by Damaris Diaz
Joe Alwyn—Hollywood’s Next Big Thing
by Damaris Diaz
Host:You’re really1)convincingas a soldier.
Alwyn:Thank you.
Host:(laughs) Now we see you handling some serious2)weaponsand in the middle of some very intense3)battles. What was that experience like for you?
Alwyn:The whole experience was pretty amazing. Being thrown into a situation like this, where it was my first film and I was working with director likeAng①:李安(Ang Lee),著名编剧、导演。1999年,他因执导《卧虎藏龙》首次获得奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片奖。他还凭借2006年的《断背山》和2013年的《少年派的奇幻漂流》分别获得第78届和第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖。他亦因此成为了首位两度获得奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖的亚洲导演,也是首位获得奥斯卡最佳外语片奖的华人导演。was obviously unusual, and not normal, but it was all very, it was exciting. It was the most exciting adventure and experience to go on, and I loved it.
Host:How was the training to prepare for this role?
Alwyn:We did two weeks of training inAtlanta②:亚特兰大(Atlanta),位于美国东部,是美国三大高地城市之一,亦是美国佐治亚州的首府和最大的工商业城市。, the seven boys did, and it’sthe Bravo Squad③:布拉沃小分队(Bravo Squad),电影里男主角比利·林恩所在的小分队。这是一支在伊拉克作战的八人小分队。, and that was very, very hard and tough, and emotionally and physically it really, really pushed us. But it was very eye-opening as well, and it gave us a lot, it brought us together as a…as a group of boys and as a4)unit. And the people who5)ranit, the soldiers who ran it, they spoke to us a lot about their own experiences and what they’d gone through, and we could6)draw onthat. And they were very generous speaking to us about that, and I think we had a lot of respect for them, yeah.
Host:This is definitely a very emotional film to watch because of this…this very intense story. Was there something that you learned about yourself? Movies are meant to entertain us, but we also kinda leave the theater learning something new. Was there something that you learned about yourself or about the7)militaryin general?
Alwyn:It left me with, I think what it does, whether you,8)pro or9)antithe war, or anti-war, I think it’s a…it’s a pro-soldier, anti-war film. But with the military and with the soldiers, it really10)humanizes it, and you have a huge amount of respect for them regardless of whether or not you believe in the cause. I left with a huge amount of respect for what they do.
Host:How much did you enjoy this…this role, this character?
Alwyn:Yeah, I mean, I loved it. It was tough at times, and it was intense and it was overwhelming to be thrown into such deep water in such an unusual situation so early on in my career, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I mean people would jump for that11)at any pointin their career, and I’m…I’m lucky to have worked with Ang and with these people in the way that I did.
1) convincing [kən'vɪnsɪŋ] adj. 有说服力的
2) weapon ['wepən] n. 武器
3) battle ['bætl] n. 战役,战争
4) unit ['juːnɪt] n.(军)小队,分队
5) run [rʌn] v. 管理,运行
6) draw on 利用,吸收
7) military ['mɪlɪtərɪ] n. 军队,军人
8) pro [prəʊ] prep. 赞成
9) anti ['æntɪ] prep. 反对
10) humanize ['hjuːmənaɪz] v. 赋予人性,使人性化
11) at any point 在任何时候
Host:This story takes us through many12)stagesof his life. What would you say is your favorite scene in this film?
Alwyn:I’ve different scenes that I really love. I love the big13)spectaclescenes with thehalf-time sequence④:此处指的是电影里的一个场景,男主角比利·林恩与战友们一起被召回美国进行巡回宣传,他们应邀参加了一场感恩节橄榄球公开赛的中场表演。and the fire fight and I really love all the stuff that we shot inMorocco⑤:摩洛哥王国(The Kingdom of Morocco),简称摩洛哥,是非洲西北部一个沿海的阿拉伯国家。. And I also love some of the quieter scenes. I love the scenes with Billy’s sister, Katherine…withKristin⑥:克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart),美国女演员,1990年生于美国洛杉矶。自2008年起,她便凭借《暮光之城》的系列电影走红全球,成为了好莱坞人气和身价最高的年轻女演员之一,并连续四年登上《福布斯》名人榜。, and I love a lot of it.
Host:What are you taking away from this entire experience?
Alwyn:As Joe? What am I taking away?
Alwyn:Just that it was a lot of fun, and I don’t know.
Host:What’s next for you?
Alwyn:I just want to keep trying to find projects that I have a passion for, and…and I wanna work with great directors. And…and I’ve been so lucky to start with Ang, and hopefully I can, you know, keep finding projects that, that are as good as this and with teams of people, cast and crew, that are as good as this, and we’ll see what happens.
12) stage [steɪdʒ] n. 阶段,时期
13) spectacle ['spektəkl] n. 壮观,场面