
2017-03-29 15:45章悦钟远
现代仪器与医疗 2017年1期

章悦 钟远

[摘 要] 目的:分析根除幽门螺旋杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,HP)与不同亚型老年功能性消化不良(Functional dyspepsia,FD)療效的关系。方法:2013年6月—2015年6月收治184例HP阳性老年FD患者,按照随机数字表法分为抗HP组、常规组各92例。均予FD常规治疗,抗HP组加用HP根除治疗,观察抗HP组HP根除成功情况,比较不同亚型患者治疗1个月后、治疗1年后疗效及复发情况。结果:抗HP组治疗1个月后、治疗1年后FD治疗总有效率分别为78.26%、72.83%,均高于常规组的59.78%、57.61%;HP根除成功组治疗1个月后、治疗1年后总有效率分别为95.24%、98.21%,均高于HP根除失败组的68.42%、46.15%;抗HP组EPS亚型患者治疗1个月后、治疗1年后总有效率分别为86.00%、80.00%,均高于PDS亚型的69.05%、64.29%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。抗HP组、常规组患者不良反应发生率分别为5.43%、6.52%,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:根除HP可提高EPS型老年PD患者临床疗效。

[关键词] 幽门螺旋杆菌;老年;功能性消化不良;疗效

中图分类号:R573.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5200(2017)01-077-03


Relationship between eradication of Helicobacter pylori and different subtypes of functional dyspepsia in elderly patients ZHANG Yue,ZHONG Yuan. (Department of Geriatrics,Shanghai No.6 Peoples Hospital,Shanghai 200233 China)

[Abstract] Objective: This study objective was to analyze the relationship between eradication of Helicobacter pylori (HP) and different subtypes of functional dyspepsia (FD) in elderly patients. Methods: 184 elderly HP-positive FD patients admitted in our hospital from June 2013 to June 2015, were divided into anti-HP group and routine group (n=92) by the random number table. All patients were given conventional treatment of FD, anti-HP group was treated with HP eradication, and the eradication of HP in anti-HP group was observed, and the curative effect and recurrence of patients with different subtypes were compared between 1 month after treatment and 1 year after treatment. Results: The total effective rate of FD1 month after treatment and 1 year after treatment were 78.26% and 72.83%, respectively, which were both higher than59.78% and 57.61% in the routine group; the total effective rate of the anti-HP group 1 month after treatment and 1 year after treatment were 95.24% and 98.21%, respectively, were both higher than 68.42% and 46.15% of the routine group; the total effective rate of subtype of EPS patients in anti-HP group1 months after treatment and 1 year after treatment were 86.00% and 80.00%, which were higher than 69.05% and 64.29% of subtype of PDS patients in anti-HP group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions in the HP group and the routine group were 5.43% and 6.52%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusions: Eradication of HP can improve the clinical efficacy of elderly PD patients in subtype of EPS.

[Key words] Helicobacter pylori; elderly; functional dyspepsia; curative effect

功能性消化不良(Functional dyspepsia,FD)好發于中老年人群。根据患者上腹痛、上腹烧灼感、餐后饱胀或早饱等症状表现,FD被分为餐后不适综合征(PDS)和上腹痛综合征(EPS)两种亚型[1]。多数学者认为,从病理生理角度而言,FD是一种异质性疾病,而胃肠道嗜酸性粒细胞增多可作为FD的有效生物学标记与治疗靶点[2]。但目前关于幽门螺旋杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,HP)感染与FD各亚型关系报道较少[3]。为明确根除HP与不同亚型老年FD疗效的关系,本研究选取184例HP阳性患者进行了前瞻性对照分析。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

选取我院2013年6月—2015年6月收治的184例HP阳性老年FD患者,均参照罗马Ⅲ标准明确FD诊断及分型 [4],


1.2 治疗方案

两组患者均接受FD常规治疗,包括解痉、抑酸、胃粘膜保护、促进胃肠动力、抗抑郁等[5]。抗HP组在常规治疗方案的基础上加用三联抗HP治疗[6]:泮托拉唑口服,每次40 mg,每日1次;克拉霉素分散片口服,每次0.5 g,每日2次;甲硝唑片口服,每次0.4 g,每日2次。两组患者完成规定疗程,停药后接受为期1年的随访。

1.3 评价指标


1.4 统计学分析


2 结果

2.1 疗效比较


2.2 HP根除效果与疗效的关系

14C尿素呼气试验示,随访期间抗HP组HP感染复发7例。HP根除成功组治疗1个月后、治疗1年后总有效率分别为95.24%、98.21%,均高于HP根除失败组的68.42%、46.15%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),组内治疗1个月后、治疗1年后总有效率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 #P<0.05

2.3 根除HP与不同亚型疗效的关系


3 讨论

目前西方国家FD患病率接近25%,我国成年人FD确诊率约为7.58%[9]。有报道认为我国HP感染率高达80%~90%[10]。作为一种常见的上消化道致病因子,HP感染被认为与胃粘膜急慢性炎症的发生发展具有密切关联,且动物模型也已证实HP对胃粘膜、脊髓内神经形态功能的重要影响[11]。因此,多数学者指出,鉴于HP感染对胃动力和感觉功能的影响,根除HP有望改善FD患者症状 [12-13]。




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