
2017-09-04 03:17李中伟林楠LabH景观与城市设计事务所
风景园林 2017年6期

李中伟 林楠 Lab D+H景观与城市设计事务所


李中伟 林楠 Lab D+H景观与城市设计事务所



1 平面图Master Plan

2 永庆大街,合适的景观与历史建筑相辅相成Yongqing Street, the landscape design is making dialogue with historical buildings.

3 永庆二巷,新的巷道仍然承载了居民交通的需求Yongqing 2nd Alleyway, the new alleyway still serves as a transportation function.

4 永庆二巷,古老的麻石与废墟中的青砖组合营造了独特的铺装Yongqing 2nd Street, the existing hamp paving works well with the original brick from demolition.













5 大台阶鸟瞰(夜景)The bird eye of Grand Civic Step (night scene)

6 大台阶鸟瞰The bird eye of Grand Civic Step

7 大台阶夜景The Grand Civic Step night scene











面积:3 000m2




景观设计:Lab D+H景观与城市设计事务所


设计团队:李中伟 钟惠城 林楠 梁宗杰 蓝浩

万科负责团队:程国炎 李婷婷 陈嘉健




8 瓦墙花园The Tile Wall Garden

9 近看大瓦墙落水The close view of Tile Wall

10 美丽的大台阶夜景The nice night view of Grand Civic Step

Project Statement

This design for Yongqing Fang is a reaction to modern day rapid urban transformation which pushes out the old residents and replaces them with a new set of inhabitants. In the process, all of the precious heritage, history and charm of that bygone era is lost forever. Instead of that, we redesigned the abandoned alleyways and created a unique space to encourage new and old residents to linger, mingle and interact in a regular thriving community atmosphere with a superior quality of life and somewhere they can be proud of. Features like the inviting and attractive public steps, roof gardens and other open spaces positively encourage the coming together of all age groups and breaks down social barriers in a very natural and easy manner in the once-abandoned neighborhood. After it was built, Yongqing Fang became a cultural landmark again. The entrepreneur, tourist and existing residents live together in harmony, which is proof of the success of this landscape strategy. Also it provides a totally new example for old city regeneration globally. Landscape doubles as a fusion medium for all levels of society.

Project Narrative

Challenges and Objectives

This design for Yongqing Fang is related to one of the most important renovation projects of Guangzhou old alleyways. Yongqing Fang sits in the heart of old town Guangzhou. It used to be the economic center of southern China until the recession of the 1950s. In recent years, Guangzhou has undergone a major boom in urbanization; many historic sites and the main street have regained a new lease of life through major redevelopment and refurbishment, yet Yongqing Fang was left to decay. In 2014, Vanke Group stepped in and started a transformation process for the old town. Vanke’s strategy is to retain the original residents so that the social ties can be maintained. Our design calls for redesigning the three abandoned alleyways to createa unique space so new and existing residents can linger and mingle in pleasurable coexistence.

11 瓦墙花园大棚架The Wood Canopy of Tile Roof Garden

12 屋顶花园休息区Resting Area of the Roof Garden

Design Strategy

The design approach aimed to satisfy the most critical elements of successful urban renewal:

· using landscape design to unify the sometimes chaotic community

· striving to improve the residents’ quality of life

· creating public spaces for the inhabitants in the traditional neighborhood

A systematic design

The vastly different architectural styles of the buildings on site posed the biggest challenge. To address this, we proposed an overarching structure consisting of three layers to seamlessly connect different elements: Linkage system, Culture system and Eco system. In the Linkage system, a path is planned with a unique pavement formed from ancient paving stones that connects various buildings and surrounding communities; the Culture system consists of several public gathering areas with various themes; the Eco system creates a green space at rooftop level.

Improved quality of life for the residents

Prior to renovation, the site suffered from serious waterlogging. Old wires and cables dangling over the streets were an ugly spiderweb above people’s heads. We regraded the site to solve the drainage problem and carefully concealed the drains under a multifunction curb that also carries the relocated wiring and cabling conduits. At night, the edge of the curb glows, brightening the lives of every family and creating a warm and companionable ambience. By regenerating this previously poor living environment, we raised living standards and self-esteem of the people who live there.

Symbiotic space creation

Many facilities such as cinemas and community spaces had been flattened in line with the government’s demolition policy. To restore the old community back to life, we designed a series of event areas in the narrow alleyways. We bring back the traditional open-air movies with an amphitheater. We provide coming together space with a tiled garden. We bring back the memoryof history to the community with a Bruce Lee memorial garden. At the roof garden, young entrepreneurs find a place to meet and mingle, exchange ideas and fire their imaginations.

13 瓦墙花园夜景The Tile Wall Garden night scene

14 瓦墙落水夜景Tile Wall Waterfall night scene

15 瓦墙花园细节The Tile Wall Garden detail

16 屋顶花园夜景The Roof Garden night scene

17 瓦墙花园细节The Tile Wall Garden detail

18 墙体细节The wall detail

19 木台阶细节The Wood Step detail

Reuse of old material

In order to better demonstrate the rich history of the site, we salvaged the original building materials: tiles, brick, natural stone, and wood, and turned them into landscape elements. At the same time, we used classic construction methods to convey a strong sense of the past so that people appreciate the history of the place while enjoying the landscape.


Yongqing Fang has been very successful as a place where existing and new residents can relax and enjoy recreation both day and night. It has also become a dynamic urban center, with celebrations and many kinds of events, such as Chinese New Year and Christmas, which also attract tourists who add to the enjoyment of the spectacles. These events encourage residents to become more aware of and appreciate the rich history and the lifestyle of the older inhabitants, which are often obscured by the hustle and bustle of urban living.

Location:Guangzhou Enning Road

Area:3 000 m2

Design time:2016.03-2016.12

Construction time:2016.07-2017.01

Client:Guangzhou Vanke

Landscape Design:Lab D+H Landscape and Urban Design

Lead Designer:Zhongwei Li

Design Team:Zhongwei Li, Huicheng Zhong, Nan Lin, Zongjie Liang, Hao Lan

Vanke Team:Guoyan Cheng, Tingting Li, Jiajian Chen

Photo credit:Zhewei Su, ARCHEXIST

Translator:Zhongwei Li

Yongqing Fang: the Civic Alleyways From Urban Transformation

Zhongwei LI, Nan LIN, Lab D+H Landscape and Urban Design
