
2017-09-03 08:43:56黎燕敏
长江师范学院学报 2017年4期


(长江师范学院 文学院,重庆 408100)



(长江师范学院 文学院,重庆 408100)








表1 公共基础课教学研究成果比对表








“一千个读者眼中有一千个哈姆雷特”,cMOOC以师生共创共享为核心,强调基于主题的创新活动,对大学语文教学有很强的适用性。MOOC(Massive Open Online Course,大规模在线开放课程)是2008年在开放教育领域出现一种新型课程模式,MOOC体现了开放教育资源从单纯资源到课程与教学的转变[3]。MOOC分为cMOOC和xMOOC两种模式,cMOOC主要基于主题设计教学内容,学习方面侧重于知识的建构与创新,学习者与教师共同参与课前和课堂教学活动,课堂以解读和成果展示的方式互动,成为师生共创、共享的交流平台,教师以综合评估的方式对学习效果进行测试,主要适用于哲学、文学、艺术等类课堂。xMOOC主要基于教学内容设计教学活动,以知识掌握和传播为核心内容,通过视频、作业和测试引导强化学生对知识的掌握程度,课堂上师生关系明确,老师以答疑和引领学生探索知识的方式开展教学活动,以题库测试和课程测试的方式测评教学效果和学生对知识的掌握程度。因而,cMOOC对大学语文教学活动有很强的适用性,能够以兴趣为导向构建学生的人文情怀解读—认同—共享体系。见表2。

表2 cMOOC与xMOOC比较分析


“兴趣是最好的老师”,PBL的核心在于激发学生学习积极性和主动性,对大学语文学习兴趣的培养有很强的适用性。PBL(Problem-based Learning)教学法是基于项目/问题的学习方法,旨在转变教师与学生的课堂角色,形成以学生“自主学习”为核心的小组学习方式。PBL以问题为导向,以项目为组织形式的学习方法,这是激发学生学习积极性和主动性的重要来源,也为学习提供了理论联系实践的空间和情景[4]。PBL强调知识的获取需要学生主动去体验,是一个探究和累积的过程[5]。大学语文选材涉及范围宽泛,易于形成以问题为导向的教学场景,让学生身置其中尽情发挥解读。如华东师范大学出版社《大学语文》(增订版)设有品格胸怀、为政爱国、社会民生、人生世态、亲情人性、爱情婚姻、传记逸事、怀古咏史、写景游记、论文品艺、中国小说、外国小说等12个教学模块127篇文章,每篇文章背后都有巨大的延伸拓展空间。因而,PBL是激发学生积极性和主动性的重要方式,对大学语文教学具有很强的适用性,文学作品能够形成以问题为导向的小组学习形式,让学生在书籍知识、文学作品、影视作品、音乐方面等获取资源、共享解读成果,在自学中提升自己的语文素养。


2011年,萨尔曼·可汗(Salman Khan)提出了FCM(Flipped Class Model,翻转课堂教学模式),即通过对教学结构的颠倒安排,真正实现个性化教学[6]。学生成为教学活动的主角,教师则真正地上升为学生学习的组织者、帮助者和指导者[7]。教师需要通过课堂设计延伸课堂的空间,培养学生在课前、课中和课后的学习主动性,指导学生扩大学习范围,让学生不仅限于教材和教师传授的内容。课堂作为学生成果的汇报、展示和测试的平台,翻转课堂通过教师和学生角色的颠倒使得教师的责任更大了,这种课堂中需要的是有责任、有爱心、懂设计的专业教育者[8]。“因材施教”,FCM颠覆了传统课堂教师为核心的教学模式,转变为以学生为核心,教师是学生学习的组织者、帮助者和指导者,以因材施教、因人施教的方式,使得大学语文以人文情怀培养成为可能。因此,对学生因材施教,鼓励学生人文情怀修养的个性化发展的FCM范式,适用于大学语文教学活动。

表3 FCM师生教学活动任务一览表





表4 不同学科大学语文学习状况一般性分析








[4]杜翔云,Anette Kolmos,Jette Egelund Holgaard.PBL:大学课程的改革与创新[J].高等工程教育研究,2009(3):29-35.




[8]AaronSams.&BrianBennett.TheTruth about Flipped Learning[EB/OL].http://www.eschoolnews.com/2012/05/31/thetruth-about-flipped-learning/,2012-05-31.




