河西学院外国语学院 张富民
大学英语是必修课,属于通识教育课程,绝大多数的本专科生都要学习,西部地方本科院校的学生也要学习。河西学院2017级理工农医类本科生选用《全新版大学英语》教程,2017-2018学年第一学期学习这门课程。根据教学安排,本学期笔者担任物理与机电工程学院电子171班,电子172班,电气工程171班,电气工程172班学生《大学英语I》授课老师。2017年9月上、中旬,我为四个班的学生讲述了《大学英语I》综合教程的Unit I和听说教程的Unit 1-2这一部分。
2017级新生的大学英语课是从第2周开始讲授的,讲授内容包括综合教程Unit 1,听说教程Unit 1-2,以及阅读教程1这三部分。除此之外,学生手中还有《语法手册》。除了课本之外,信息化环境下教育资源的合理选取与利用也格外重要。所以,结合2015级学生的教学经验,我向学生推荐了这几个教学平台:(1)批改网——训练学生的写作、翻译能力和四级考试备考能力;(2)英语点津——训练学生的英语听力理解能力;(3)九教实训楼506自主学习教室——学生配合与教材配套的教学资源开展自主学习。在课堂上,《大学英语I》这门课主要使用《综合教程》和《听说教程》,学生课下自行阅读《阅读教程》,并把《语法手册》作为参考书配合使用。另外,为了构建英语课堂教学氛围,本学期督促自己努力用英语授课。以上所述就是《大学英语I》最主要的教学资源。
第2-3周的教学内容包括读写教程Unit 1和听说教程Unit 1-2,其中读写教程Unit 1授课3大节,6个学时,听说教程Unit 1-2授课1大节,用2个学时。具体如下:
1. Unit 1 Growing UP
(1) Topic——Introduction to it to Students with teacher’s comprehension and experience
(2) Overview——It contains the main idea of the Unit and most complex sentences
(3) Text A —— Writing for Myself
(4) Text B —— The Scholarship Jacket(5) Oral Practice and Writing 2. Focus Listening and Speaking
(1) Unit 1 Studying English
① Part A
a)Communicative Function:Greetings and Introduction
b)Useful Expressions for Greetings and Introductions
c)Listening Strategy:Detecting Incomplete Plosion
② Part B
a) Pre-listening Task(Questions and Language Focus)
b)Listening Tasks:Talking About Studying English (A Passage including 2 exercises)
c)Speaking Tasks (3 conversations)
③ Part C Additional Listening (A Passage:How to Listening Comprehension)
④ Part D Test Your Listening(5 Short Conversations)
(2) Unit 2 Fun with Language① Part A
a)Communicative Function:Opening and Closing a Conversation
b)Useful Expressions for Opening and Closing a Conversation
c)Listening Strategy:Distinguishing Between Similar Sounds
② Part C Additional Listening (A Passage:Smile When You Read This)
2. 积极大力加强英语输入,构建英语课堂教学环境,把学生浸入在英语氛围中,促使学生有更多的机会学习英语,包括听说和读写能力的培养。
3. 优化教学设计,合理铺设支架,帮助学生释疑解惑。
4. 课堂教学活动和话语有明确的教学目的和能力培养倾向,旨在提升课堂教学效益和提升教学品味。
5. 注重引导和启发,引导学生学习活动,启发学生思考和学习。
6. 努力凸显自身教学风格和特色,把技能培养和知识传授有机结合。
㈠ Unit 1 Growing UP
(1)Ss’ Reading through
(2)Ss’ Reading aloud in public
(3)Ss’ Translation in Chinese
(4)Teacher’s explanation of key and core points
4.学习Text A Writing for Myself
(1)Introduction to Text A a.Ss’ Reading through
b.Ss’ translation of it
c.Teacher’s correction and guiding of key points
(2)Contents of Text A
a.Cognition of new words on the left side on page 4
b.Ss’ reading through of paras. 1-2
c.Teacher’s Check-up:What’s the main idea of the paragraph?
d.Stylistic feature of para.2:Repetition of “it”
e.Language points presented by teacher with examples and questions
f.Cognition of new words on page 5
g.Ss’ reading through of paras. 3-5
h.Teacher’s Check-up:What’s the main idea of the paragraph?
