
2017-03-16 00:48
艺术交流 2017年3期

自2003年举办首届北京双年展开始,双年展累计接受世界60多个国家500多位入选艺术家绘画和雕塑类捐赠作品达500余件,约占历届北京双年展展品总数的1/8,涉及当代架上艺术中与绘画和雕塑有关的各个门类,是国内目前规模最大、质量最高、品类最丰富的独一无二的国外当代美术品收藏平台,很大程度上体现了北京双年展这艘当代世界绘画与雕塑 “巨轮”的精华面貌,是开阔国内美术界人士及爱好者眼界的艺术宝库,具有极高的研究和展示价值。


—— 中国美协

Since 2003, the Beijing Biennale has cumulatively accepted more than 500 pieces of paintings and sculptures of more than 500 artists from about 60 countries, accounting for 1/8 of the total exhibits of the Beijing Biennale, covering various categories of contemporary paintings and sculptures. These donated works have become the largest contemporary foreign art collection with the highest quality and richest variety, representing to a great extent, the essence of the Beijing Biennale. It is an art treasure that broadens the horizon of the domestic artists and art fans with high researching and displaying value.

In order to avoid this awkward situation of putting these important artworks in the warehouse without people knowing them, as is noted in BAI Juyi’s poem, “collections are lifelong treasures,why waste hiding them in sleeves for three years”, and to achieve a positive social effect, China Artists Association, based on the Beijing Biennale, the “The World Trip of Chinese Fine Arts”, “Paint One Another, Know One Another” and other projects, has launched this special itinerant exhibition of donated works of the past Beijing Biennales to continuously broaden the in-depth international exchanges. On the one hand, it provides both quantity and quality insurance of the exhibits for Chinese and foreign art exchanges. On the other hand, it also plays an irreplaceable role in continuously promoting the Beijing Biennale and enhancing its world reputation. Of course, the artists themselves have broken through the time limit of the Beijing Biennale so that these works shall be continuously promoted.

——China Artists Association

无题(布面油画)乔治·加戈希泽(选自“格鲁吉亚当代艺术特展”)Untitled (Oil on Canvas) by George Gagoshidze (from the Special Exhibition of Contemporary Art of Georgia)

青花的秘密(布面油画)威兰·扎那特罕(选自“蒙古国当代艺术特展”)The Secret of Blue (Oil on Canvas)by Oilan Janatkhan (from the Special Exhibition of Contemporary Art of Mongolia)

穿古代盔甲的指挥官(布面油画)丁托列托(选自“从丁托列托到利兰加的艺术之旅”特展)Man in Armour (Oil on Canvas)by Tintoretto (from “The Tour of Art From Tintoretto to Lilanga” Exhibition)

万紫千红 中国古代花木文物特展