(汕尾职业技术学院信息工程系,汕尾广东 516600)
(汕尾职业技术学院信息工程系,汕尾广东 516600)
在Hardy空间上有Littlewood-Paley g-函数刻画已被人们熟知,本文证明在Bergman型空间上也有Littlewood-Paley g-函数刻画。
Bergman型空间;Hardy空间;Littlewood-Paley g-函数;原子分解理论
符号说明:对于两个函数F和G,如果存在常数c>0,与F和G无关,使得F (2.1) 定理2.1 设0 (2.2) 证明 令0 推论2.1 设0 (2.3) 定理2.2 设0 (2.4) 证明 记fr(z)=f(rz),0 下面考虑函数 [1]Duren P L.Theory of Hpspaces[M].New York:Academic Press,1970. [2]Littlewood J E, Paley R E A C.Theorems on Fourier series and power series II[J].Proc London Math Soc, 1936(42):52-89. [3]Chen Z,Ouyang W.A Littlewood-Paley type theorem for Bergman spaces[J].Acta Mathematica Scientia,2013, 33(1):150-154. [4]Frazier M,Jawerth B,Weiss G.Littlewood-Paley theory and the study of function spaces[C].Providence RI: American Mathematical Society,1991. [5]Chen Z,Ouyang W.Real-variable characterizations of Bergman spaces in the unit ball of Cn[J].Acta Analysis Functionalis Applicata,2011(13):246-259. [6]Chen Z,Ouyang W.Maximal and area integral characterizations of Bergman spaces in the unit ball of Cn[J]. Funct.Spaces Appl,2013,58(2):353-377. [7]Hedenmalm H,Korenblum B,Zhu K.Theory of Bergman spaces[M].New York:Springer-Verlag,2000. [8]Stein E M.Topics in Harmonic Analysis Related to the Littlewood-Paley Theory[M].Princeton,New Jersey: Princeton University Press,1970. [9]K Avetisyan,S Stevi.Equivalent conditions for Bergman space and Littlewood-Paley type inequalities[J].Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications,2007,9(1):15-28. [10]Y Liang,HV Poor,J Rtty.On the boundedness of Bergman projection[J].Mathematics,2015(5):85-93. [11]GR Ning,XY Wu,KY Cai.The degree sequence of a Scale-Free random graph process with hard copying[J]. Mathematics,2008:256-269. [12]M Frazier,B Jawerth,G Weiss.Littlewood-Paley theory and the study of function spaces[C].The conference board of the mathematics,1991,79(7):132. [13]Zeqian Chen,Wei Ouyang.Tent spaces and Littlewood-Paley g-functions associated with Bergman spaces in the unit ball of C[J].Mathematics,2011,281(3):1-23. [14]Zeqian Chen,Wei Ouyang.Atomic decomposition of real-variable type for Bergman spaces in the unit ball of C[J].Publicacions Matematiques,2013,58(2):353-377. A Littlewood-Paley Type Theorem for Bergman Type Spaces LI Teng-fei (Shanwei Vocational Technical College, Shanwei Guangdong 516600, China) We are familiar with the Littlewood-Paley -functions characterization of the Hardy space. In this paper, we prove that the original Littlewood-Paley g-functions can be used to characterize Bergman type spaces as well. Bergman type space; Hardy space; Littlewood-Paley g-function; atomic decomposition 2017-03-13 李腾飞(1976- ),男,讲师,硕士,从事数学基础教学及研究。 O177.91 A 2095-7602(2017)08-0014-042 主要结论