1.1 试验设计
试验于2013—2015年在中国农业科学院河南新乡综合试验站(北纬35°18′,东经113°54′)进行。试验地前茬为冬小麦,供试土壤为黏质壤土,前茬小麦秸秆全部粉碎还田,用当地普通播种机贴茬播种,行宽60 cm,种植密度67 500 株/hm2。供试品种以当前生产主栽品种为主,其中,2013年10个,2014年11个,2015年11个(表1)。大区种植,田间随机排列。为便于机械收获的调查,每个品种播种两个收获割幅以上宽度,行长200 m以上。其他管理措施同当地大田生产。收获机为福田雷沃谷神GE50,配套喜盈盈4YB-4半喂入玉米籽粒收获割台,割幅4行,收割速度0.8 m·s-1。2013年分别在9月25日和10月12日进行2次收获,2014年在10月9日进行1次收获,2015年分别在9月26日和10月8日进行2次收获。
表1 试验选用的玉米品种信息
生育期来自品种审定公告 Growth period is from variety certification announcement
1.2 数据调查
大田测产:选择长势均匀一致处作为样区,在收割前调查10 m行长的株数,计算收获密度。同时在此区域内连续选择20穗,调查行粒数、穗行数,计算平均单穗粒数,脱粒后用PM8188水分测定仪测定机械收获前含水率,并测定百粒重,计算理论产量。
1.3 机械粒收质量评价
在测试地块,随机取收获机机仓内收获的籽粒样品约2 kg,用PM8188水分测定仪测定含水率,然后手工分拣将其分为籽粒和非籽粒两部分;对籽粒部分称其重量并计为KW1,非籽粒部分称重计为NKW;再根据籽粒的完整性,将其分为完整籽粒和破碎籽粒并分别称重,完整粒部分重量计为KW2,破碎粒重量计为BKW。
在测定收获速度的收割段选取3个样点,每个样点取2 m长一个割幅宽(4行玉米)的面积,收集样点内的落穗和落粒,测定落穗、落粒重。将理论产量、落穗和落粒重分别折合成单位面积数值,计算产量损失率:
1.4 气候因素
试验点2013年、2014年和2015年玉米生育季节以及常年(1992—2015年平均)气象数据见表2。数据显示,2013年玉米生育季节(第1、2组)积温明显偏高、降水偏少,其中,积温较常年增加236.0—287.1℃,降水减少64.5—88.3 mm。2014年玉米生育季节积温接近常年,但降水量偏高、日照时数偏短。2015年玉米生育季节积温和日照时数略高于常年,降水量则低于常年平均水平。
1.5 数据处理与分析
采用 SPSS Statistics 17.0 和 Excel 2007 软件进行数据处理与分析。
表2 试验点气候条件
2.1 籽粒破碎率与含水率的关系
2.2 籽粒杂质率与含水率的关系
2013—2015年134个样点的杂质率变幅为0.37%—5.28%。根据GB/T 21962—2008[17]标准,杂质率应控制在3%以下,调查范围内杂质率低于3%的样点有107个,占比79.85%;高于3%的样点有27个,占比20.15%。
图1 2013和2014年籽粒含水率与破碎率
2.3 田间损失率与籽粒含水率的关系
2013—2015共调查108个样点,田间损失率(落粒率与落穗率)在0.18%—2.85%之间。玉米机械收粒的田间损失率与籽粒含水率的关系如图5所示,随着籽粒含水率的增加,田间损失率有增加的趋势。根据GB/T 21962—2008标准,收获的田间损失率应控制在5%以下,调查范围内的田间损失率均能满足国家标准。
图3 2013和2014籽粒含水率与杂质率
图4 2015籽粒含水率与杂质率
2.4 品种间机械粒收质量的差异
表3 相同籽粒含水率时不同品种间收获质量的差异
**和*分别表示在<0.01和<0.05水平上差异显著 ** and * represent significance at<0.01 and<0.05
图5 籽粒含水率与损失率
3.1 籽粒含水率与机械粒收质量
3.2 品种对机械粒收质量的影响
3.3 影响机械粒收质量的其他因素
玉米机械粒收质量不仅受籽粒含水率影响,还受到其他众多因素影响。Cloninger等[29]研究认为机械收获的籽粒破碎随着密度增加而增加,延迟收获并不影响籽粒破碎率,但是落穗损失率因倒伏和机收前田间掉穗而增加。卜俊周等[30]研究表明在相同密度下60 cm行距配置较65 cm行距配置的机械粒收损失率小,收获效率高。本团队前期研究提出影响机械粒收质量的因素还包括种植密度、行距配置和机械作业等[4]。王克如等[15]认为,机械粒收时不同机型显著影响籽粒破碎率和落粒损失率;同一机型不同机器、不同机手之间作业也会对籽粒破碎率、杂质率和落粒损失率产生显著影响。Nguyen[31]报道,玉米果穗进入脱粒装置时,与转轴之间呈垂直、平行和斜向三个角度。脱粒装置的组配以及籽粒喂入方向等均会影响脱粒质量,脱粒装置在较低的运转速率下,籽粒破碎减小[18,28]。相茂国[32]研究表明,随着脱粒转速的升高玉米籽粒破碎率先降低后升高,2.99—7.77 m·s-1为适合脱粒速度。本研究调查范围内,虽然2015年收获时籽粒含水率较高,但收获的杂质率却远低于2013和2014年在相应籽粒含水率下的水平,分析认为可能与机械的调试状态和机手作业质量有关。
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(责任编辑 杨鑫浩)
Analysis of Influential Factors on Mechanical Grain Harvest Quality of Summer Maize
LI LuLu1, LEI XiaoPeng1,2, XIE RuiZhi1, WANG KeRu1, HOU Peng1, ZHANG FengLu2, LI ShaoKun1
(1Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081;2Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, Hebei)