[责任编辑:庆 来]

Xi Jinping’s Thinking on the Education of Ideal and Belief among Youth

LIU Shu-hao

(School of Marxism,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)

Abstract:Attaching importance to the education of ideal and belief among youth has always been a fine tradition in CPC ideological and political work.Since the 18th CPC National Congress,Xi Jinping has made a series important expositions in which he insists that youth be educated to realize the importance of ideal and belief,establish the consciousness of scientific ideal and belief,and firmly promote ideal and belief.The new concept and thought contained in the expositions have not only innovated and developed Marxist education of ideal and belief,but also have given youth a clear direction for striving.It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to the ideological and political work in universities to make a scientific study and comprehension of Xi Jinping’s expositions on the educational theory and practice of ideal and belief among youth.

Key words:Xi Jinping;youth;education of ideal and belief among youth;thinking mode

An Annual Report of Research of China’s Chieftain System and Culture in 2016 Research and Innovation Team of China’s Chieftain System and Culture,

(Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)

Abstract:Researches of China’s chieftain system and culture have sprung up like mushroom.The researches in 2016 mainly include the following aspects:the basic theory and method,China’s chieftain system,the change from chieftain to flowing officials,China’s chieftain culture,case study of China’s chieftain;places of applying for world heritage and figures of chieftain system.All the researches have highlighted focus and hot spot in the researches of China chieftain system.and presented the major features and main content.On the one hand,these researches have provided support and reference for the establishment of“the study of chieftain” ,and on the other hand,they have reflected the development trajectory and veining of the researches of China’s chieftain system and culture.

Key words:China’s chieftain system;chieftain culture;research;scientific research report

Scrambling for position of Yongning Chieftain System and the Relationship between Guizhou and Sichuan in Ming Dynasty

Yan Bing-zhen

(College of History and Culture,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064;College of Humanities,Anshun University,Anshun,Guizhou 561000,China)

Abstract:The scrambling for position of Yongning chieftain system lasted for about thirty years in the Wanli Period of Ming Dynasty.Yongning chieftain and the chieftains around related to each other by marriage,and these chieftains belonged to Guizhou and Sichuan respectively,therefore,two provinces had a lot of disputes for the position of Yongning chieftain system.

Key words:Ming Dynasty;Yongning chieftain System;succession;Sichuan Province;Guizhou Province

A Survey of Collecting,Reorganizing,Investigating and Researching of Baiheliang Inscriptions


(Editorial Department of Journal of Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)

Abstract:As a world-level cultural heritage,Baiheliang with its inscriptions has received a lot of attention from scholars and experts who have scored a great many achievements.Putting their academic achievements in order will be conducive to deepening the researches of Baiheliang inscriptions and accelerating the process of Baiheliang’s application for the status of world heritage.

Key words:Baiheliang inscriptions;review;deepening

Tourism Development and the Direction for the Cultural Construction of Ethnic Village--Based on the Field Experience in Siquan Miao Village in Youyang

LIU An-quan

(Research Center for the Development and Exploitation of Feature Resources in Wuling Mountain Area.Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)

Abstract:Under the guidance of the government,the tourism development of Miao village in Shiquan,Youyang,has taken a great leap and is moving on a scientific and standardized track.Based on the investigation of cultural change of tourism development of Miao village in the initial stage,the writer finds that the development of tourism industry has indeed promoted the development of ethnic village culture and highlighted its feature.Survey and publicity of tourism resources of Miao villages have made the culture of Miao village increasingly clear.More importantly,tourism development has made the villagers realize the value of cultural heritage itself,which,the writer believes,will have a profound impact on the cultural development of ethnic villages.

Key words:ethnic village;tourism development;cultural construction;cultural characteristics

Practicing Morals of History--An Investigation Centered on Governance History of Three Books

LI Dong-hui

(Institute of Science History and Science&Culture,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China)

Abstract:Scholars have benefited a lot from Yan Genwang’s gratitude to the predecessors and admonishment to young students expressed in his Governance of Three Books,which reflected his great personality as a man and his pursuit of academy.As a pure scholar,Mr.Yan had practiced the connotation of history moral all his life.

