
2017-03-27 08:56:08江西侯昌玮
教学考试(高考英语) 2017年1期

江西 侯昌玮


江西 侯昌玮

Passage 1

How to Dye Easter Eggs?

Dyeing eggs is a fun way for families to celebrate spring and add color to the Easter holiday. They can be used in egg hunts,Easter decoration and can be eaten afterwards,if refrigerated.

1. Boil the Eggs

Place the eggs in the bottom of a saucepan and cover with an inch of cold water .Turn off the heat but keep the pan on the burner. Cover and let it sit for 10 to 12 minutes. Drain the water and place the eggs in cold running water or a bowl of ice water for three to f ve minutes to cool.

2. Prepare Your Work Area

While the eggs are cooling,prepare the surface where you will be dyeing eggs to make cleanup easy. Butcher paper is inexpensive,works great to cover surfaces and can be removed and thrown away when f nished.

3. Place the Eggs in the Dye

The open-wire ladle(长柄勺) that comes with most egg kits is f imsy and hard for little kids to hold. A large spoon or small gravy ladle is easier to grasp,holds the egg in place and can be moved in and out of the dye cups._

4. Wait for the Eggs to Soak Up the Dye

Keep the eggs in the dye bath for three to f ve minutes,checking and turning them once or twice for good color absorption. For darker,more vibrant colors,leave the eggs in a few minutes longer.

Carefully remove the eggs with the spoon,roll them on a paper towel to remove dye drips and place them in an egg carton to dry for a minute.

A. Wrap the eggs.

B. Remove the eggs.

C. Newspaper would also work.

D. On high heat,bring the water to a full boil.

E. Using the spoon,carefully lower one egg into each of the dye cups.

F. Easter means more than anything else,Easter eggs or chocolate eggs.

G. This simple,easy-to-follow method produces beautifully colorful eggs.

Passage 2

Playing sports is a lot of fun. Getting hurt is not. Take these f ve steps to prevent injuries so you can stay in the game.

Wear Protective Gear

Protective gear is anything you wear that helps keep you from getting hurt. The gear you wear depends on the sport you play.They protect your all-important head while you’re playing football,hockey,baseball,softball,skateboarding,and inline skating,just to name a few!

It’s not a good idea to just bolt on to the field and start playing. You shouldn’t even start stretching until you’re a little warmed up. So take a light jog to get loosened up and ready to play.

Know the Rules of the Game

Traff c lights at intersections help prevent crashes between the many cars and trucks that drive on the roads together. This works because drivers know the rules and follow them —at least most of the time.When players know the rules of the game—what’s legal and what’s not—fewer injuries happen.

Watch Out for Others

Some rules are just about protecting other people. For instance,a diver would make sure that the pool was clear before diving in. Otherwise,he or she might land on someone else.For instance,a baseball player in the outf eld might yell“I got it” to avoid a collision with another outf elder.

Don’t Play When You’re Injured

This is a really important one. If you love sports ,it’s tempting to get right back in the game,even after an injury. But it can lead to an even worse injury.See a doctor for your injuries,when necessary,and follow his or her advice about how and when to return to practice and play.

A. Warm up.

B. Get to the f eld on time.

C. It’s the same way with sports.

D. Helmets are the most common protective gear.

E. Be honest with parents and coaches if you’ve been hurt.

F. Make sure you’re wearing the right helmet for your sport.

G. One way you can watch out for others is to communicate on the f eld.

Passage 3

Having a learning disability doesn’t mean you can’t learn. Learning disabilities happen because of the way a person ’s brain takes in and processes information.The trick will be f guring out how you learn best.

Learning disabilities aren’t contagious(传染的),but they can be genetic. That means they can be passed down in families through the genes,like many other traits we get from our parents and grandparents. Someone with a learning disability probably has other family members who have had some learning troubles,too. Kids with learning problems are sometimes surprised to f nd out that one of their parents had similar troubles when he or she was in school.

It’s very hard for a kid to know if he or she has a learning disability. But kids don’t have to f gure all this out on their own.Start with your teacher and your mom or dad.

Finding out you have a learning disability can be upsetting.But the truth is that learning disabilities are pretty common. And if your learning specialist or psychologist has fgured out which one you’re facing,you’re on the right track. Now,you can start getting the help you need to do better in school.

