(海军航空工程学院 电子信息工程系,山东 烟台 264001)
(海军航空工程学院 电子信息工程系,山东 烟台 264001)
假设4个运动平台采用TDOA体制对地面固定辐射源定位,初始状态如表1所示,其中,位置分量单位为m,速度分量单位为m/s,观测时间为100 s。目标位于(500, 600, 550)m及(2, 3,1)km处,分别对应近场及远场目标的情况。到达时间测量误差σi=10 ns,沿各坐标轴的位置测量误差标准差相同,且取值为10, 50, 200 m。
表1 各平台初始状态
图1 平台位置测量误差对CRLB影响(近场目标)Fig.1 Effect of platform position measurement error on the CRLB (near field)
图2 平台位置测量误差对CRLB影响(远场目标)Fig.2 Effect of platform position measurement error on the CRLB (far field)
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CRLB Analysis for Moving Multi-Platform TDOA Continuous Localization with Platform Positions Error
LUO Hui-zi, QU Chang-wen
(Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Shandong Yantai 264001, China)
In moving multi-platform time-difference-of-arrival(TDOA) continuous localization, precise platform locations are often not available in practice. The localization performance evaluation for such scene is not researched. Aiming at this, the Cramér-Rao lower bound(CRLB) is chosen as the evaluation index for the target localization. A augmented vector is composed using all true platform positions at different instants and the common calculation formula for the CRLB is got by its definition. According to the characteristics of the moving multi-platform TDOA continuous localization, the specific calculation formula is derived. Simulation results indicate the effectiveness of the derived index for the performance evaluation in the aforementioned scene. The influence of the platform’s position error should be considered in system technical index and localization algorithm design for both the near-field target and the far-field target.
multi-platform; positioning; platform position error; TDOA; CRLB; simulation
2016-05-09 基金项目:航空科学基金(20105584004) 作者简介:骆卉子(1985-),女,山东烟台人。博士生,主要从事无源定位跟踪技术研究。
通信地址:264001 山东省烟台市二马路188号海军航空工程学院电子对抗教研室 E-mail: jessica_lhz@163.com