋季牧场的夏季土壤呼吸特征及与其影响因素之间的关系,为牧场碳汇管理提供依据。以高山灌丛化草甸为主的夏季牧场日均土壤呼吸速率(Rs)为0.26 μmol·(m2·s)-1,以高寒草原为主的冬季和春秋季牧场日均Rs分别为0.24和0.19 μmol·(m2·s)-1。随放牧增强,冬季牧场Rs减小,春秋季和夏季牧场Rs增加。冬季牧场Rs与土壤含水量(soil mosture,SM)显著正相关(P<0.05),Rs与放牧率(stocking rate,SR)和土壤温度(soil temperature,Ts)显著负相关(P<0.05);春秋季牧场Rs与SR、光合有效辐射(photosynthetically awailable radiation,PAR)、Ts显著正相关(P<0.05);春秋季牧场Rs与SM和群落盖度(community coverage,C)显著负相关(P<0.05)。结构模型方程表明,冬季牧场放牧率通过Ts对Rs的负向间接作用最强,SM对Rs正向的直接作用次之;春秋季牧场群落盖度对Rs负向直接作用最大,放牧率对Rs正向的直接作用次之。冬季牧场Rs可分别由Rs=0.436-0.012Ts+0.018SM(R2=0.911,P=0.038)和Rs=0.707+0.002SR-0.02Ts(R2=0.775,P=0.037) 估测;春秋季牧场可由Rs=-0.239+0.003PAR-0.001C(R2=0.979,P=0.004)估测。





1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

研究区位于甘肃省肃南裕固族自治县甘肃马鹿(Cervuselaphuskansuensis)养殖场,有3个季节牧场,地处祁连山中段北麓,地理坐标38.8° N、99.6° E附近,平均海拔2 850 m。年均温3.6 ℃,年均降水量253.0 mm,主要集中在6月-9月。牧草一般4月下旬返青,7月上旬进入生长旺盛期,9月上旬开始枯黄[19]。

1.2 样地设置

试验设在甘肃马鹿的冬季牧场(winter pasture,WP)、春秋季牧场(spring-autumn pasture,SAP)和夏季牧场(summer pasture,SP)。根据草原综合顺序分类法[32],冬季和春秋季牧场属于寒温微干山地草原类,土壤为山地栗钙土[33];夏季牧场属于亚高山灌丛草甸,土壤属于高山灌丛草甸土。冬季和春秋季牧场主要植物种为紫花针茅(Stipapurpurea)、短花针茅(S.breviflora)、扁穗冰草(Agropyroncristatum)、醉马草(Achnatheruminebrians)、冷蒿(Artemisiafrigida)、赖草(Leymussecalinus)、银灰旋花(Convolvulusammannii)和其它一些植物[9,34];夏季牧场主要植物种为鬼箭锦鸡儿(Caraganajubata);冬季牧场的醉马草、甘肃马先蒿(Pediculariskansuensis)、狼毒(Stellerachamaejasme)和银灰旋花等毒杂草分布广泛,在牧场入口附近甚至是优势种或次优势种,退化严重。醉马草仅分布在春秋季牧场入口附近,纵深区域较少,退化较轻;夏季牧场畜圈附近退化严重,醉马草为优势种[35]。

冬季和春秋季牧场沿马鹿采食的主要路线在距牧场入口0、300、600、900、1 200和1 500 m处共设6个样地,向外呈放射状形成放牧率由高到低的牧压梯度。1个家畜单位(animal unit,AU)为1头成年甘肃马鹿母鹿(活体重200 kg左右)带一只哺乳期的小鹿。依据家畜体量或采食量,将各年龄段马鹿换算为标准家畜单位[34,36-37]。放牧率以单位放牧地面积上家畜单位与放牧时间(月month,M)的乘积(AUM)表示,分别得到冬季和春秋季牧场的放牧率(表1)[34,36-37]。1999年夏季从放牧开始,直至放牧结束,每隔2 h观察一次马鹿的放牧行为,记录样地内马鹿数量和年龄。

冬季和春秋季牧场各样地放牧率(stocking rate,SR)计算公式:


夏季牧场由南北走向的两个小山及其间谷地组成,距离畜圈50和600 m,分别在东西方向上设置两条样带,600 m样带位于50 m样带南侧,海拔较50 m样带高50 m左右。每条样带分为坡顶、坡中、坡谷;根据坡向分为阳坡和阴坡(表2)。

1.3 测定方法

应用CI-301PS闭路系统的CI-301SR土壤呼吸室测定土壤呼吸。冬季牧场,1999年7月06:00-21:00,每隔2 h测定一次,每样地每次随机选择5个样点,每样点测定5次,取平均值。春秋季牧场和夏季牧场,09:00-11:00测定一次,每样地随机布设5个样点,每样点测5个数据。同时测定气温、光照、土壤地表温度、土壤含水量等数据。


Rs=12 323.35×V×P/Δt×Ta×A.

式中:Rs为土壤呼吸速率[μmol·(m2·s)-1],V为体积流速(L·min-1),P为大气压力(Pa),Δt为测定间隔时间(Δt=30 s),Ta为空气湿度(K),A为呼吸室面积(A=74.5 cm2)。


冬季和春季牧场在每个样地随机取5个(1 m×1 m)样方,统计每个样方中的植物种类,记录每个植物种的投影盖度,总盖度=各个植物种的分盖度之和。土样采集与群落盖度同步,每样地用直径5 cm土钻取15钻,0-40 cm深度每10 cm为一层,筛出根系,测定根系生物量[38]。

表1 祁连山北坡不同放牧率下冬季和春秋季牧场植物群落Table 1 Plant community in winter and spring-autumn pasture under different stocking rates on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains

表2 祁连山北坡夏季牧场不同坡位植物群落Table 2 Plant community on the different slope positions in summer pasture on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains

1.4 数据统计分析

用SPSS 20.0软件,对祁连山北坡夏季不同季节牧场影响土壤呼吸因子及其与土壤呼吸之间进行相关性分析;运用LSD法分别对夏季牧场相同距离不同坡位、不同距离相同坡位土壤呼吸进行多重比较;利用通径分析方法,分析影响土壤呼吸因子分别在冬季和春秋季牧场对土壤呼吸的直接和间接作用;采用多元回归方法,建立影响土壤呼吸因子与土壤呼吸之间的回归模型。用Microsoft Excel 2010软件绘图。

2 结果与分析

2.1 土壤呼吸特征

冬季牧场300 m样地土壤呼吸日动态具有代表性,基本呈单峰曲线变化,14:00左右最高(图1),与土壤温度变化一致。

随放牧率增加,冬季牧场日均土壤呼吸速率下降,春秋季牧场呈增加变化(图2)。放牧率增加1 AUM·hm-2,冬季和春秋季牧场土壤呼吸分别减少0.014 2 μmol·(m2·s)-1和增加0.025 7 μmol·(m2·s)-1。

图1 冬季牧场土壤呼吸和土壤温度日动态Fig. 1 Daily dynamics of soil respiration and soil temperature in winter pasture on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains

夏季牧场,相同坡位,离畜圈50 m的样地土壤呼吸速率高于离畜圈600 m的样地(P<0.05)(表3);相同距离不同坡位土壤呼吸不同。夏季牧场阴坡坡顶日均土壤呼吸速率[Rs=0.318μmol·(m2·s)-1]>坡谷[Rs=0.214 μmol·(m2·s)-1]>坡中[Rs=0.165 μmol·(m2·s)-1],阳坡坡中日均土壤呼吸速率[Rs=0.308 μmol·(m2·s)-1]>坡顶[Rs=0.243 μmol·(m2·s)-1]>坡谷[Rs=0.214 μmol·(m2·s)-1]。

图2 冬季牧场和春季牧场放牧率与土壤呼吸速率的关系Fig. 2 The relationship between stocking rate and soil respiration in winter and spring-autumn pasture on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains

2.2 影响土壤呼吸的因素分析

冬季牧场土壤呼吸速率与放牧率、土壤含水量和土壤温度显著相关(P<0.05)(表4),放牧率与土壤0-10 cm温度显著负相关(P<0.05);冬季牧场土壤呼吸速率与其含水量显著正相关(P<0.05),与放牧率和土壤温度显著正相关(P<0.05)。


