
2017-02-16 03:16河南张英杰
教学考试(高考英语) 2017年1期

河南 张英杰


河南 张英杰

1. To show this,she held up one chopstick,________(represent) one person.

2. If he didn’t,his body temperature would get very low,________could quickly kill him.

3. Not a single day_______(waste),though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.

4. In_______effort to clean up quickly,Mrs Byrnes tossed all the dishes into a big bread pan,covered them with a cloth,and stuck them in the oven.

5. When the dog named Judy spotted the f rst sheep in her life,she did_______comes naturally.

6. One day,________(arm)with a basket of vegetables,he announced he was going to make stew(炖菜).

7. I sat down on the f oor and pulled a few books of f the shelf________random.

8. I didn’t expect anything when I handed in my paper to Mrs Smith,so it was quite_______surprise when it came back to me the next day—with an “A” on it.

9. Disappointed by many a broken,vine-ripened(蔓上成熟的) promise,I_______(refuse)to buy winter tomatoes for years.

10. Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students’ attention to_______(speak) more f uently.

11. Well before the________(arrive) of freezers,there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering.

12. Yet_______(know)we can have more can also create a problem,because when we go to change the way we do things,up come the old patterns and pitfalls(陷阱) that stopped us from seeking what we wanted in the f rst place.

13. In the evening,rides are usually at a more relaxed and unhurried pace,_______golden light streaming across the grassy delta and the animals coming out to eat and drink.

14. When his phone rang again________(late),he left his seat to answer it.

15.________average,each of the two million big stones weighed about as much as a large pickup truck.

16. In________late 1980s,the last few condors were taken from the wild to be bred.

17. Yet,it is in this whole process of solving problems________life has its meaning.

18._______some psychologists put it,“It is not that children are little scientists but that scientists are big children.”

19. As a retired ear doctor,I heartily recommend TV Ears to people with normal hearing as well as those with hearing________(lose).

20. The same cognitive(认知的) systems________make young children feel good about f guring something out may have been adopted by adult scientists.

21.________(apply) my own rule,I determined to write them in alphabetical order,never letting myself leave out a tough idea.

22. When________(plan) Encyclopaedia Britannica(《大英百科全书》),I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles.

23. The core of what children’s minds have and chimps’don’t is________Tomasello calls shared intentionality.

24. They actively seek to be part of a “we”,________group that intends to work towards a shared goal.

25. Lead poisoning has proved more dif ficult________(deal) with.

26. So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo,_______they are treated with calcium EDT A,a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several days.

27. This affects their nervous systems and ability_______(produce) baby birds,and can lead to kidney failure and death.

28. Rideout’s team thinks that the California condors’ average________(survive) time in the wild is now just under eight years.

29. If you want to have a real orchard experience ,________(try) visiting the National Fruit Collection at Brogdale,near Faversham in Kent.

30._______(obvious),reading aloud involves looking at a text,understanding it and also saying it.

31. The next time you feel the ur ge_______(spread)the latest news,think about why you want to gossip and what effects your “juicy story” might have.

32. Gossip also can have_______third effect: it strengthens unwritten,unspoken rules about how people should act.

33. The more embarrassing or shameful the secret is,the________(juicy) the gossip it makes.

34. Nest is________must for anyone looking to save on heating and air conditioning costs and I like the idea of setting it and forgetting it.

35. They are faced with lots of diff culties when_______comes to education for their young ones.

36. The professor paused for some time,as though_______(loss) in thought.

37. Lucy spent that evening with her bride at the camp and was_______particularly high spirits.

38. My husband and I were paying_______visit to my parents in Tucson.

39. On Teacher’s Day,Papa takes every call as if it________(be) the only one he got.

40. Yesterday mother and I were watching for a cab in the rainy street without an umbrella________an old gentleman sheltering under an umbrella approached us to ask a favor.

41. But she didn’t want to take advantage________a tired old man in this way.

42. Even the ideas behind traditional games,such as Scrabble,have been used without the owners’______(permit).

43. So mother simply gave him the fare but he insisted we_______(take) the umbrella.

44. Finally,there is the fact________many people simply do not see the act as theft,since once the work has been digitized there is no clear physical object to steal in the first place.

45. Such a setback could have easily ended the career of a less tough person,but Ruggiero,who has been dancing________he was f ve,now puts the experience into his performance.

46. Bosom told the court she now hated pianos so much that she couldn’t even stand_______(see) them in a f lm.

47. It will take 40 years________men spend more time at the stove than women.

48. As the f fth largest continent in the world,Antarctica covers________area of roughly 14 million square kilometers,most of which is blanketed by a vast ice sheet,averaging 2 000 meters in thickness.

