
2017-05-25 08:00:37刘海龙王格格
农业工程学报 2017年8期

张 旭,刘海龙,王格格,李 伟


张 旭1,2,刘海龙1,王格格1,李 伟2,3

(1. 天津工业大学天津市现代机电装备技术重点实验室,天津 300387;2. 建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室,北京 100013;3. 天津城建大学能源与安全工程学院,天津 300384)



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针对粗糙度对翼型气动性能的影响,很多学者开展了一系列数值与试验研究。Khalfallah等[12]实验分析叶片表面积灰形成的粗糙度对风力机出力的影响,研究表明随灰尘的积累,升力下降,阻力升高,且积灰降低了风力机的输出功率。Soltani等[13]通过风洞试验、Ferrer等[14]利用计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)方法以及Sagol等[1]采用数值模拟和风洞试验相结合,均获得表面粗糙度降低翼型的气动性能以及翼型前缘对粗糙度最敏感等结论。包能胜等[15]利用粗糙带贴片试验,研究压力面前缘粗糙度对叶型气动性能的影响,结果表明升力系数在失速之后变化非常大,阻力系数变化很小。陈进等[16]探讨了前缘粗糙条件对翼型气动特性的影响,并优化设计得到一种风力机专用新翼型。李德顺等[17]数值研究粗糙度对风力机翼型气动性能的影响,结果显示适当增加压力面后缘粗糙度可提高升力系数,且升阻比始终低于光滑表面的翼型。但吴攀等[18]研究发现该结论并不适用于FFA-W3-211翼型。张骏等[19]采用CFD方法研究风力机积灰和昆虫引起的粗糙度效应,结果表明前缘粗糙度严重影响翼型的气动性能,压力面尾缘布置适当粗糙度却有积极作用。以上文献并未涉及通过降低粗糙度敏感性提高翼型气动性能的研究。



1 计算模型及方法


1.1 几何模型

S822翼型广泛应用于风力机叶片的主要功率产生区,具有16%的最大相对厚度,以及最大相对弯度为1.92%。风洞试验在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的低紊流亚音速风洞进行,雷诺数=5×105,风速24.38 m/s,翼型弦长0.305 m。使用图1所示Zigzag粗糙带,分别布置在上、下翼面距前缘2%和5%位置处[27]。粗糙带厚0.33 mm,沿翼展方向相邻锯齿齿尖距离4.98 mm,齿尖角度83°,由此可计算出沿气流方向相邻锯齿齿尖距离为3 mm。

图1 Zigzag粗糙带几何尺寸

为了较好模拟风洞试验,并与数据进行对比,表面光滑与粗糙的S822翼型几何模型的弦长同样选用 0.305 m。采用凸台描述试验中的粗糙带,建立翼型粗糙度模型。凸台高0.33 mm(即粗糙带厚),宽3 mm(即沿气流方向相邻锯齿齿尖距离)。



1.2 控制方程




1.3 计算方法

使用Fluent软件进行翼型的气动性能数值计算。-SST湍流模型综合了-与-模型的优势,适合处理带有逆压梯度和分离流动的问题[29]。压力和速度耦合采用SIMPLE算法,各方程离散格式均采用二阶迎风格式。速度和连续性方程的残差值分别为10-6和10-4,和方程的为10-5。计算域左侧及上下两侧进流边界设定为速度入口,风速由=5×105确定,湍流强度为0.05%。计算域右侧出流边界设定为压力出口,表压力给定0 Pa。翼型表面设定为固壁绝热无滑移边界条件。

1.4 网格无关性与模型适应性验证

利用上述计算模型及方法,计算攻角在-5.17º~20º之间变化时表面光滑和粗糙的S822翼型的升、阻力系数,并与文献[27]的风洞试验结果进行对比,如图3所示。表面光滑和粗糙的S822翼型的网格数分别采用74 990、 95 185、112 740和79 214、109 046、128 546。

图3 光滑和粗糙的S822翼型计算值与试验值比较

由图3可知,表面光滑的S822翼型的升、阻力系数在74 990、95 185和112 740网格数下均相差很小,表面粗糙的S822翼型在79 214、109 046和28 546网格数下亦如此。考虑到节省计算资源,光滑和粗糙的翼型的网格数分别采用95 185和109 046比较合适,均可得到精确的计算结果。