Key words:Yan Genwang;Governance History of Three Books;moral of history

A Textual Research of Pangzao Family,a Non-Chinese Nationality,from Epitaphs in Tang Dynasty

ZHANG Hai-yan

(Special Document Storage Center,Chongqing Library,Chongqing 40037,China)

Abstract:While clearing the unearthed epitaph,the writer of this article finds that among the epitaphs of the surname of Pang,many were from Gaoche family—a non-Chinese family called Pang family from Henan.Among the epitaphs,some members of the non-Chinese family purposely used Chinese as their nationality,causing confusion between Chinese Pang family and non-Chinese Pang Family.The newly unearthed Pang De epitaphs and the epitaphs of Pang Baozi,Pang Renxun,and Pang Ji which were unearthed in earlier period were all the descendants of non-Chinese Fang Zhao Family.From the epitaphs,we can link the Pang Zhao family in the Northern and Southern Dynasties(420-589)with their descendants in Tang Dynasty,providing a clear pedigree of family members,which can enrich the character appearances of non-Chinese people in Tang Dynasty,and help come to a different conclusion from Xiao Biao,and at the same time correct the mistakes in History of Sui Dynasty and History of Tang Dynasty.

Key words:epigraphs in Tang Dynasty;non-Chinese nationality;Pangzhao family;textual research

Novel as Thought and Philosophical Action--Aesthetical Pursuit of Literature Memory since 1990s

ZHANG Yu-hua

(College of Literature,Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)

Abstract:Literature writing since 1990s has embodied the writers’unique aesthetic pursuit.Researching from the perspective of thought and philosophy,we can better understand the writers’holistic understanding of the history and judgment of its value.With profound life experience and rich imagination,writers explore the cultural psychology of Chinese nationality,and the survival mode and spiritual world of man,which has enabled their novels to get substantial breakthrough and innovation.However,over-exaggeration of writers’consciousness and sharp intellectual analysis or contradiction to historical subject cognition will lead to abstractness and complanation of novel,and thus further lose its artistic expressiveness and infectivity and is of representative significance.

Key words:novels in1990s;memory of literature;depth of thought;aesthetical pursuit

A Semiotic Interpretation of the Image of Jigger in Hills like White Elephants

YANG Hong-mei

(Changsha University,Changsha,Hunan 410003,China)

Abstract:Hemingway is well-known for his successful creation of male image,but he can also surpass the male view to express his understanding of and sympathy with female.Observing from the perspective of semiotics,this paper comes to the conclusion that Hemingway has successfully created a female character who is not only a drifter of life,but also a struggler void of love.The represented female image is marginalized by the society and affection.

Key words:Hills like White Elephants;female;semiotics;iceberg theorem

Exploring the Efforts to Prove the Existence of God in Christian Philosophy in Middle Ages

LI Yin-bing,LUO Jin-ji

(School of Marxism,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 580001,China)

Abstract:God,as the most metaphysical concept in western culture,has played an important role in the development of the history in the west.Christian philosophers in middle ages attempted to prove the existence of God in a rational way and attempted to combine the God in their belief with the God in knowledge system.However,they hardly expected that their efforts failed to prove the existence of God,but instead proved the nonexistence of God,and has consequently led to the disappearance of God in modern western society.Therefore,the efforts to prove the existence of God was accidental but the propelling rational development behind the action was inevitable.

Key words:middle age;“existence of God” ;Christian philosophy;action of proving

An Analysis of Xunzi's Critical Thinking Tendency and Limit

TIAN Hua-yin,LI Fang

(School of Political Science and History,Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)

Abstract:Critical thinking is a thinking consciousness,thinking skill and thinking temperament.Based on independence of individual,it is a thinking state of finding,analyzing,and solving problems.Through analysis of theory and social activities of Hsun-Tzu,the writers of this article find that the eminent thinker and politician was in many aspects endowed with outstanding critical thinking,including independence and equality,truth-seeking and legitimacy,openness and creativity,reality and practicality,comprehensiveness and integrity.However,Hsun-Tzu's critical thinking tendency has limitations of history,the exploration of which is conducive to expanding our understanding of Hsun-Tzu’s thinking mode,ideas and temperament,as well as of Confucianism and traditional ideology and culture of Pre-Qin period.

Key words:Hsun-Tzu;critical thinking;theory of evil human nature;etiquette


Connotation of Xi Jinping’s Strategic Thought about Poverty-relief and Development

YAO Yuan-he

(Party School of CPC Qianjiang District Committee,Chongqing 409000,China)

Geminated in his youth in Yan’an,developed in his administration in Fujian and Zhejiang,and matured after the 18th CPC National Congress,Xi Jinping’s strategic thought about poverty-relief and development includes the theories about essential requirements,short slab of folk,poverty relieving,inner motive power,overcoming difficulties with co-efforts,eliminating poverty from the root,and other important theories.His theories are a profound reflection of Marxist outlook of world and methodology,and have become the guide to poverty relief and development in China’s Thirteenth Five Year Plan.

Xi Jinping’s thought about poverty-relief;development vein;rich connotation






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