郑江坤,李静苑,秦 伟,单志杰,李 柏,郎登潇,马 星,廖 峰
郑江坤1,2,李静苑1,2,秦 伟3,4,单志杰3,4,李 柏3,4,郎登潇1,马 星1,廖 峰1
(1. 四川农业大学林学院,成都 611130;2. 四川省高校水土保持与荒漠化防治重点实验室,成都 611130;3. 中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100048;4. 水利部水土保持生态工程技术研究中心,北京 100048)
降雨径流的形成过程是降雨经植物截留、填洼和下渗等损失后,在重力作用下沿坡面流动的浅层明流,结合地下径流汇聚到河槽,形成出口断面的流量过程[1]。坡面薄层水流是坡面径流的初始阶段和坡面侵蚀演变的初始动力,继而可发展为浅沟侵蚀和沟道侵蚀[2]。一些学者探讨了模拟降雨或放水冲刷试验下不同土壤质地的坡面产流产沙状况。李学增等[3]通过室内模拟冲刷试验,得出不同冲刷槽宽度下的累计径流量差异不显著,而累计产沙量和平均含沙量差异显著;史东梅等[4]通过野外放水冲刷法研究了不同土石比工程堆积体径流侵蚀规律,提出偏土质坡体的产流产沙量大于偏石质坡体;李建明等[5]利用室内模拟降雨方法研究了3种土壤质地工程堆积体径流产沙规律,发现砂土堆积体的径流侵蚀量均为最大;魏霞等[6]通过室内交替冻融试验和模拟降雨试验,得出交替冻融作用对产流产沙的影响小,而土壤质量含水率的影响较大;唐辉等[7]提出降雨后,地表粗糙度的增幅最小,而洼地蓄积量的增幅最大,地形因子与产流率和累计产沙量之间呈线性相关。同时,耕作措施和土地利用格局也会影响坡面的径流输沙。谢颂华等[8]研究了南方红壤区不同耕作措施的减流减沙规律,提出横坡间作优于顺坡间作,且套种作物能够有效防止水土流失;陈洪松等[9]通过13个大型径流小区5 a的定位观测,得出喀斯特峰丛洼地以微度土壤侵蚀为主,土地利用方式对侵蚀产沙影响较小;佘冬立等[10]发现土地利用镶嵌格局是控制水土流失的重要措施,相对于单一利用的坡耕地小区,混合利用格局可有效拦截坡面径流侵蚀。相比于坡面尺度,流域尺度由于影响因素多,干扰作用大,这就增加了相关研究的复杂性和不确定性;流域径流和侵蚀产沙是气候条件与下垫面综合作用的复杂产物,降水变化影响流域水沙输移过程,人类活动通过改变土地利用方式和实施水土保持措施来改变流域下垫面,使产流产沙机制发生变化[11-12]。以工程措施为主治理水土流失在措施生效期间能有效减少水沙,但无法改善流域内部侵蚀状况,解决水土流失问题的根本途径在于恢复植被[13]。赵跃中等[14]提出以植被恢复为主导的水土保持措施减沙作用极强;郭军庭等[15]研究表明潮河流域产流产沙随植被覆盖增加呈大幅减少趋势;蔺鹏飞等[16]通过对北洛河流域的研究,提出退耕还林(草)生态工程能发挥良好的蓄水保土、减少泥沙等生态效益;Hueso-González等[17]也认为恢复植被是控制地中海流域水土流失的最佳途径。紫色土区作为土壤侵蚀最为严重的地区之一,以往研究多集中在整地措施[18]、植物篱措施[19],土壤水分空间异质性[20]、土壤厚度[21]等坡面尺度上,基于流域尺度的水文过程研究较少。
鹤鸣观小流域位于四川省南充市南部县(105°44′E、31°31′N),属嘉陵江一级支流西河流域,由3条支沟组成,流域面积1.7 km2。基岩为白垩纪砂岩及砂质黏土岩,土壤以石灰性紫色土为主,该流域坡耕地比重大,土层薄,复种指数高,抗蚀性差。另外,该区雨量丰富,降雨相对集中,水土流失严重。20世纪80年代末该区实施长江上游防护林体系建设工程,水土流失得到有效遏制,河道径流和输沙发生了明显改变[22]。本研究选择Ⅱ号支沟流域为研究对象,流域面积为42 hm2,呈羽状,沟道平均比降为31%(表1)。流域属亚热带季风气候,年平均降雨量5-10月最为集中,约占总降雨量的74%。土壤侵蚀以中强度侵蚀为主,自然植被类型较简单,原始森林极少,多为天然次生林和人工林,流域内主要树种为桤木(Burk.)、马尾松(Lamb.)、柏木(Endl.)、麻栎(Carruth.)等,以桤柏混交及柏木次生林为主。该流域治理工作以林草措施为主,1987年进行前期水土保持治理,1991年在前期治理基础上,对原有工程清淤整治,新开沿山沟、排洪沟等;治理期间,共栽植桤木5.33万株,柏木3.74万株,桑树()3.14万株,柑橘(Blanco)800株,种植马桑(Wall.)、黄荆(Linn.)约10.33 hm2;依据植被建设实施时间把研究时段划分为基准期(1985-1990年)与评价期(1991-2001年)。评价期土地利用结构和林草覆盖率发生了显著改变,具体数据见表2。
表1 鹤鸣观Ⅱ号支沟流域特征值
表2 鹤鸣观Ⅱ号支沟小流域土地利用结构变化
2.1 数据来源
本研究选择升钟水土保持试验站1985-2001年逐日降水观测资料、卡口站逐日径流量和输沙量,资料摘自《四川省水土保持试验站观测成果资料汇编》。采用逐日数据累计到月、年等时段内,进行相应的统计分析。由于流域面积小,干流长度仅0.35 km,河网密度也较小(表1),枯期(11月至次年4月)基本上无产流产沙数据,故本文采用汛期(5-10月)数据进行相应分析。鹤鸣观Ⅱ号支沟小流域地处深山区,林地和荒地治理后较治理前变化较大,变化百分率分别达到107.18%和−64.64%,而农耕地和建设用地变化较小,变化率均低于21%(表2);且该小流域没有库坝工程建设,故将植被建设作为人类活动的表现形式,进而研究其对流域产流产沙的影响。
2.2 研究方法
2.2.1 要素的变化趋势分析
2.2.2 流量历时曲线
2.2.3 双累积曲线法
2.2.4 分离判别法
3.1 径流输沙演变趋势分析
表3 鹤鸣观Ⅱ号支沟小流域水文要素年际变化的Spearman秩相关分析
3.2 植被建设的水文效应
表4 鹤鸣观Ⅱ号支沟小流域不同发生频率日径流深及其变化率
Note: Runoff depth under high flow refers to daily runoff depth at frequency of 5%. Change percentage of high flow refers to change ratio between evaluation period and reference period at frequency of 5%, and so on.
3.3 植被建设的减流减沙作用
