摘要:为实现耕地数量与质量并重管理的要求,以2014年度耕地质量等别年度更新评价成果为基础,进行敦化市耕地等别监测评价,并对造成耕地质量等别变化的影响因素进行监测分析。结果表明,敦化市存在肥力提升及酸化两种渐变类型,但质量渐变耕地渐变趋势不明显,渐变幅度較小;中山山地地区耕地质量等别提升难度最大,耕地坡度具有提升土壤肥力和导致土壤pH变化的双重作用,耕作距离为500~1 000 m和1 000~1 500 m范围内的耕地质量等别易于提升。
中图分类号:F323.21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2017)12-2250-07
The Monitoring and Evaluation Research of the Cultivated Land Quality in Dunhua City
LIANG Zhen-wei, LI Shu-jie, MA Xiao-wei
(College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061,China)
Abstract: In order to implemente requirements for deepening both the quantity of farmland resource and the quality of the management, the quality of cultivated land in Dunhua city were monitored and evaluated based on the evaluation results of cultivated land quality in 2014. Meanwhile, three factors which influenced the quality of cultivated land were analysed. The results showed that there were two gradation types: Acidification type and fertility promoting type respectively. However, both two gradation trends were not obvious. The mountain area was hard to improve the quality of cultivated land. And the slope of cultivated land could improving soil fertility and leading to soil acidification at the same time. The cultivated land in the area where the tillage distance between 500 to 1 000 m and between 1 000 to 1 500 m were easy to improve the quality.
Key words: Dunhua city; cultivated land; monitoring evaluation
1 研究区概况
截至2014年年末,敦化市土地总面积118万 hm2。敦化市土地利用结构中农用地比例最大,其他用地次之,建设用地比例最小。其中,农用地构成以林地为主,林地占农用地总面积比例达84%,耕地严重不足,总面积仅为17万hm2。在耕地面积中,肥沃土壤较少,瘠薄土壤面积大,因此,敦化市耕地保护工作具有迫切性[8]。
2 数据来源
3 研究方法
4 敦化市耕地质量等别渐变情况分析
4.1 敦化市渐变耕地现状分析