建筑设计:CCDI + PTW + ARUP
建筑设计:CCDI + PTW + ARUP
The Water Cube was one of the two main venues for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, with all pools and functions that FINA needs to conduct every session of Swimming, Diving, Water Polo, and even Modern Pentathlon. NSC is also a truly Multifunction Leisure Centre for Beijing City in the 21st Century. It encapsulates every aspect of water – hot and cold, shallow and deep, lazy rivers and pounding surf beaches, competition water, and even has ice.
Based on all those requirements and considerations above, the design of NSC is call the "Water Cube", a huge blue square with magical foamstructure skin. It includes a 4000-seat multi use arena to attract and stage a variety of international events and high-tech entertainment.
The facade system comprises of a series of paneled units that are mounted as internal and external skins. A series of Ethylene Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (ETFE) bubbles. The ETFE bubbles were prefabricated offsite in panels. Panels are lifted and fitted to the facade by adjustable aluminum lugs that are thermally isolated from the support structure. With the panels in place, air distribution pipes are attached and linked to pumping mechanisms required to keep the bubbles in fl ated. The Water Cube is largest ETFE structure in the world, which has more than 4000 bubbles, the largest of which is 9m in diameter.
The design process of National Swimming Centre exhibited a concerted collaboration of international teams. Architects from PTW helped a lot on the skin material ETFE; engineers from ARUP bring out a perfect structural model; and the design group from CCDI gave the idea of Water Cube and endowed it with much meaning of Chinese traditional philosophy. The design-union collaboration itself is a joyful journey, which inosculated the different ways of art, culture, technique, as well as the 2008 Olympic Game in Beijing.
项目信息/Credits and Data
委托单位/Client: 北京市国有资产经营有限责任公司/ Beijing State Owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.
中方主要建筑师/Chinese Principal Architects: 赵晓钧,郑方,王敏,商宏/ZHAO Xiaojun, ZHENG Fang, WANG Min, SHANG Hong
场地面积/Building Area: 69,000m2
建筑面积/Floor Area: 87,200m2
座席数量/Seat Number: 17,000
设计时间/Design Time: 2003.08
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2008.05
National Swimming Centre (The Water Cube), Beijing, China, 2008
Architects: CCDI + PTW + ARUP
1 比赛池全景/Competion pool2 奥运会热身大厅赛后改建为市民水上娱乐中心/The Olympic warm-up hall is transformed into a public water recreation centre
3 夜景/Night view4 剖面/Section