The Perfect Trip: Lapland (II)

2017-04-11 07:14byAnthonyHam
疯狂英语·初中天地 2017年2期

by Anthony Ham

The Perfect Trip: Lapland (II)

by Anthony Ham


★Inari: Best for Sami Culture

1) roam [rəʊm] v. 漫游,徘徊

2) fiercely ['fɪəslɪ] adv. 〈口〉非常,很,极度地

3) retain [rɪ'teɪn] v. 保留

4) patriarch ['peɪtrɪαːk] n. 最年长者,家长

5) herd [hʒːd] v. 放牧

6) replica ['replɪkə] n. 复制品

7) absent-mindedly 心不在焉地

8) spatula ['spætjʊlə] n. 抹刀,小铲

9) timber ['tɪmbə] n. 木材

10) gale [geɪl] n. 强风,大风

11) hearth [hαːθ] n. 灶台,炉边

12) toasty [təʊstɪ] adj. 暖和舒适的

No one knows Lapland like its original inhabitants, the Sami people. They have probably lived as far north as you can go in Finland for the last 11,000 years,1)roamingwith their reindeer across the icy plains. The quiet town of Inari serves as the capital for Finland’s Sami. The story of the Sami is not best reflected in towns, however, but instead on the wild plains of their ancestors, where many still hold on2)fiercelyto their traditions.

Few have3)retainedtheir link to the past like this family. It is the father Heikki, the4)patriarchof the family, who anchors them in their Sami past. “I’ve been5)herdingreindeer since I was fourteen,” he says. “And I have taught these skills to my sons.”

“What makes us strong is the reindeer,” he says. “Our clothes, our food, our tradition of being on the land—everything in our culture comes from the reindeer. If there were no reindeer, there would be no Sami. That’s why we have survived, because we never stopped herding.”

Deep in the national park, Heikki takes a rest in a brick-built6)replicaof the traditional Sami tent. He7)absent-mindedlycarves out a8)spatulafrom a piece of discarded9)timber. Outside, it’s blowing a10)galeand freezing cold, but in here, gathered around the Sami11)hearth, the temperature is12)toastyand welcoming.

“Things may have changed, but I still remember all the lessons I learned,” he says. “I don’t need maps. I know every stone, every tree. I have spent my life following the reindeer. Our connection to the land remains very deep.”

★Lemmenjoki National Park: Best for Wilderness

Lemmenjoki National Park is the traditional homeland for northern Finland’s Sami people. And it also happens to be one of Lapland’s most beautiful corners. At 1,100 square miles, the park is one of the largest uninhabited13)territoriesin Europe: an immense14)wildernessof forest. In winter, the park is woven with trails that15)meanderalong ice-bound rivers and narrow16)bywayscarved by summer hiking tracks, through deep snow and between tall17)pines18)dwarfedby the19)fellnearby.

From the fell’s summit, Lapland’s20)forestedvastness21)undulatesto the horizon in low, rolling hills. “This is one of the last and largest22)refugesfor the old pine forests of Western Europe,” says the park’s director, surveying the scene. “Most of the pines are around 500 years old, but some have been here for 800 years. And Lemmenjoki is one of very few places to have been sculpted almost entirely by nature, not by man. Yes, there are Sami here with their reindeer, but this landscape hasn’t changed in centuries.”

The park’s director makes her way down from the high country,23)windingthrough forests where various sets of paw prints lead off into the trees—a sign of the many reindeer,24)elk,25)wolverines, brown bears,26)lynxand wolves that inhabit the park. She at last arrives in the river valley that gives the park its name—Lemmenjoki means “warm river” in Sami, or “river of love” in27)Finnish.

At first broad and28)fringedwith trees, the Lemmenjoki river narrows as it passes beneath29)steep-sidedhills filled with30)boulders. Here in a river canyon, deep in the Arctic, Lapland’s call is once again that of a frozen wilderness—the sound of perfect silence.

13) territory ['terɪtərɪ] n. 领土,领域

14) wilderness ['wɪldənɪs] n. 荒野,旷野

15) meander [mɪ'ændə] v. 蜿蜒而行

16) byway ['baɪweɪ] n. 小路,小道

17) pine [paɪn] n. 松树,松木

18) dwarf [dwɔːf] v. 使矮小

19) fell [fel] n. 丘原,荒高地

20) forested ['fɒrɪstɪd] adj. 草木丛生的

21) undulate ['ʌndjʊleɪt] v. 起伏,波动

22) refuge ['refjuːdʒ] n. 庇护地

23) wind [waɪnd] v. 蜿蜒而行

24) elk [elk] n. 麋,麋鹿

25) wolverine ['wʊlvəriːn] n. 狼獾,豹熊

26) lynx [lɪŋks] n. 山猫,猞猁

27) Finnish ['fɪnɪʃ] n. 芬兰语

28) fringe [frɪndʒ] v. 作为……的边缘

29) steep-sided陡边的

30) boulder ['bəʊldə] n. 大卵石