【Objective】Mechanical grain harvest is the developing direction of maize production, and harvest quality is the main factor affecting its popularization and application. This harvest way in China is still in the preliminary stage. The application areas are larger in the Northwest and Northeast China while experimental demonstration is just actively carried out in Huang- Huai-Hai summer corn area. In this study, the influence factors on harvesting quality of mechanical grain harvest in summer maize were analyzed to provide supports for popularization and application of the technology. 【Method】From 2013 to 2015, twenty three different maize cultivars were planted in Xinxiang, Henan. Twice harvests were conducted in 2013 and 2015 and once in 2014. The moisture content and yield were measured before harvest. When mechanical harvest was finished, kernel samples were taken out from the harvester to investigate the moisture content immediately. Then, the grain broken rate and the impurity rate were measured in laboratory by hand-picked method. The ear and kernel loss rates were investigated in the field sample areas after harvest. 【Result】From 2013 to 2015, the results from 131 samples showed that corn kernel moisture content ranged from 20.80% to 41.08% and grain broken rate was between 4.98% and 41.36%. Grain broken rate increased with the rising grain moisture content. There were 38 samples that broken rate was below 8%, accounting for 29.01%. When kernel moisture content was under 26.92%, the broken rate could confirm to the standard of 8%. The results from 134 samples showed that the impurity rate was between 0.37% and 5.28%. There were 107 samples with impurity rate below 3% which accounted for 79.85%. The impurity rate also increased with the rising grain moisture content. From 2013 to 2014, the impurity rate did not meet the standard of 3% until grain moisture content was below 28.27% while the impurity rate was all below 3% with grain high moisture content in 2015. The loss rate from 108 samples ranged from 0.18% to 2.85% all of which confirmed to the national standard. Therefore, the loss rate didn’t limit the mechanical harvest quality. In this experiment, when kernel moisture content was lower than 26.92%, the broken rate and the impurity rate were below 8% and 3%, respectively, and the loss rate met the national standard simultaneously, which could ensure the quality of mechanical grain harvest. The study also found that there were significant differences in the broken rate and the impurity rate among different cultivars, representing the importance of proper cultivar. 【Conclusion】 Corn moisture content is the key factor for the quality of the grain mechanical harvest. Significant differences existed in harvest quality among cultivars when grain moisture contents were similar. Because of different growing conditions such as temperature between years, the grain moisture contents at harvest were different, but it is feasible for Huang-Huai-Hai summer maize region represented by Xinxiang, Henan to ensure the quality of grain mechanical harvest by choosing the adapted cultivars and adopting appropriate sowing and harvesting time.
maize; grain mechanical harvest; harvest quality; grain moisture content