周 龙,龙光强,汤 利,郑 毅
周 龙,龙光强,汤 利※,郑 毅
(云南农业大学资源与环境学院,昆明 650201)
施氮可提高作物产量,但同时也增加温室气体N2O的土壤排放量。研究施氮量与产量和土壤N2O排放的关系,对保障作物产量并兼顾环境效应的农业生产实践具有重要指导意义。该研究设置N0(0)、N1(67.5 kg/hm2)、N2(125 kg/hm2)、N3(187.5 kg/hm2)4个施氮水平,采用静态箱-气相色谱法对土壤N2O排放进行田间原位测定,研究施氮量对马铃薯产量、土壤N2O排放的影响,分析综合产量与土壤N2O排放的合理施氮量。结果表明:施氮显著增加马铃薯产量和土壤N2O累积排放量,较不施氮(N0)处理,N1、N2和N3处理马铃薯产量增加78.5%、93.1%和95.6%;生育期N1、N2和N3处理马铃薯土壤N2O累积排放量分别是N0处理的2.3、4.4和6.7倍。同时,随施氮量增加,N2O排放系数、硝态氮强度和单产N2O排放量均显著增加。在低氮处理(N0、N1)时,土壤N2O排放通量与土壤温度、湿度显著正相关,而在高氮水平时,土壤N2O排放通量与土壤硝态氮含量显著正相关。施氮67.5 kg/hm2可确保研究区马铃薯产量并有效降低土壤N2O排放。
1.1 试验点概况
2015年4-11月在云南农业大学寻甸大河桥试验基地进行试验(23°32′N、103°13′E),地处昆明市东北部,属北亚热带季风气候。年日照数2 077.7 h,无霜期257 d,试验期间月平均气温和月降水量如图1所示。土壤类型为红壤,有机质质量分数25.06 g/kg,全氮1.11 g/kg,碱解氮87.37 mg/kg,速效磷23.31 mg/kg,速效钾207.82 mg/kg,pH 6.79。
1.2 试验设计
本试验供试马铃薯(L)品种为“会泽2号”,小区试验采用随机区组设计,4个施氮量水平,3次重复,小区面积32.5 m2(5 m×6.5 m)。马铃薯株距35 cm,行距均为50 cm。
4个施氮水平分别为不施氮(N0)、低氮(N1,比常规施氮减50%,67.5 kg/hm2)、常规施氮(N2,125 kg/hm2)、高氮(N3,比常规施氮高50%,187.5 kg/hm2)。分2次施入,基肥60%,现蕾期40%。磷肥(P2O5)75 kg/hm2,钾肥(K2O)125 kg/hm2,磷钾肥均以基肥形式施入。所用氮、磷、钾肥分别为46%尿素、14%普钙和50%硫酸钾。
1.3 样品采集及测定方法
在马铃薯成熟期取中间2行进行测产。同时,取部分块茎在105 ℃杀青30 min,65~70 ℃烘干至恒重,称重并计算块茎含水量,折算出每公顷马铃薯产量(含水量80%)。
在作物生育期每隔1周使用土钻采集表层土壤(0~20 cm),如遇施肥和降雨等特殊情况增加采样频次,采集样品立即保存在4 ℃冰箱,直到测定时取出。准确称取鲜土12 g,加入50 mL浓度为1 mol/L的KCl溶液,180 r/min震荡1 h后过滤备用。滤液用连续流动分析仪(Bran Luebbe AA3,Germany)直接测定土壤NO3--N和NH4+-N含量。取滤液5 mL于50 mL容量瓶中,加入氧化剂在121~123 ℃高压锅中氧化30 min,冷却定容后使用流动分析仪测定溶解性全氮(TDN)。将滤液过0.45m滤膜,吸取5 mL滤液,使用高锰酸钾-外加热法测定溶解性有机碳(DOC)。使用pH计水土比2.5:1测定pH。用烘干法测定土壤质量含水量。溶解性有机氮(DON)=溶解性全氮含量(TDN)-硝态氮含量-铵态氮含量。以上指标测定参照《土壤农业化学分析方法》[22]。
采用静态箱-气相色谱法对土壤N2O排放量进行原位观测。采样箱由顶箱和底座两部分组合而成,箱体材料为6 mm厚PVC板。静态箱规格尺寸为40 cm×40 cm× 40 cm,箱内配有搅拌空气的小风扇和温度计,确保所采气体均匀有代表性,所测温度用于计算N2O排放通量。整个马铃薯生育期,每隔1周采集1次气体样品,遇施肥或降雨增加采样频次,采样时间均安排在9:00-11:00。采样时,在底座凹槽中加入2~3 cm的水(加水起到密封作用),盖上顶箱。使用25 mL三通注射器分别于0、15、30 min进行取样。取样同时,使用土壤温度计测定土壤15 cm温度,使用土壤水分测定仪测定土壤体积含水量。N2O浓度采用安捷伦气相色谱仪测定(GC;7890A GC System,Agilent Technologies,US)。