20世纪80年代前由于自然条件及人类活动破坏,水土流失十分严重,1987年进行前期水土保持治理,1991年实施以林草措施为主的治理措施,水土流失得到进一步治理,是该时期流域水沙减少的重要原因。水沙关系在90年代初发生转变,沿程减弱。随着流域综合治理的不断开展,依据双累积曲线法计算得出,至2001年植被建设已累计减少径流798.9 mm,减少输沙5 096.8 t(图3)。降水对流域减水减沙的影响力在逐步减弱。植被建设是影响流域输沙减少的主要驱动力,也逐渐成为影响流域输沙变化的主要因素,对基准期年降水量与径流量和输沙量累积值分别进行拟合,得到拟合曲线及方程并进行计算,由分离判别法可知,植被建设在减水减沙方面的贡献率分别为92.9%和94.3%(表5)。由于植被能够通过林冠层和地被层降低降雨的击溅作用,消弱雨滴对地表的溅蚀动能,同时,通过增加土壤中的根系含量,增加土壤入渗,从而减少地表径流。植被建设可以增加土壤中有机质含量,改善土壤团聚体结构,从而提高土壤的抗冲抗蚀能力,减少输沙量。由于小流域尺度上的径流由地表径流和地下径流组成,故植被建设在年尺度上对径流的影响较小,但对径流的年内分配的作用较大。土壤侵蚀主要发生在土壤表层,植被通过根系固土、改善土壤结构、增加入渗等方式显著地减少了输沙的输移量,故而减沙效果优于减流。
表5 植被建设对鹤鸣观Ⅱ号支沟小流域径流深、输沙量变化的贡献
4.1 植被建设调节沟道径流作用
4.2 植被建设控制土壤侵蚀作用
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Effects of vegetation construction on soil and water conservation in small watershed of purplish soil region, northern Sichuan
Zheng Jiangkun1,2, Li Jingyuan1,2, Qin Wei3,4, Shan Zhijie3,4, Li Bai3,4, Lang Dengxiao1, Ma Xing1, Liao Feng1
Purple soil is thin in depth and its corrosion resistance is poor. Coupled with heavy and concentrated rainfall and severe human disturbance, soil erosion is very serious. In recent decades, especially later 1980s, projects of forestry ecological engineering have been implemented in the area, which has brought remarkable ecological benefit. It is important for watershed manager to quantitatively evaluate soil and water conservation function of vegetation construction. Based on daily rainfall, daily runoff and daily sediment yield during 1985-2001 in Hemingguan watershed II of northern Sichuan, the change trends of runoff and sediment were analyzed by Spearman’s correlation analysis. Moreover, the effect of soil and water conservation of vegetation construction was evaluated quantitatively using the methods of double mass curve and flow duration curve. The results showed that the reference period (1985-1990) and the evaluation period (1991-2001) were separated from the hydrological sequences according to the result of double mass curve and the implement time of vegetation construction. Compared with the reference period, annual runoff depth and annual sediment delivery modulus reduced by 34.6% and 89.9% in the evaluation period, whereas annual rainfall only reduced by 8.1%. It was illustrated that vegetation construction, as the main part of human activity, played an important role for runoff and sediment reduction. With forest vegetation restoring, more and more rainfall was intercepted by canopy and litter of forest. Then the intercepted water was translated into vapor by evapotranspiration of forestland or groundwater through infiltration. If annual rainfall remained unchanged, surface runoff turned smaller as evapotranspiration grew up. Simultaneously, with forest vegetation construction, forest vegetation reduced soil erosion with the