i.Stylistic feature of para.5:Repetition of “I wanted to do sth.”
j.Language points presented by teacher with examples and questions
k.Cognition of typical, long and complex sentence in para. 5:To write it as I wanted, however,would violate all the rules of formal composition I’d learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade.
l.Cognition of new words on page 6
m.Ss’ reading through of paras. 6-9
n.Teacher’s Check-up:What’s the main idea of the paragraph?
o.Stylistic feature of para.8:Repetition of different“laugh”
p.Language points presented by teacher with examples and questions
(3)Discourse Analysis
a.main idea
Part 1 My dream of Writing for Myself
Para.1 My idea of becoming a writer
Para.2 My prim teacher to teach me writing
Part 2 I tried to write for myself
Para.3 Titles on the list
Para.4 Vivid memories for the title I chose
Para.5 I was writing it for myself
Part 3 The result of writing for myself
Para.6 turned in the essay,and teacher graded it.
Para.7 Teacher read aloud it in class
Para.8 All the class were rather glad on hearing it,including me
Para.9 I was delight in heart for the article I wrote for myself
b.stylistic feature
——detailed description
——psychological description of “I”
5.Inspire ss to find out the answer to the question on page 8 depending on their construction of the discourse.
6.Assignments after class
(1) Text Organization exs. 2 on page 9
(2) Language Sense Enhancement 1 on page 10
(3) Memorize key words in box on page 12
(4) Finish Vocabulary exs. 1 on page 12-13
(5) Write the article assigned to you on Pigai.org
—— That’s the end of the 1st lesson of Integrated Course
㈡ Guidance and Practice of the Utilization of Language of Unit 1
1.Dictation of the key words in box
(1)Ss prepare for it
(3)Grade it in pair
2.Check up the assignment they finished after class
(1)Ss’ showing off in public
(2)Teacher comment on it
3.Guide ss to finish vocabulary exercises
(1) Ss show off what they did
(2) Teacher show Ss how to finish it
(3) All class finish Vocabulary 1 together
(4) Remind them of the key points among them
4.Guide ss to know the synonymous
(1)Whole class learn the theory to finish it
(2)Ss try to finish it
(3)Check up Ss’s finishing
(4)Teacher’s guidance
5.Guide ss to know the collocation
(1) Whole class learn the theory to finish it
(2) Ss try to finish it
(3) Check up Ss’s finishing
(4) Teacher’s guidance
6.Guide ss to finish Cloze 2
(1) Whole class learn the theory to finish it
(2) Ss try to finish it
(3) Check up Ss’s finishing
(4) Teacher’s guidance
7.Whole class try to finish Translation
(1)Announce to ss the task
(2)Teacher’s guidance
(3)Whole class try to translate it orally
8.Assignments after class
(1) finish Cloze 1 on page 16
(2) finish Translation 1 & 2 on page 17-18
(3) Prepare for the discussion next time
—— That’s the end of the 2nd lesson of Unit 1
㈢ Synthetic Study and Practice of Reading, Speaking and Writing
(1)Extensive Reading of Text B:The Scholarship Jacket
a.A student reads aloud the paragraph first
b.Then, Teacher translates it.
c.Last, comprehension and guidance
d.Language points
(2)Discussion of the 4 question
1.Present ss the questions
2.divide ss into several groups to discuss the questions
3.Ask ss to present and report their discussion to class
4.Teacher praises and grades their performance
(3)Writing of A Letter
a.Whole class learn the theory of Writing A Letter
b.Whole class appreciate the sample on page 26
c.Single out one students to read aloud her or his article in public and comment on it
(4)Assignment after class:Finish the task assigned on Pigai.org
——That’s the end of the 3rd lesson of Unit 1, and That’s the end of this Unit.
As far as Listen and Speaking is concerned, the main method I adopt is to inspire, to help and to lead them into practice of the skills of speaking and listening while I check up their comprehension of the exercise and encourage them to learn it or guide them to learn it. No matter what it is, the learning and teaching of Focus Listening and Speaking is quite different from that of Integrated course.