
2017-09-04 03:17DeUrbanisten景观公司
风景园林 2017年6期

De Urbanisten景观公司


De Urbanisten景观公司

2016年夏天,一个全新的水广场于荷兰蒂尔市开放,该项目由荷兰城市设计总部办公室和De Urbanisten景观公司共同设计。这个广场是整个Vogelbuurt街区复兴的主要项目。

蒂尔市需要面临许多与水相关的挑战,如洪水危机、较高的地下水位以及蓄水需求等。在Vogelbuurt街区,建成环境及公共空间的改造提升与这些水问题的解决巧妙地结合。De Urbanisten景观公司被要求设计一个包含两种功能的中心水广场,它将是一个富有活力的嬉戏和停留空间,同时具备临时存储雨水的功能。

2 平面图Plan



3 社区水管理系统Water System for the neighborhood

4 水管理系统图Water System

5 剖面图Sections

6 设计理念Concept

7 在中央蓄水区打球和停坐观看Playing and watching ball sports in the main basin



8 在“有趣的蛇”上奔跑嬉戏Running the “snake”

9 中央蓄水区广场表面不同颜色的涂料显示了降水量的大小The coating of the main basin shows water drops in different sizes

设计:De Urbanisten景观公司

滑板运动场顾问:拉格多建筑事务所(荷兰)(Lagado Architects)

水顾问:荷兰跨洲公司(Inter Delta Netherlands)

施工:鹿特丹港市工程局(City of Rotterdam Engineering Bureau)







10 水广场是一个年轻人聚会和举办各种活动的场所The watersquare is a place for a wide range of activities and a meeting place for youngsters

11 3号蓄水区是一个“游戏景观”,供一切诸如滑冰、滑板、小轮车越野等轮类运动使用Basin 3 is a “play landscape” for everything on wheels: skating, waveboarding and BMX

12 通过混凝土较好地塑造楼梯、坡道和场地边缘,使得3号蓄水区域的空间收放自如Zoom on basin 3 with it stairs, slopes and edges, nicely shaped out of concrete

Summer 2016 a new water square was opened in the Dutch city of Tiel (NL), designed by Dutch based office for urban design and landscape architecture De Urbanisten. This square is the‘pièce de résistance’ in the redevelopment of the complete neighborhood (Vogelbuurt).

The city of Tiel has to deal with several water related challenges like the risk of flooding, high groundwater and a need for waterstorage. In the ‘Vogelbuurt’ an improvement of the built environment and the public space is smartly combined with solving these water problems. De Urbanisten were asked to design a central water square that has two functions. It is both a vivid place to play and linger and a temporary storage of rainwater.

In the middle of the square, a sports field is also the largest basin for the storage of rainwater. A ‘playful snake’ curls around the field; it’s a landscape with height variations that creates a sequence of smaller basins for transportation, extra water storage and infiltration. With its various slopes and heights, the landscape invites children and adults to use it for a wide range of activities. A generous amount of green surfaces frame this landscape and invite to relax and linger.

In the design process, children from the adjacent school participated. They created their own snake by cutting and pasting their favorite activities for the square. With their preferences, we gave all parts of the landscape a different shape and possible use: a natural playscape, an archipelago playground, a skatebasin and a sportsfield.

With a regular rainfall, only water from the school is brought to the small basins where it can infiltrate, thanks to a raingarden and permeable paving. The central basin only floods during extreme cloudbursts or longer periods of extreme rainfall. It is filled with rainwater from the watersewage of the surrounding streets. It’s also the overflow for the undeep basins. Around 500 m3can be stored on the square. Ultimately, when the stress period is over, the water is conducted back to the rainwater sewage system.

13 在“有趣的蛇”的头部攀爬和滑下Climbing and sliding the head of the “snake”

14 天然的游戏元素和丰富的植物种植为广场提供了柔软的触感Natural play elements and a rich vegetation give the square a soft touch

Design:De Urbanisten

Advise Skatepark:Lagado Architects (Netherlands)

Advise Water:Inter Delta

Engineering:City of Rotterdam Engineering Bureau

Location:Tiel (Netherlands)

Design Time:2013-2016

Costruction Time:2015-2016

Client:Municipality of Tiel

Translator:ZHANG Xi

Proofreader:ZHANG Shi-yang

Water Square Tiel, Netherlands

De Urbanisten
