(深圳华大基因,深圳 518083)
(深圳华大基因,深圳 518083)
目的 制定一个标准的嵌合比例检测曲线,以用于植入前筛查(PGS)中更加精准地选择健康的胚胎进行移植,进而提高临床妊娠率及降低出生缺陷率。 方法 选用购买的5株商业化的CNV细胞系及2株正常男女性外周血细胞系,配置100%、70%、60%、40%、20%、0%的6个梯度嵌合比例;本批样本采用华大基因开发的胚胎植入前检测试剂盒(Embro-seq PGS kit)进行WGA扩增和文库构建,采用BGISEQ-500测序仪进行全基因组低深度测序,采用自主开发的CNV分析软件进行数据分析。 结果 5株细胞系的相应CNV在6个嵌合梯度的平均拷贝率分别是0.98、0.89、0.83、0.76、0.73和0.57。 结论 本研究绘制了一个不同嵌合比例的拷贝率曲线,为临床PGS检测中胚胎的嵌合性评估提供了一种相对准确的参考方法,进而可根据具体情况选择更加健康的胚胎进行移植以提高临床妊娠率及降低出生缺陷发生率。
植入前胚胎移植; 嵌合胚胎; 嵌合曲线; 混合细胞系
选用购买的5株商业化的异常细胞系(Coriell Institute,美国),已知核型分别是del(7)-25.3M、del(10)-14.1M、del(13)-18.3M、del(15)-4.9M、del(17)-5.8M;以及2株正常核型男女性外周血细胞系,核型分别是46,XX和46,XY。
图1 不同嵌合比例混合细胞样本检测流程图
2.WGA扩增和文库构建:本批样本采用华大基因开发的胚胎植入前检测试剂盒(Embro-seq PGS kit)进行WGA扩增和文库构建[12-13]。
3.NGS测序和信息分析:本实验采用华大自主开发的BGISEQ-500测序仪进行全基因组低深度测序,并采用自主开发的Embro-seq PGS kit 配套CNV分析软件进行数据分析[12-13]。
表1 不同比例嵌合度对应CNV的拷贝率
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Development of reference curve for different chimeric ratio by using mixed cell samples
Objective:To develop a standard curve of chimeric ratio for accurately selecting healthy embryos in preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) to improve clinical pregnancy rate and reduce the birth defect rate.Methods:The samples with six gradient chiming ratio of 100%,70%,60%,40%,20%,0% was configured by using 5 strains of commercial CNV cell lines and 2 strains of male and female normal peripheral blood cell lines. These samples were subjected to WGA amplification and library construction with BGI’s kit (Embro-seq PGS Kit) developed by the Beijing Genomics Institute. Whole genome sequencing was performed with BGISEQ-500 sequencer. Data were analyzed by self-developed CNV analysis software.Results:The average copy rates of the corresponding CNVs in the 6 samples with different gradient chimeric ratio were 0.98,0.89,0.83,0.76,0.73 and 0.57,respectivelyConclusions:A standard curve of chimeric ratio is developed,which can provide a relatively accurate reference method for assessment of embryo chimeric ratio in PGS. Therefore,the more healthy embryos can be chosen for transplantation in order to improve the clinical pregnancy rate and reduce the incidence of birth defects.
Preimplantation genetic screening; Chimeric embryo; Chimeric curve; Mixed cell lines