⊙ By Christina Lee翻译:T Boy
Lamb Head—The1)Uzbekistani Energy Food
⊙ By Christina Lee翻译:T Boy
Our next destination is Uzbekistan, where 80% of the population is Muslim. That’s why it’s forbidden to eat pork. That’s why they eat another kind of meat instead. The animal is smaller than a cow, but it’s not a rabbit. Looking at its head, it’s difficult to tell what the animal is. So, what is this meat, which is [sic] popular than pork and beef here?
It’s lamb. Lamb, which was eaten by2)nomadic people here, has become an3)upscale ingredient enjoyed all over the world. Boiled lamb head meat is known as
1) Uzbekistani [ʊz΄bekI΄stαːnI] adj. 乌兹别克斯坦的,名词形式为Uzbekistan。
2) nomadic [nəʊ΄mædIk] adj. 游牧的,游牧部落的
3) upscale [΄ʌpskeIl] adj. 高级的,高档的4)stamina food in Uzbekistan. The head of a lamb, which is full of nutrition, is boiled in water until meat5)separates from the bone.
Lamb meat is healthy because it contains more vitamins than beef or pork and it’s rich in6)amino acids. Nomadic people enjoyed it throughout the year because it helps the body fight7)humidity. It’s the perfect stamina food from nomadic people.
The deliciously tender meat must be cut up before it stops8)steaming. Each section of the head meat has a specific function. The younger people are given the ear meat, which reminds them to be9)prudent, and the unmarried women are given the meat on the10)ceiling of the mouth to remind them to be11)diligent. Each section of the head meat has a different taste, and everything12)save the skull is eaten.
Lamb meat is rich in protein and13)calcium, and is perfect for dieters, but it’s also a food that doctors recommend to14)patients who have just received15)surgery. The16)innards are also considered a17)delicacy. They are boiled along with the head and cut into bite-size18)morsels. Then they are served along with the head meat.
4) stamina [΄stæmInə] n. 精力,活力
5) separate [΄sepərət] v. 离开,脱离
6) amino acid 氨基酸
7) humidity [hjuː΄mIdItI] n. 湿度,潮湿
8) steam [stiːm] v. 蒸,冒水汽
9) prudent [΄pruːdənt] adj. 慎重的,谨慎的
10) ceiling [΄siːlIŋ] n. 天花板,平顶
11) diligent [΄dIlIdʒ(ə)nt] adj. 勤勉的,勤奋的
12) save [seIv] prep. 除……以外,除了
13) calcium [΄kælsIəm] n. 钙
14) patient [΄peIʃ(ə)nt] n. 病人,患者
15) surgery [΄sзːdʒərI] n. 手术
16) innards [΄Inədz] n. 内脏
17) delicacy [΄delIkəsI] n. 美味,佳肴
18) morsel [΄mɔːs(ə)l] n. 小片
说到“援救,储存”等意思,同学们会想到动词save;说到“除……之外”,同学们会想到介词except。知道吗,这两者居然还有交集之处,那就是作介词用的save。这时,save的含义就是“除……之外”,与except相同。不同的是,口语更倾向于用except,而比较正式的文章或致辞则用save,如:They all left save one.(除了一人外,他们全都走了。)