2 钝尾缘改型公式及最佳尾缘厚度


2.1 钝尾缘改型公式


a. S822翼型钝尾缘改型示意图

a. Curve design of S822 airfoil and its blunt trailing-edge modification









2.2 最佳尾缘厚度


图5 不同尾缘厚度翼型的升、阻力系数和升阻比


3 粗糙度位置对翼型气动性能的影响

为了研究粗糙度位置对翼型气动性能的影响,分别在翼型吸力面与压力面的距前缘1%、2%、5%、10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%、90%、100%位置处布置一个高0.33 mm、宽3 mm的凸台,进行翼型的升、阻力系数和升阻比计算。

3.1 吸力面布置粗糙度翼型的气动性能



由图6c可知,S822_1%_s、S822_2%_s和S822_ 5%_s翼型的升阻比在2°攻角之前相差不大,且均高于 光滑翼型,2°攻角之后随粗糙度位置靠近前缘而减小,并低于光滑翼型。吸力面其他位置粗糙的翼型的升阻比在6.17°攻角之前和12.22°攻角之后均与光滑翼型比较接近,6.17°~12.22°攻角之间低于光滑翼型。最大升阻比随吸力面粗糙度位置靠近前缘呈递减趋势,且低于光滑翼型。

3.2 压力面布置粗糙度翼型的气动性能

图7为压力面布置粗糙度的翼型的升、阻力系数和升阻比随粗糙度位置变化的曲线。由图7a和图7c可知,S822_1%_p、S822_2%_p、S822_5%_p和S822_100%_ p翼型的升力系数和升阻比均在3.07°攻角之前非常接近,且高于光滑翼型;压力面其他位置粗糙的翼型的升力系数和升阻比在攻角小于18°时与光滑翼型十分接近,18°攻角之后明显高于光滑翼型。S822_100%_p翼型的升力系数在3.07°~6.17°和10.19°~16°攻角范围内以及升阻比在3.07°~6.17°攻角之间高于压力面其他位置粗糙和光滑的翼型。S822_5%_p翼型的升力系数在9.17°~18°攻角之间以及升阻比在9.17°~13.3°攻角范围内均最小。压力面粗糙的翼型的升阻比在7.16°~9.17°和13.3°~18°攻角范围内分别低于和非常接近光滑翼型,最大升阻比相差不大且低于光滑翼型。由图7b可知,阻力系数在18°攻角之前十分接近,18°攻角之后低于光滑翼型。




4 表面粗糙翼型改型后气动性能计算及粗糙度敏感性分析


4.1 钝尾缘改型对吸力面粗糙翼型气动性能的影响


4.2 钝尾缘改型对压力面粗糙翼型气动性能的影响


由图8f可知,攻角小于1°以及在13.23°~16°之间变化时,S822_5%_p_2改型和S822_5%_p翼型的升阻比十分接近;在1°~13.23°攻角范围内和16°攻角之后,改型的升阻比分别高于、低于S822_5%_p翼型。S822_5%_ p_2改型的最大升阻比明显高于S822_5%_p翼型。

4.3 钝尾缘改型对表面粗糙翼型气动性能的影响


图8 吸力面或压力面粗糙翼型钝尾缘(尾缘厚度为2%c)改型前后的升、阻力系数和升阻比

图9 粗糙翼型钝尾缘改型前后的升、阻力系数和升阻比

由图9a可知,S822_1%_s & 5%_p_2改型的升力系数高于S822_1%_s & 5%_p翼型。由图9b可知,改型的阻力系数在10.19°攻角之前与S822_1%_s & 5%_p翼型非常接近,10.19°攻角之后高于S822_1%_s & 5%_p翼型。由图9c可知,S822_1%_s & 5%_p_2改型的升阻比在11.19°攻角之前高于S822_1%_s & 5%_p翼型,11.19°攻角之后低于S822_1%_s & 5%_p翼型。钝尾缘改型后表面粗糙翼型的最大升阻比提升16.9%。

4.4 钝尾缘翼型粗糙度敏感性分析





表1 尖、钝尾缘翼型粗糙度敏感性综合指标值

注: CC′、(C/C)max、(C′/C′)max为光滑和粗糙翼型的升力系数、最大升阻比,δC、(C/C)为升力系数和升阻比的下降率。

Note:C, C′, (C/C)maxand (C′/C′)maxare the lift coefficients and the maximum lift-drag ratios of airfoils with smooth and rough surfaces;δC,(C/C) are the decline rates of lift coefficient and lift-drag ratio.

