
2017-04-02 02:17:51RespondingtotheProblemsintheAgeofNeoglobalization

Responding to the Problems in the Age of Neo-globalization

REN Ping

(School of Politics and Public Administration, Soochow University, Suzhou Jiangsu, 215009)

An Observation on the Chinese Characteristic Education of Political Party System in

Universities from the Perspective of College Students’ Party Identification

JIA Dezhong

(Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, 100089)

The Significance of Linguistic Form Historical Facts:

With Regard to the Mystery the Historical Existence of the Xiahou Tribe

ZHOU Xiangsen1,2

(1. World History Institution; 2. Research Center of History Theory and History of Historiography,

Henan University, Kaifeng Henan,475001)

Doubts about Li Zicheng’s Final Reclusive Life in

the Forty-eight Villages of Cili County

YU Xinzhong1,YANG Chunjun2

(1. School of History, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300350;

2. Schoo1 of Humanities, Tongren College, Tongren Guizhou,554300)

From Clearance to Unfolding & Restoring: Salt Administration in the Area of

Wenzhou-Taizhou and the Coastal Society at the Transforming from Ming to Qing

WU Tao, LUO Ouya

(The Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai Guangdong,519082)

Chinese Academics Going to the World: A Chinese Blueprint

Responding to the Problems in the Age of Neo-globalization

REN Ping

(School of Politics and Public Administration, Soochow University, Suzhou Jiangsu, 215009)

Abstract: “The Chinese Communists and the Chinese people are full of confidence to supply the human beings with a Chinese blueprint for the exploration of a better social system.” The grand transforming from the old globalization to the new one serves as a historical field domain for the Chinese blueprint to come on the stage. The neo-Chinese modernism surpassing the western modern and linear logic has become the essence of the Chinese blueprint aiming at the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation. The logic of the localization of Marxism in China needs to focus profoundly on the problems China, hold fast to the Chinese standpoint, gaze at the Chinese field of vision, create Chinese theories and Chinese Discourse, and become the subjective condition of a Chinese blueprint. To compose a Chinese blueprint of “a better social system”, it is necessary that the Chinese academics especially the localized Marxism in China should innovate, adhering to the “Four Self-confidences”, to go to the world creatively, on the base of summarizing constantly, comprehensively and thoroughly the experience of the exploration for a Chinese Path. The presence of a Chinese blueprint signifies a grand transforming of the age of neo-globalization from “the world coming to China” to “China going to the world”, signifies a sharp rise of “the community of human destiny” in the context of the age of neo-globalization, signifies a historical undertaking by the localized Marxism in China of the great mission of going to the world and taking the lead of the human development.

Chinese academics; going to the world; Chinese blueprint

An Observation on the Chinese Characteristic Education of Political Party System in

Universities from the Perspective of College Students’ Party Identification

JIA Dezhong

(Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, 100089)

Abstract: Party identification of the college students in contemporary time includes their identification of the party politics carried out in modern countries, their identification of the Chinese characteristic political party system, their identification of the Communist Party (the governing party), and their identification of the democratic parties in China (parties participating in governing). As has been shown by the empirical study conducted by some scholars on the current situation and the problems existing in the identification of political party by the college students today, factors that influence the students’ party identification are various, amongst which the Chinese characteristic education of political party system is undoubtedly one of the most important. Incorporated with the demands byTheWorkingRegulations(forTrailImplementation)oftheChineseCommunistParty’sUnitedFrontissued in 2015, universities should explore in depth the construction of ideological and political theory courses, the ideological building of the governing party and parties participating in governing, and the function of and influence on the molding of the students’ party identification by the organizational construction of the governing party and parties participating in governing, to innovate the path of the Chinese characteristic education of political party system.

Key words: college students; party identification; political party system; education

The Significance of Linguistic Form Historical Facts:

With Regard to the Mystery the Historical Existence of the Xiahou Tribe

ZHOU Xiangsen1,2

(1. World History Institution; 2. Research Center of History Theory and History of Historiography,

Henan University, Kaifeng Henan,475001)

Abstract: For the animate personal existence as the first premise of the entire human history, linguistic form historical facts are of historically ontological significance. As the outcome of self-transcendence of the objective reality (i.e. realistic world of historical existence), linguistic form historical facts are the self-negative accomplishment of the realistic world of historical existence. On the one hand, by establishing a possible dimension of a realistic historical world of the objective reality, linguistic form historical facts not only make possible the historicization of human beings (i.e. human beings become one with real historicity), but also make it a reality that human beings cast off the natural existing form which was primitive, instinctive and short of vitality like animals. The authenticity of linguistic form historical facts is fundamental and vital to that of the historical facts. It is the possible world of history constructed by linguistic form historical facts rather than the objectively concrete realistic world of history that constitutes the historical premise of another possible world of the human beings, i.e. the ideal world in the future.

Key words: linguistic form historical facts; historical existence; realistic world of history; possible world of history

Doubts about Li Zicheng’s Final Reclusive Life in

the Forty-eight Villages of Cili County

YU Xinzhong1,YANG Chunjun2

(1. School of History, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300350;

2. Schoo1 of Humanities, Tongren College, Tongren Guizhou,554300)

Abstract: Common people in the Forty-eight Villages of Cili County generally believe that Li Zicheng finally lived in seclusion in this area, and the workers of culture and history in the county also consider that Li had really been there. It can be affirmed by the legends in the Forty-eight Villages, the relics in the area as well as the history of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties that the remnants of Li’s insurrectionary army did take some actions there, which, however, cannot be considered as the actions of Li himself. The reemergence and reclusion of Li after death has been nothing but one of the many rumors about him between Ming and Qing dynasties, which does not accord with either Li’s behavior style or the historical facts at that time. Like many other rumors between Ming and Qing dynasties, the reclusion of Li Zicheng is of some political metaphorical significance.

Key words:: the late Ming and early Qing dynasties; Li Zicheng; the Forty-eight Villages; rumor

From Clearance to Unfolding & Restoring: Salt Administration in the Area of

Wenzhou-Taizhou and the Coastal Society at the Transforming from Ming to Qing

WU Tao, LUO Ouya

(The Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai Guangdong,519082)

Abstract: At the transforming from Ming to Qing, there was a complicated and confusing situation in the Wenzhou-Taizhou coastal area, with severe policy of clearance profoundly influencing the means of livelihood of all kinds of communities and the organization of society. The Great Clearance in the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (1661) made the local economy mauled heavily on the one hand, and had a strong impact on the financial income of Qing Government on the other. For the people of all kinds including the salt producers, they actually lost their means of making a live, having to drift from place to place homeless and miserable. Because of all these, the government issued an order in the eighth year of Kangxi (1669) to unfold and restore part of the land of clearance, slightly extending outward the border, and at the same time permitted the people to fish, catch and produce salt along the way. However, maritime trade was still severely banned. Till the twenty-second year of Kangxi (1683), the situation was changed for better with the issuing of the order for an “entire” unfolding and restoring by the government.

Key words: the Great Clearance; salt works; unfolding and restoring