冬季牧场土壤呼吸通径分析显示(图3),土壤含水量和温度对冬季牧场土壤呼吸是直接作用,放牧对土壤呼吸是间接作用,土壤温度相较于土壤含水量对土壤呼吸的直接作用较大,说明冬季牧场日均土壤呼吸速率土壤0-10 cm温度变化较敏感。放牧主要通过改变土壤0-10 cm温度间接影响冬季牧场土壤呼吸。

表3 祁连山北坡夏季牧场不同坡位土壤呼吸速率Table 3 Soil respiration on the different slope positions in summer pasture on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains


Note: Different lowercase letters within the same distance indicate significant difference between different slope positions at the 0.05 level; different uppercase letters within the same slope position indicate significant difference between different distances at the 0.05 level.



表4 祁连山北坡冬季和春秋季牧场土壤呼吸影响因素之间的相关性分析Table 4 Correlation among the factors of affecting soil respiration in winter and spring-autumn pasture on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains


Note: Upper right part, spring-autumn pasture; lower left part, winter pasture. SR, stocking rate; PAR, photosynthetically available radiation; Ts, soil temperatute; SM, soil moisture; C, community coverage; UB, underground biomass; Rs, soil respiration.


图3 祁连山北坡冬季牧场土壤呼吸通径分析
Fig. 3 The path analysis of soil respiration in winter pasture on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains

注:实线为直接影响。*, **, ***分别表示在0.05、0.01和0.001水平上显著。下图同。

Note: Solid lines indicate direct effects. *, **, and *** indicate significant relationship at 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 levels, respectively. similarly for the Fig. 4.

3 讨论






图4 祁连山北坡春秋季牧场土壤呼吸通径分析Fig. 4 The path analysis of soil respiration in spring-autumn pasture on north slope of Qilian Mountains

注: Rs,土壤呼吸; SR,放牧率; Ts,土壤温度; SM,土壤含水量; PAR, 光合有效辐射; C,群落盖度。

Note: Rs, soil respiration; SR, stoking rate; Ts, soil temperatute; SM, soil moisture; PAR, photosynthetically available radiation; C, community coverage.

4 结论



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(责任编辑 武艳培)

Soil respiration in three types of seasonal pastures in summer on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains

Guo Ya-rong1,2, Hou Fu-jiang1,2, Yu Ying-Wen1,2

(1.State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-escosystems, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020, China; 2.Key Laboratory of Grassland Livestock Industry Innovation, Ministry of Agriculture, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020, China)

To facilitate the management of carbon sink, soil respiration and factors affecting it were measured and analysed in summer pasture, winter pasture, and spring-autumn pasture on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains in summer. Daily soil respiration (Rs) was 0.24, 0.19, and 0.26 μmol·(m2·s)-1in the winter pasture, spring-autumn pasture, and summer pasture, respectively. With increase in stocking rate, Rsdecreased in winter pasture, whereas that in the spring-autumn pasture and summer pasture revealed the opposite trend. In winter pasture, Rswas significantly positively correlated with soil moisture (SM) and significantly negatively correlated with stocking rate (SR) and soil temperature (Ts) (P<0.05). However, in spring-autumn pasture, Rswas significantly positively correlated with SR, photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), and SM (P<0.05), but significantly negatively correlated with soil temperature (Ts) and community coverage (C) (P<0.05). A structural model revealed that the indirect negative effect of SR by Tson Rswas higher than the direct positive effect of SM in winter pasture. The direct negative effect of C on Rswas higher than the direct positive effect of SR in spring-autumn pasture. In winter pasture, Rscan be estimated better by Tsand SM,Rs=0.436-0.012ST+0.018SM(R2=0.775,P=0.037). In spring-autumn pasture, Rscan be estimated better by PAR and C,Rs=-0.239+0.003PAR-0.001C(R2=0.979,P=0.004).

grazing; alpine grassland; alpine shrub meadow; soil repiration; soil temperature; soil moisture; photosynthetically available radiation

Hou Fu-jiang E-mail:cyhoufj@lzu.edu.cn


2016-08-31 接受日期:2017-05-04








Guo Y R,Hou F J,Yu Y W.Soil respiration in three types of seasonal pastures in summer on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains.Pratacultural Science,2017,34(8):1561-1570.


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