[摘要] 目的 应用高效液相色谱(HPLC)建立“sebamed”防晒霜中二乙氨羟苯甲酰基苯甲酸己酯、奥克林立和丁基甲氧基二苯甲酰基甲烷3种防晒剂的含量测定方法。方法 采用Alltima C18色谱柱(150 mm× 4.6 mm,5 μm),以甲醇-10 mmol/L磷酸二氢铵水溶液(磷酸调pH 3.0)为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速1.0 mL/min,检测波长330 nm。结果 二乙氨羟苯甲酰基苯甲酸己酯、奥克林立和丁基甲氧基二苯甲酰基甲烷的线性相关系数(r)分别为0.9999、1.0000和 0.9997;精密度和稳定性良好,RSD均< 2.0%;二乙氨羟苯甲酰基苯甲酸己酯、奥克林立和丁基甲氧基二苯甲酰基甲烷的平均加样回收率(n = 6)分别为97.1%、97.6%和96.4%,加样回收率良好。含量测定结果显示3个批号样品中二乙氨羟苯甲酰基苯甲酸己酯的含量分别为2.56%、2.75%和2.63%;奥克林立的含量分别为7.90%、7.75%和8.02%;丁基甲氧基二苯甲酰基甲烷的含量分别为2.59%、2.64%和2.71%。结论 该方法准确、简单、快速,可同時测定“sebamed”防晒霜中二乙氨羟苯甲酰基苯甲酸己酯、奥克林立和丁基甲氧基二苯甲酰基甲烷3种防晒剂的含量。
[关键词] 防晒霜;防晒剂;高效液相色谱法;含量测定
[中图分类号]R917;TQ658.2+4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)04(c)-0155-04
[Abstract] Objective To establish a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for simultaneous determination of diethyl hydroxy benzene ammonia formyl acid ester, octocrilene and butyl methoxy dibenzoylmethane in “sebamed” sun lotion. Methods An Alltima C18 column (150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) was used for the separation with methanol and 10 mmol/L ammonium dihydrogen phosphate solution (pH 3.0) as the mobile phase at the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min in the pattern of gradient elution. The detection wavelength was 330 nm. Results The method showed good linearity with correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9999 for diethyl hydroxy benzene ammonia formyl acid ester, 1.0000 for octocrilene and 0.9997 for butyl methoxy dibenzoylmethane. The precision and stability were satisfactory with the relative standard deviations (RSD) below 2.0%. The average recovery (n = 6) of the three sun-screening agents were 97.1%, 97.6% and 96.4%, respectively. The contents of diethyl hydroxy benzene ammonia formyl acid ester were 2.56%, 2.75% and 2.63% in the three batches of samples, the contents of octocrilene were 7.90%, 7.75% and 8.02% in the three batches of samples and the contents of butyl methoxy dibenzoylmethane were 2.59%, 2.64% and 2.71% in the three batches of samples, respectively. Conclusion The established method is accurate, simple and fast, and can be used for simultaneous determination of diethyl hydroxy benzene ammonia formyl acid ester, octocrilene and butyl methoxy dibenzoylmethane in “sebamed” sun lotion.
[Key words] Sun lotion; Sun-screening agent; HPLC; Determination