[摘 要] 目的:對比冠腔分流术、贲门周围血管离断术及横断流术治疗门静脉高压症疗效。方法:根据患者术式分为冠腔分流组、接受贲门周围血管离断术的断流组、接受改良Sugiura断流术加脾切除术的Sugiura术组。比较各组患者手术情况、术后门静脉系统血流动力学变化、肝功能变化及并发症发生情况,分析冠腔分流术的疗效与安全性。结果:冠腔分流组手术时间、住院时间均高于Sugiura术组,术后3个月再出血率低于Sugiura术组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。各组患者切脾后、分流后FPP均逐渐降低,术后门静脉内径及流量均较术前逐渐降低,冠腔分流组下降更为明显;各组患者术后30 d血清ALB、TBIL均较术后1 d降低,冠腔分流组下降更为明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。冠腔分流组、Sugiura术组术后并发症发生率分别为28.95%、29.27%,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:与断流术、Sugiura术相比,冠腔分流术患者门静脉血流及肝功能恢复更为明显,但手术难度更高、耗时更久且患者恢复速度较慢,仍存在一定的优化空间。
[关键词] 冠腔分流术;门静脉高压症;血流动力学;肝功能
中图分类号:R656 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5200(2017)03-045-03
[Abstract] Objective: This study aimed to compare the efficacy of coronary shunt, pericardial devascularization and transverse disconnection in the treatment of portal hypertension. Methods: According to the surgical methods of the patients, the patients were divided into coronary shunt group, pericardial devascularization group and transverse disconnection group, and their changes of hemodynamics, the changes of liver function and the occurrence of complications were compared, and the efficacy and safety of coronary shunt were analyzed. Results: The operation time and length of hospital stay of coronary shunt group were longer than those of the transverse flow group. The rate of rebleeding was lower than that of the transverse flow group at 3 months after surgery, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). All patients of the three groups underwent splenectomy and shunt, and the postoperative FPP was gradually decreased. The posterior diameter of the portal vein and the flow rate of the portal vein were decreased gradually, and the descending of the coronary shunt group was more obvious. The serum ALB and TBIL of each group 30 d after the surgery were significantly lower than those before surgery, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The incidences of postoperative complications of coronary shunt group and transverse disconnection group were 28.95% and 29.27% respectively, and there was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusions: Compared with disconnection and transverse disconnection, portal vein blood flow and liver function recovery are more evident in patients with coronary shunt, but the operation is more difficult, time-consuming and patient recovery is slow, there is still some room for optimization of it.
[Key words] coronary shunt; portal hypertension; hemodynamics; liver function
门静脉高压症(Portal hypertension,PTH)死亡率极高[1]。药物、内镜治疗PTH短期疗效确切,但再出血率超过50%,远期疗效不够理想[2]。目前临床外科治疗主要术式是分流术与断流术,可预防和控制食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血等严重并发症、改善脾亢症状[3]。本研究就冠腔分流术、贲门周围血管离断术及Sugiura术治疗PTH的疗效与安全性进行对比,现作报道。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 手術方案
1.3 指标分析
分析各组门静脉系统血流动力学指标:自由门静脉压力(FPP)、门静脉内径、门静脉平均流速、门静脉平均流量[7],其中FPP取术前、切脾后、分流(断流)后数值,其他指标取术前、术后1个月、术后3个月数值;肝功能指标分别取术后1 d、术后3 d、术后7 d、术后14 d及术后30 d数值。
2 结果
2.1 围术期指标
2.2 血流动力学和肝功能指标
各组患者术后30 d血清ALB、TBIL均较术后1 d降低,冠腔分流组下降更为明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。见表2。
3 讨论
传统的分流术具有较佳的短期止血效果,但对门静脉肝向血流灌注影响较大,患者肝性脑病发生风险较高[9],故近年来已较少应用;断流术能够在维持门静脉血向肝灌注的基础上,促进肝细胞再生与肝功能改善,但亦存在无法缓解胃壁淤血状态的弊端,远期再出血率较高[10]。本次研究断流组、Sugiura术组术后3个月再出血率分别达到13.33%及14.63%,即考虑与术后新的门奇侧支形成、门静脉高压性胃病加重有关。因此,在PTH的治疗中,应在离断胃底和食管下段反常血流侧支、直接控制出血的基础上,下调门静脉压力、预防食管新生静脉曲张,从而降低术后再出血风险 [11-12]。
冠腔分流术又称胃左静脉-腔静脉吻合术,属高选择性分流术,较断流术、横断流术而言,该术式具有更为合理的解剖生理学和血液动力学基础,其优势在于既能够选择性降低食道胃底静脉压力,有效防治出血,又可维护肝脏门静脉血供,从而使靠近食管静脉的胃左静脉血液稳定地分流至下腔静脉而不发生过多的侧支循环,并保持较大的门脉血向肝流量,适合各类肝硬变所致PTH的治疗[13-15]。本研究冠腔分流组患者术后血流动力学、肝功能改善均较其他两组组更为明显,证实了该术式的优越性。然而,冠状静脉管壁较薄且变异较多的特点,往往导致手术难度显著上升、手术重复性受限,加之术中多次血管吻合操作,大大增加了术后温和血管血栓形成风险[16],故本研究冠腔分流组手术时间与住院时间均较长。Abouljoud 等[17]认为,由于冠腔分流术能够分流高压力的胃冠状静脉的血液至下腔静脉,对于胃脾区血液压力的选择性降低具有一定作用,故对于腹水、再出血风险的控制有着积极意义,本组冠腔分流组术后3个月均未见再出血且与断流组、Sugiura术组比较,并发症发生率未明显升高,说明该术式的疗效与安全性仍值得肯定。实施冠腔分流术应注重术后血栓形成的防治,高凝状态被认为是造成门静脉系统血栓形成的重要危险因素[18],除肝移植外,其他外科术式均可能影响门静脉直径与血流速度,因此,术后早期抗凝尤为重要,密切监测患者血栓形成状态,做到早发现、早治疗。
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