But for this special help to really work,you’ll need to practice the new skills you’re learning. It may take a lot of effort every day.Soon,you’ll enjoy the results of all your hard work: more fun and success at school!

A. As a result,people learn differently.

B. What a kid needs to do is tell someone.

C. That can be a challenge,but you can do it.

D. You might feel different from everyone else.

E. There are people who know how to do just that.

F. But kids today have an advantage over their parents.

G. But you’ll need some help and you’ll need to work extra hard.

Passage 4

Computer trouble is unavoidable in our daily life. Here are some tips to help you get rid of it.

Keep a recovery checklist. If you ever have to “rebuild”a computer—reinstall programs,set up email,reconnect to your printer,and so on—I’m sorry .But it’s even less fun not knowing what to do. Here’s what to do instead: Take the time right now to write down all the steps you need to get a new PC up and running,including all the special settings.

Only change one thing at a time. Need to upgrade,f x, or replace a few things?Adding new memory to your computer? Install it,make sure everything still works for a day or two,and then replace the video card.

The simplest solution is usually the best solution.My wireless extender made my entire network more fragile and convoluted. I tried troubleshooting for a spell,but in the end I did what I should have done to begin with: I replaced the router with a new,high quality model.

A. Have a cookie.

B. It’s no fun.

C. Clean your computer often.

D. Always have a reliable backup.

E. Make changes to your PC or network one at a time.

F. You can also spend a little money on a cloud backup solution.

G. One of the problems with my home network was that it was needlessly complicated.


Passage 1



1. G。结合文章首段和下文的结构(总分结构)可知,此处须填一个过渡句,而G项正是承上启下的句子。

2. D。本段的主题是煮鸡蛋,所以D项“加热煮沸开水”符合语境。

3. C。本段主要介绍准备好放鸡蛋的垫用纸张。前一句介绍了可以使用便宜实用的厚纸,故C项“报纸也管用”符合语境。

4. E。本段主要叙述把鸡蛋放入染料杯中,故E项“利用汤勺慢慢把鸡蛋放入染料杯中”符合语境。

5. B。根据本段首句“Carefully remove the eggs with the spoon”可知,本段主要介绍“取出鸡蛋”。故选B项。

Passage 2

(材料来源:http://kidshealth.org/en/kids/sport-safety. html?WT.ac=ctg#)


1. D。本段主题是佩戴保护装置。选项D“头盔是最常见的保护装置”与话题一致,且“helmets”与下一句中的“they”信息匹配。

2. A。根据本段内容可知,本段主要是建议运动前要热身。

3. C。本段主要说明“要了解比赛规则”。本段先从了解交通规则的重要性说起,进而引入话题“了解运动项目的比赛规则”。故选用过渡句C项。

4. G。根据下一句的意思和关键词“yell”可知应选G项。

5. E。本段说明“受伤了不能参加运动”。故选E项“受伤了要老实告诉父母和教练”。

Passage 3

(材料来源:http://kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/ learning_problem/learning_disabilities.html#)


1. A。前面一句说到无学习能力产生的原因,此处为得出的结论:因此,人们学习也就不一样。

2. F。该段说明什么是无学习能力,它是有遗传的。一家人中可能有几位成员有类似的无学习能力。后面为转折,表示“现今孩子们比上一代要强一些”。故选F项。

3. B。该段叙述如何发现具有无学习能力。根据下句的“要告诉老师或父母”可知应选B项。

4. D。此处意为“发现自己无学习能力是令人烦恼的,你可能会感觉与众不同”。故选D项。

5. C。前一句说“每天都要努力”,故可知下文应进一步说应对无学习能力是个挑战,再根据下一句的“你会成功”可知“你会做到的”。故选C项。

Passage 4



1. D。根据该段主要内容及关键词“backup”可知,此处意为:建议给电脑设置备份。故选D项。

2. B。根据下句“But it’s even less fun not knowing what to do”可知,应选B项。

3. E。根据本段主题句“Only change one thing at a time”可知,应选E项。

4. G。根据下句可知,此处是作者举出自己家里面的例子。故选G项。

5. A。根据本段关键词“have a cookie”可知,A项符合本段话题。


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