YANG Jizhen, WANG Yunpeng
(1.Department of Mathematics, Luoyang Normal College, Luoyang, Henan 471934;2.Department of Mathematics and Physical, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Luoyang, Henan 471022)
Several congruences involving harmonic numbers
YANG Jizhen1, WANG Yunpeng2*
(1.Department of Mathematics, Luoyang Normal College, Luoyang, Henan 471934;2.Department of Mathematics and Physical, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Luoyang, Henan 471022)
The purpose of this paper is to establish several congruences involving harmonic numbers. Letp>3 be a prime. With the help of some combinatorial identities and congruences, the following congruences is generated:
The congruences are also established as
whereBn(n∈) are Bernoulli numbers andqp(a)=(ap-1-1)/pis usually called a Fermat quotient providedpa.
congruences; harmonic numbers; combinatorial identities
Harmonic numbers play important roles in number theory, analysis algorithms and special function. Forα∈, the generalized harmonic numbers are defined by
whenα=1, they reduce to the well-known harmonic numbers
In 1862, Wolstenholme[1]proved that if p > 3 is a prime, then
which imply that
In 1938, LEHMER[2]showed
Using these congruences, SUN[3]obtained a series of congruences involving harmonic numbers. For example,
In this paper, we establish several congruences for sums involving harmonic numbers. Our main result is as follows.
Theorem 1Letp> 3 be a prime. Then
Theorem 2Letp> 3 be a prime. Then
We first state some basic facts which will be used very often. For any prime p, it is well-known that
wherenis a integer. We also have
wheremis a integer and n is a positive integer. Whenp>3,
Lemma 1Letnbe a positive integer. Then
Whenn≥3, we have
ProofBoth of the above identities are due to Wei (cf. [4, Theorem 1 and Theorem 6]).
Lemma 2 Letnbe a positive integer. Then
ProofThese two identities were deduced by Chen( cf. [5, (2.8), (2.9)]).
ProofWe have
Note that (cf. [6, Corollary5.2(b)])
and (cf. [7, (5.4)])
Proof of (5) Observe that
In view of (3) and (4), we have
we have
Note that (cf. [3, Corollary1.1])
with the help of (4), (17) and (18). This proves (5).
Using the same method, we can deduce the following congruences:
Whenp> 5 , we have
Proof of (6) Observe that
Takingn=p-1 in (11), we have
sinceHp-1≡0 (modp2). Hence
with the help of (5). This concludes the proof of (6).
sinceH(p-1)/2≡-2qp(2) (modp). Observe that
with the help of (4), (14), (15), (24). This proves (7).
which implies that
In view of (10), we have
In light of (12), we obtain
and hence
Combining the above, we obtain
as desired.
Furthermore, we can deduce the following congruences:
4HkH2k-4qp(2)Hn-k) (modp),
which implies that
with the help of (8) and (25). The proof of (9) is now completed.
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杨继真1, 王云鹏2
(1.洛阳师范学院 数学科学学院, 河南 洛阳, 471934; 2.洛阳理工学院 数理部, 河南 洛阳, 471022)
同余式; 调和式; 组合恒等式
*通讯联系人. E-mail: wangruipeng1981@126.com.