improvement of root fixation, soil structure and infiltration rate. Terrain roughness was another cause to reduce soil erosion accompanied by surface runoff. The forest vegetation might control surface runoff by lush foliage and huge root system. High flow and normal flow during the evaluation period reduced by 84.2% and 76.3% compared to those during the reference period. Nevertheless, low flow increased by 650.0%. Vegetation construction obviously reduced high flow and increased low flow. The rainfall infiltration capacity of watershed underlying surface was enhanced by the vegetation construction, which increased the rainfall infiltration content and runoff interception, and delayed the formation of runoff. Therefore, high flow turned to smaller during the period of vegetation construction. In drought period, the water stored in soil and groundwater began to be released to feed low flow. For forest watershed, a large amount of water was restored under the surface, which might provide more water than bare watershed. So, in the period of vegetation construction, low flow showed an increasing trend instead of decreasing. Combining double mass curve with separation and discrimination method, the vegetation construction’s contribution to the reduction of runoff and sediment was 92.9% and 94.3% during the evaluation period, respectively. In the watershed of 42 hm2, from 1987 to 1991, a total of 53 thousandBurk., 37 thousandEndl., 31 thousandL., 800Blanco, 10 hm2Wall.andLinn were planted. Forestland was increased from 9.72 to 20.13 hm2, which made coverage increased by over 1 time. It was seen that vegetation construction has exerted a leading role on the decrement of runoff and sediment. Furthermore, the effect of soil conservation is better than that of water conservation. When reducing the sediment, runoff is also reduced. Therefore, water safety should be taken into account besides controlling soil erosion. A reasonable vegetation construction plan is needed in the future.
vegetation; runoff; sediments; purple soil; soil and water conservation; flow duration curve; double mass curve
S157.1; S157.2
郑江坤,博士,副教授,主要从事生态水文与水土保持研究。成都 四川农业大学林学院,611130。Email:jiangkunzheng@126.com
郑江坤,李静苑,秦 伟,单志杰,李 柏,郎登潇,马 星,廖 峰. 川北紫色土小流域植被建设的水土保持效应[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):141-147. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.019 http://www.tcsae.org
Zheng Jiangkun, Li Jingyuan, Qin Wei, Shan Zhijie, Li Bai, Lang Dengxiao, Ma Xing, Liao Feng. Effects of vegetation construction on soil and water conservation in small watershed of purplish soil region, northern Sichuan[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 141-147. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.019 http://www.tcsae.org