1.4 数据处理与统计分析
土壤孔隙含水量(Water-filled pore spaces, WFPS, %)[19]
硝酸盐强度(Nitrate intensity,NI)反映某一时间尺度内硝态氮累积量[21]。
式中为生育期表层(0~20 cm)土壤硝态氮含量,mg/kg,为采样次数,为采样时间,d。
单位产量N2O累积排放量(Yield-scaled N2O intensity,Y-SN2O):
采用excel 2010、SPSS 17.0软件对数据进行处理和分析,采用LSD进行处理间差异显著性检验。
2.1 不同施氮水平下马铃薯产量及土壤N2O排放情况
整个马铃薯生长季N2O共观测214 d,土壤N2O累积排放量如表1所示。4个处理累积排放量在0.50~3.30 kg/hm2之间,随着施氮量增加,累积N2O排放量显著增加(<0.05),N1、N2和N3处理是N0处理的2.3、4.4、6.7倍。施氮显著增加氮素以N2O形式损失的比例,N1、N2和N3处理土壤N2O排放系数分别为0.93%、1.36%、1.50%。同时,施氮也显著增加马铃薯产量(<0.05),较不施氮(N0)处理,N1、N2和N3处理马铃薯产量增加78.5%、93.1%和95.6%。与N1处理相比,N2和N3处理马铃薯产量分别增加8.2%和9.6%,N2和N3处理间差异不显著。尽管施氮显著增加马铃薯产量,随施氮量增加,单产N2O排放量损失越大,暗示在高氮水平下,生产1 kg马铃薯将损失更多的氮素,所付出的环境代价更大。
表1 不同施氮水平马铃薯土壤N2O排放及其相关影响因子
Note: Different lowercase letters following values in same column means significant difference among treatments at 5% level.
施氮显著增加马铃薯产量,但马铃薯氮素农学利用率随施氮量增加呈逐渐降低趋势,N1、N2和N3处理依次为17.7、11.3和7.7 kg/kg。施氮显著增加生育期马铃薯累积N2O排放量,且土壤N2O排放系数随施氮量增加,呈显著上升趋势,N1、N2和N3处理N2O排放系数分别为0.93%、1.36%和1.50%。施氮提高马铃薯产量同时也导致N2O排放增加,当产量最大时,继续施氮马铃薯不再增产,而土壤N2O排放量仍继续增加。因此要获得高产低N2O排放不现实,需要在产量和N2O排放之间折衷。
从表1可看出,当施氮量为67.5 kg/hm2时,N2O排放系数为0.93%,接近1%(IPCC报道农田生态系统平均N2O排放系数)[6],产量相比最高产量仅降低7.5%;当施氮量为125 kg/hm2时,尽管产量达最大,但N2O排放系数(1.36%)超过1%。因而,该试验地兼顾施氮量和累积N2O排放的环保施氮量可在62.5 kg/hm2的基础上有所增加,但需低于125 kg/hm2。
2.2 土壤理化性质变化及土壤N2O排放影响因子
从图1和图3中可以看出,马铃薯生育期大气温度和地下0~20 cm深处土壤温度具有相似季节变化规律,5-8月温度最高,最高温度32 ℃,最低温度−1 ℃,平均温度18.3 ℃,不同施氮处理间土壤温度没有显著不同。不同施氮水平土壤孔隙含水量(WFPS)与降雨量变化趋势相似,存在明显季节变化规律,变化幅度较大,为9.5%~124.9%,平均为82.2%,不同施氮处理土壤孔隙含水量变化规律一致。
生育期不同施氮水平马铃薯土壤温度、湿度及硝态氮和铵态氮动态变化(0~20 cm)见图3。整个生长季,土壤铵态氮质量分数大多时候低于1 mg/kg,不同施氮处理间没有显著差异。土壤无机氮中硝态氮占比较大,是铵态氮质量分数的5~10倍。不同施氮处理土壤硝态氮含量季节变化趋势一致,明显受施肥时间和作物氮素吸收的影响,在5~7月最高,之后逐渐降低。N0、N1、N2和N3处理土壤硝态氮平均质量分数为4.78、8.37、10.07和12.43 mg/kg,施氮量增加显著提高土壤硝态氮含量,N1、N2、N3分别为N0处理的1.8、2.1和2.6倍。
表2 土壤理化因子与N2O排放的相关性
Note: ** represented significant correlation at 0.01 level, * represented significant correlation at 0.05 level.