5 结 论





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Aerodynamic performance of blunt trailing-edge airfoil considering roughness sensitivity position

Zhang Xu1,2, Liu Hailong1, Wang Gege1, Li Wei2,3

(1.300387,; 2.100013,; 3.300384,)

Wind turbine is often exposed to dramatically different operational conditions, from icy environments to deserts with sand storms, and there are contaminants in these environments, like dust, dirt, ice, and even insects. These contaminants change the aerodynamic shape of blade and increase the surface roughness, which results in the lower utilization rate of wind energy.The aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blade can be improved through the airfoil modification, so the blunt trailing-edge structure is adopted during the design of an airfoil.Compared with the original airfoil, the blunt trailing-edge modification with bigger trailing-edge thickness and cross-section area not only has a great improvement in the maximum lift coefficient and the stall angle of attack, but also makes the maximum lift less sensitive to the leading-edge roughness.Therefore, it is of great significance to study the aerodynamic performance of blunt trailing-edge modification of the airfoil with rough surface for the improvement of the power utilization coefficient of wind turbine. The aerodynamic performance of the airfoil with rough surface and the blunt trailing-edge modification have been numerically and experimentally investigated in recent years. However, these 2 problems have been discussed separately, and the effects of the blunt trailing-edge modificationon the aerodynamic performance improvement of wind turbine airfoil have been less investigated considering the roughness sensitivity position.In the present study, the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine airfoil and its blunt trailing-edge modification considering the roughness sensitivity position was numerically investigated to reveal the effect of the blunt trailing-edge modification on the lift enhancement of airfoil with rough surface. The dedicated wind turbine airfoil S822 from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was used for the simulation. The lift and drag coefficients of S822 airfoil with smooth or rough surfaces were calculated by theSST turbulence model, and were compared with the aerodynamic data from wind tunnel tests, which offered a good opportunity to examine the capability of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation. The mathematical expression of the blunt trailing-edge airfoil profile was established using the coordinates’ rotation combined with the zoom coefficient of coordinates, and the airfoil S822 was modified to be symmetrical blunt trailing-edge airfoil. The lift enhancement of modified airfoils was analyzed to get the best trailing-edge thickness. In order to obtain the roughness sensitivity position of suction and pressure surfaces, the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil with rough surface was studied. The lift and drag coefficients and the lift-drag ratio were calculated for the airfoils with the roughness sensitivity position and their symmetrical modifications with the best trailing-edge thickness. Andthe roughness sensitivity of sharp and blunt trailing-edge airfoils was also analyzed. The results indicated that the best trailing-edge thickness was 2% of chord length for symmetrical blunt trailing-edge airfoil. The roughness sensitivity positions of suction and pressure surfaces were 1% and 5% of chord length away from the leading-edge, respectively. After the blunt trailing-edge modification, the lift coefficient and the maximum lift-drag ratio of the airfoil with the roughness sensitivity position significantly increased. The lift-drag ratio of the blunt trailing-edge airfoil was higher than that of the original airfoilfor the angle of attack less than 11.19° when the suction surface of airfoil is rough, and so does the airfoil with rough suction and pressure surfaces. It is the same change ruler as abovefor the airfoil with rough pressure surface at different angles of attack ranging from 1° to 13.23°. The blunt trailing-edge modification makes the lift coefficient and the maximum lift-drag ratio significantly increase, which remarkably improves the aerodynamic performance of rough airfoil. The compositive index of the roughness sensitivity was 10.68% and 8.15% for sharp and blunt trailing-edge airfoils, respectively. The modification reduces the airfoil’s sensitivity to the roughness position. The research provides a significant guidance for designing and optimizing the wind turbine airfoil under rough blade surface conditions.

wind turbines; airfoils; roughness; sensitivity position; blunt trailing-edge modification; aerodynamic performance








张 旭,女,河北安平人,副教授,博士后,主要从事风力机空气动力学和结构力学研究。天津 天津工业大学天津市现代机电装备技术重点实验室,300387。Email:zhangxu@tjpu.edu.cn

张 旭,刘海龙,王格格,李 伟.考虑粗糙度敏感位置的钝尾缘翼型气动性能研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(8):82-89. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.08.011 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhang Xu, Liu Hailong, Wang Gege, Li Wei. Aerodynamic performance of blunt trailing-edge airfoil considering roughness sensitivity position[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(8): 82-89. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.08.011 http://www.tcsae.org

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太阳能(2015年6期)2015-02-28 17:09:35