陈 笑 肖 晖 郁正亚
陈 笑①*肖 晖①郁正亚①
[First-author’s address]Department of General Surgery, Capital Medical University Beijing Tongren Hospital, Beijing 100730, China.
1.1 一般资料
回顾性分析2012年6月至2016年6月首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院普外科收治的328例双侧结节性甲状腺肿患者资料。其中男性76例,女性252例,男女比例为1∶3.32;年龄19~80岁,平均年龄55.41 岁。按照手术方式的不同,将其分为单侧甲状腺腺叶切除+对侧甲状腺肿物切除或大部切除术组(85例)和双侧甲状腺大部切除术组(243例)。单侧甲状腺腺叶切除+对侧甲状腺肿物切除或大部切除术组中男性23例,女性62例,男女比例为1∶2.26;年龄39~74岁,平均年龄56.73岁。双侧甲状腺大部切除术组中男性53例,女性190例,男女比例为1∶3.49;年龄19~80岁,平均年龄55.41岁。所有患者均经术后病理证实为结节性甲状腺肿。本研究不包括结节性甲状腺肿继发甲状腺机能亢进和病理证实为恶变的病例。
1.2 治疗方法
(1)单侧甲状腺腺叶切除+对侧肿物切除或大部切除术组。行甲状腺腺叶切除术手术中常规显露喉返神经、喉上神经和甲状旁腺,而行甲状腺大部切除术不常规显露以上结构。术后常规放置负压引流。所有手术均由同一手术医师完成。术后患者均常规服用优甲乐2年,控制促甲状腺激素(thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH)0.4~1 uIU/ml(正常值为0.4~6 uIU/ml)。术后第1 d常规捡查甲状旁腺素和钙离子。甲状旁腺素<12 pg/ml(正常值为12~65 pg/ml)即诊断为暂时性甲状旁腺功能减退。血钙离子<2.1 mmol/L(正常值为2.1~2.6 mmol/L)诊断为暂时性低钙血症。声音嘶哑患者行纤维喉镜检查,确定有无声带麻痹。
1.3 观察与评价指标
将结节性甲状腺肿术后复发定义为残余甲状腺腺体需要再手术,新出现结节,或旧结节增大>5 mm。术后2周患者门诊由手术医生复查,此后每3个月门诊复查1次。永久性甲状旁腺功能减退定义为手术后6个月仍需口服钙和维生素D[4]。
1.4 统计学方法
应用SPSS 18.0软件包进行数据处理。计数资料采用x2检验,当1≤理论值≤5且总例数≥40时应用校正公式,当理论值<1或总例数<40时应用Fisher精确概率法。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2.1 两组患者术后复发率比较
2.2 两组患者术后并发症发生率比较
表1 两组患者术后并发症发生率的比较[例(%)]
甲状腺一叶全切+对侧大部切除,又称为Dunhill术式,是对根治性术式的妥协,残留腺体量为1~4 ml。甲状腺单侧腺叶切除+对侧大部切除术术后并发症发生率基本等同于单侧腺叶切除,并发症较甲状腺全切术明显降低,而且避免了终生激素替代治疗。有研究表明,结节性甲状腺肿行单侧腺叶切除的复发率为1.2%~26%,平均复发时间为10~16年,但并不是所有复发有症状的患者,尤其是老年患者,均需手术治疗,因此再手术率只有0.4%[14,17]。本研究将Dunhill手术略加改良,对于对侧甲状腺肿物不广泛、肿物体积不大的患者,单纯行肿物摘除,以保留尽可能多的甲状腺组织,避免术后服用甲状腺素或减少服药剂量。由于甲状腺再次手术与第一次手术相比具有更高的并发症发生率[18-19]。因此,该术式的另一重要好处是行甲状腺腺叶切除的一侧今后一般不会复发,而另一侧即使复发,可反复手术,即使发生损伤也只可能造成一侧的喉返神经或甲状旁腺损伤,不会产生双侧喉返神经损伤或永久性甲状旁腺功能减退等严重并发症。本研究单侧甲状腺腺叶切除+对侧肿物切除或大部切除术组与双侧甲状腺大部切除术组相比较,术后喉返神经麻痹、甲状旁腺功能减退、血肿等并发症发生率均相近,表明此术式与双侧甲状腺大部切除术一样,是一种较为安全的术式。单侧甲状腺腺叶切除+对侧肿物切除或大部切除术组与双侧甲状腺大部切除术组相比复发率降低,但无统计学差异,考虑可能与随访时间较短有关。
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Comparative study of the treatment of bilateral multinodular goiter between hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection and bilateral subtotal resection/
CHEN Xiao, XIAO Hui, YU Zheng-ya//China Medical Equipment,2017,14(2):53-56.
Objective:To discuss the appropriate thyroid operation for the treatment of bilateral multinodular goiter.Methods:328 bilateral multinodular goiter patients undergoing surgery in the department of general surgery of Capital Medical University Beijing Tongren Hospital from June 2012 to June 2016. were retrospectively analyzed. Of these patients, 85 underwent hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection and 243 underwent bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy. The rate of postoperative complications and recurrence between hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection and bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy were compared.Results:The follow-up time was 1 month to 48 months after operations. In hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection group 1 patient developed recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy, 2 patients had transient hypoparathyroidism and 1 patient had hematoma in the operative cavity. In bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy group, 2 patients developed recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and 2 patients had subcutaneous hematoma. The rate of recurrent disease was 2.35%(2 patients) in hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection group and 7%(17 patients) in bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy group. There was no patient in both groups needed reoperation.Conclusions:Hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection had similar complication rate compared with bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy, but it had a significantly lower risk of recurrence than bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy, Furthermore, the rest one lobe could be resected for many times which would not cause severe complications. Hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection is worthed to be recommended.
Multinodular goitergoiter; Subtotal thyroidectomy; Hemithyroidectomy; Recurrence
①首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院普外科 北京 100730
陈笑,男,(1969- ),博士,副主任医师。首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院普外科,研究方向:甲状腺乳腺疾病。