
2017-09-07 03:47:36FrancisKéré,BlakeVillwock
世界建筑导报 2017年4期


Serpentine Pavilion 2017


建筑师:Francis Kéré

项目建筑师:Blake Villwock



Dates: 23 June – 8 October 2017

Architect: Francis Kéré

Project architect: Blake Villwock

Overall site area: 541 sqm

Gross internal area: 165.5 sqm

总平面图 site plan

Francis Kéré是柏林Kéré建筑事务所的负责人,他是第17个获得蛇形画廊(Serpentine Gallery)邀请来设计临时展馆的建筑师。自2000年起,蛇形画廊每年都会邀请一名国际设计师来设计他们在伦敦的处女作,这已经成为全球文化界最受期待的重要事件之一,也是伦敦夏季一个主要的旅游景点。蛇形画廊艺术总监Hans Ulrich Obrist和首席执行官Yana Peel负责挑选设计师,David Adjaye和Richard Rogers为他们谏言献策。

在Francis Kéré的家乡甘多,树林是各种生物的主要聚集地,受此启发,他设计了一个响应式的展馆,希望将游客与大自然联系起来,并让游客与游客之间建立联系。展馆的遮篷由一个中央钢结构支撑,十分开阔,形状类似树冠,在遮挡降雨,隔绝暑气的同时,又可以让空气自由流通。


© Laurian Ghinitoiu

作为一名建筑师,Kéré一直在他的作品中践行互动式和环保的设计理念。Kéré设计的蛇形画廊临时展馆将实施一项计划,该计划包括了多项活动,其中有:探讨伦敦的社区和权利问题,继续举行公园之夜(Park Nights)的问题,以及由COS赞助的蛇形画廊公开演出系列活动。建造自己的展馆(Build

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

Your Own Pavilion)是由彭博慈善基金会(Bloomberg Philanthropies)赞助的数字平台和全国性建筑设计活动,今年是第三年。届时将邀请年轻人思考建筑设计和公共空间之间的关系,询问他们与他们所在城市未来有关的一些重要问题,并邀请他们设计自己理想中的城市。


© Kéré Architecture

屋顶平面图 roof plan

Francis Kéré, who leads the Berlin-based practice Kéré Architecture, is the seventeenth architect to accept the Serpentine Galleries’ invitation to design a temporary Pavilion in its grounds. Since its launch in 2000, this annual commission of an international architect to build his or her first structure in London at the time of invitation has become one of the most anticipated events in the global cultural calendar and a leading visitor attraction during London’s summer season. Serpentine Artistic Director Hans Ulrich Obrist and CEO Yana Peel made their selection of the architect, with advisors David Adjaye and Richard Rogers.

Inspired by the tree that serves as a central meeting point for life in his home town of Gando, Francis Kéré has designed a responsive Pavilion that seeks to connect its visitors to nature – and each other.. An expansive roof, supported by a central steel framework, mimics a tree’s canopy, allowing air to circulate freely while offering shelter against London rain and summer heat.

Kéré has positively embraced British climate in his design, creating a structure that engages with the ever-changing London weather in creative ways. The Pavilion has four separate entry points with an open air courtyard in the centre, where visitors can sit and relax during sunny days. In the case of rain, an oculus funnels any water that collects on the roof into a spectacular waterfall effect, before it is evacuated through a drainage system in the floor for later use in irrigating the park. Both the roof and wall system are made from wood. By day, they act as solar shading, creating pools of dappled shadows. By night, the walls become a source of illumination as small perforations twinkle with the movement and activity from inside.

As an architect, Kéré is committed to socially engaged and ecological design in his practice,

Kéré’s Serpentine Pavilion will host a programme of events exploring questions of community and rights to the city, as well as the continuation of Park Nights, the Serpentine’s public performance series, supported by COS. Now in its third year, Build Your Own Pavilion, the digital platform and nationwide architecture campaign supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, will invite young people to consider the relationship between architecture and public space, to ask critical questions about the future of their cities and to design the cities in which they would like to live.

said: “As an architect, it is an honour to work in such a grand park, especially knowing the long history of how the gardens evolved and changed into what we see today. Every path and tree, and even the Serpentine lake, were all carefully designed. I am fascinated by how this artificial landscape offered a new way for people in the city to experience nature. In Burkina Faso, I am accustomed to being confronted with climate and natural landscape as a harsh reality. For this reason, I was interested in how my contribution to this Royal Park could not only enhance the visitor’s experience of nature, but also provoke a new way for people to connect with each other.”

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

首层平面图 ground plan

A-A剖面图 section AA

座位配置 configurations

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

西立面图 elevation west

东立面图 elevation east

南立面图 elevation south

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

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