(西安外事学院 商学院, 陕西 西安 710077)
(西安外事学院 商学院, 陕西 西安 710077)
针对交叉耦合的抛物方程组解的渐近性态问题,许多学者已做了大量研究,文献[1]研究了具有3个变量交叉耦合的局部源和非局部边界抛物型方程组解的渐近性态,得到了解整体存在及有限时刻爆破的充分条件.文献[2]研究了具有2个幂函数作为局部源耦合的抛物型方程组解局部存在、整体存在和全局爆破的充分条件.文献[3]将文献[2]的结论进行了推广.文献[4-6]研究了具有幂函数耦合抛物型方程组解的渐近性态.文献[7]研究了一类拟线性抛物型方程组解在有限时刻爆破的充分条件及同时爆破的充分必要条件. 文献[8-19]研究了其他如具有非局部吸收源等交叉耦合的抛物型方程组解的渐近性态等.
定理1 如果m1m2m3>p1p2p3+q1q2q3+3,对于小初值u0(x)、v0(x)、w0(x),方程组(1)-(3)的解整体存在.
引理3 设θ>λ>1,k、l>0,h(t)是问题
引理4 设λ2>λ1>1,Q2>Q1>1,则引理3的(h(t))满足
定理2 如果m1m2m3 证明:设φ(x)是满足方程 (11) 的解,则存在C>2,使得0≤φ(x)≤C.令 其中:l1、l2、l3均大于1,h(t)待定,由式(10)-(11)可知,hliφl2(x)>2(i=1,2,3),则对于任意正实数α,利用拉格朗日中值定理证明可知lnα[hli(t)φli(x)]>h-αli(t)φ-αli(x),记 ∫Ωhl2p1(t)φl2p1(x)lnq1(hl3(t)φl3(x))dx≤l1hl1-1(t)φl1(x)h'(t)- l1m1(l1m1-1)hl1m1(t)φl1m1-2(x)Δφ(x)-∫Ωhl2p1(t)φl2p1(x)h-l3q1(t)φ-l3q1(x)dx= l1hl1-1(t)φl1(x)[h'(t)+m1(l1m1-1)hl1m1-l1+1(t)φl1m1-l1-2(x)- 综上由引理3的条件可知,只要存在l1、l2、l3,使得 (12) 成立.则由引理4知,存在满足引理3的h(t)使得 (13) 由定理2条件m1m2m3 (q1q2+m1p2)(p1p3-m1q3)>(p1q2+m1m2)(m1m2+p3q1). 即式 (13)成立,定理2证毕. [1] 吴春晨.一类非局部边值条件抛物型方程组解的性质[J].江南大学学报(自然科学版),2015,14(2):222-225. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7147.2015.02.018. WU C C. A nonlinear parabolic system with nonlocal boundary conditions[J]. Journal of Jiangnan University( Natural Science Edition), 2015,14(2):222-225. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7147.2015.02.018. [2] 宋慧,曾有栋.具有非局部边界和局部化源拋物方程组解的全局存在与爆破性[J].生物数学学报,2014,29(4):711-717. SONG H, ZENG Y D. Global blow-up for a localized nonlinear parabolic system with a nonlocal boundary condition[J]. 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(责任编辑:王兰英) Global existence and blow up problem for a parabolic equations cross coupled terms XUE Yingzhen (College of Business, Xi'an International University, Xi'an 710077, China) In order to better describe the heat transfer process of three kinds of mixed substances, or the reaction of the reactants in the three chemical reactions,a class of three variable cross coupling with non parabolic equations of the whole existence of local source and non local boundary flow and the finite time blow up problem with breaking method for the solution of the first commonly used feature value structure are studied, and the structure of the equations of the upper and lower solutions by using the method of ordinary differential equation reference, comparison theorem, the proof obtained by local source power function and exponential function of parabolic equations and the sufficient conditions for global existence of solutions blow up in finite time degradation of non local sources of cross coupling, provide better support for the theory of heat transfer and chemical reaction problem. parabolic equations cross coupled terms; the comparison principle; global solution; blow up 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.002 2017-02-21 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2016JM1036);陕西省教育科学十三五规划课题(SGH16H292) 薛应珍(1980—),男,甘肃庆阳人,西安外事学院副教授,主要从事偏微分方程理论及应用的研究. E-mail:xueyingzhen@126.com O175.26 A 1000-1565(2017)04-0343-06