前人研究表明,施氮量在80~180 kg/hm2时,可实现马铃薯高产,继续施加氮肥马铃薯产量不再增加[19,42]。黄继川等[43]研究认为,马铃薯产量随施氮量增加先增加后降低,施氮240 kg/hm2时产量最大。本研究中,施氮量在125 kg/hm2时产量即达到最大,与Zebarth和井涛等[18,42]的马铃薯高产施氮量接近,但远低于黄继川等[43]高产施氮量。这主要由于本研究为多年田间定位试验,N0处理3年未施氮肥,与N1、N2、N3处理间产量差异较大,造成最高产量时施氮量较低。同时,马铃薯生育后期大量降雨也造成施氮量差异较大。另外,马铃薯种植品种、施肥方式(氮肥60%作基肥,40%于现蕾期施用)及土壤性质(有机质、速效钾和pH值)等方面的差异也一定程度影响施氮量。本研究仅针对于特殊气候和土壤条件,特殊的种植方式以及土壤肥力等因素最终影响马铃薯的施氮量及产量关系,研究结果尚需在其他区域、其他种植方式上进一步验证。因此,确保产量并控制土壤N2O排放的研究应该得到更多关注。
1)施氮增加马铃薯产量和土壤N2O累积排放量,当施氮125 kg/hm2时产量最大,继续增加施氮量,马铃薯产量不再增加,过多的氮素将导致土壤N2O排放量急剧增加。
3)施氮增加马铃薯产量,但也增加土壤N2O累积排放量。该试验地施氮量控制在62.5 kg/hm2左右可兼顾试验区马铃薯产量,同时有效降低N2O排放。
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Analysis on N application rates considering yield and N2O emission in potato production
Zhou Long, Long Guangqiang, Tang Li※, Zheng Yi
Agriculture soil is the important source of N2O emission. Fertilization can increase crop yield, but also can enhance emissions of greenhouse gas N2O. There is an important guiding significance to analyze the relationship between yield, soil N2O emissions under varied nitrogen levels for ensuring crop yield and reducing environment impacts. The potato is the fourth largest planting crops in the world, and China is the biggest producer. Effect of N application rates on soil N2O emission and crop yield have been intensively studied in the temperate zone with continental climate, and these studies simply focused on either yield or N2O emission, while it has never been reported in the north subtropical monsoon climate. In this study, field experiment was conducted in the Daheqiao experiment base (23°32′N, 103°13′E) of Yunnan agricultural university, in Xundian County, Yunnan province of China, from April to November in 2015. And four N application levels (unfertilized-N0, 0; low nitrogen application rate -N1, 67.5 kg/hm2; conventional nitrogen application rate-N2, 125 kg/hm2; high nitrogen application rate -N3, 187.5 kg/hm2) with three replications were compared based on potato cultivation of Huize 2. Aiming to study the effect of N application rates on potato yield and soil N2O emission at growing period, soil N2O emission was collected in situ by static chamber and analyzed using gas chronographs technique. Simultaneously, optimizing N application rates to increase yield and minimize N2O emission was analyzed. The results showed that fertilization increased the potato yield and cumulative N2O emission significantly. The soil was a source of atmospheric N2O emissions in whole potato growing season, and an obvious seasonal difference was monitored. Compared with N0, N1, N2, and N3 treatments increased by78.5%, 93.1% and 95.6% in yield. The cumulative N2O emission of N1, N2, and N3 treatments were 2.3, 4.4, and 6.7 times that of N0 treatment, respectively. The potato yield was largest when N application rates 125 kg/hm2, and no longer increased with the increasing N application rate. The first and secondary peaks of N2O emission were observed at the flourishing stage (23 May) and harvest stage (11 August), respectively. Meanwhile, N2O emission factor and yield-scaled N2O intensity significantly improved with the increase of N fertilizer. The proportion of the loss of nitrogen in the form of N2O significantly increased with the increasing N fertilizer. Nitrate intensity could effectively reflect the intensity of soil N2O emission. N2O emission flux was significantly correlated with soil temperature and humidity only at low N levels (N0, N1) .Soil NO3--N content was the key factor for N2O emission at high N levels. Comprehensive considering the average N2O emission coefficient (1%) reported by IPCC as the fertilization standard of nitrogen and potato yield in farmland ecosystem ,therefore, the reasonable N application rates were about 62.5 kg/hm2in potato production.
yield; fertilizers; emission control; potato; N2O emission
周 龙,主要从事施肥与作物养分吸收及生态效应研究。昆明云南农业大学资源与环境学院,650201。Email:zhoulongl.com@qq.com
汤 利,教授,博士生导师,主要从事作物养分高效利用研究。昆明云南农业大学资源与环境学院,650201。Email:ltang@ynau.edu.cn农业工程学会会员:汤利
周 龙,龙光强,汤 利,郑 毅. 综合产量和土壤N2O排放的马铃薯施氮量分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):155-161. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.021 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhou Long, Long Guangqiang, Tang Li, Zheng Yi. Analysis on N application rates considering yield and N2O emission in potato production[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 155-161. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.021 http://www.tcsae.org