49. The court hasn’t made a f nal decision. A spokeswoman says the________(try) will end before May.

50. A 9-foot and 7-inch bronze statue_______(title)Giddy-Up,Daddy was set up,in memory of Family Circus creator Bil Keane.

51. Difficult_______it is to follow the exact ef fects of parental upbringing,it may be harder to measure the exact inf uence of the peer group in childhood and youth.

52.________landing in Johannesburg,the toad was brought out of its container for a celebrity-style photo shoot.

53. Weather extremes are common,_______(lead)to drought,f oods,crop failures and rising sea levels.

54. At the trial,Sonia Bosom says she_______(suffer)noise pollution up to now due to the practice sessions of Laia Martin,who lives below her.

55. The design of future experiments may need________(improve) to better predict how plants will react to climate change.

56. Many astronauts say that________of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth’s vast land mass and oceans.

57. I was unable to determine from his answers to my questions how this grade 9 leve___l____(establish).

58. Plants are f owering faster than scientists predicted(预测) in reaction_______climate change,which could have long damaging effects on food chains and ecosystems.

59. It’s high time you________live a low-carbon life when traveling.

60. Prof. Gershuny sees that the family meal is________(benef t) to the stability of the family.


1. 【解析】representing。考查非谓语动词。represent和句子谓语“held”之间没有连词,且和其逻辑主语“one chopstick”构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。

2. 【解析】which。考查定语从句。which引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词,即:前面整个句子,符合语境。

3. 【解析】has been wasted。考查动词时态。“waste”和句子主语“a single day” 构成逻辑上的被动关系,且此处表示已经完成,故用现在完成时的被动语态。

4. 【解析】an。考查冠词。固定词组in an effort to do sth.意为“努力做某事”。

5. 【解析】what。考查名词性从句。what引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语,表示事情。

6. 【解析】armed。考查非谓语动词。“arm”和句子谓语“announce”之间没有连词,且和句子主语“he”之间构成逻辑上的被动完成关系,故用非谓语动词作状语。

7. 【解析】at。考查介词。固定词组at random意为“随机,随意地”。

8. 【解析】a。考查冠词。surprise在此处是抽象名词具体化,表示具体的一件事,故用不定冠词修饰。

9. 【解析】have refused。考查动词时态。根据时间状语“for years”提示可知,此处用现在完成时。

10. 【解析】speaking。考查动名词。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故用动名词speaking作介词to的宾语,符合语境。

11. 【解析】arrival。考查词性转换。根据冠词the和介词of的提示可知,此处应填名词,故用抽象名词arrival。

12. 【解析】knowing。考查动名词。此处knowing是动名词作主语,符合语境。

13. 【解析】with。考查with复合结构。with+名词/代词+非谓语/形容词/副词/介词短语,即with的复合结构,在句中作状语。

14. 【解析】later。考查副词比较级。根据语境可知,此处表示“随后”,故用副词比较级later。

15. 【解析】On。考查介词。固定词组搭配:on average意为“平均”,符合语境,故用介词on。

16. 【解析】the。考查冠词。在表示“在几十年代时”,往往用定冠词the。

17. 【解析】that。考查强调句型。“it is...that...”是强调句型,其判断方式是把“it is...that...”去掉,句子结构和意思仍完整。本句是对句子的状语“in this whole process of solving problems”进行强调。

18. 【解析】As。考查状语从句。as引导状语从句,意为“正如”,在从句中作状语,符合语境。

19. 【解析】loss。考查词性转换。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故此处用抽象名词loss作介词with的宾语,表示抽象事物概念。

20. 【解析】that。考查定语从句。that引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,与“the same”呼应,修饰先行词“systems”,符合语境。

21. 【解析】Applying。考查非谓语动词。apply和句子谓语“determined”之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词,且和句子主语“I”构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。

22. 【解析】planning。考查省略。本句是一个省略句,补充完整应该是:When I was planning。当主从句的主语一致时,从句的主语和系动词可以省略,故用planning。

23. 【解析】what。考查名词性从句。what引导表语从句,在从句中作“call”的宾语,符合语境。

24. 【解析】a。考查冠词。与语境a “we”形成呼应,且“group”是第一次在语境中出现的可数名词,故用不定冠词修饰。

25. 【解析】to deal。考查非谓语动词。形容词diff cult后往往跟不定式的主动形式,且“deal”和句子谓语“prove”之间没有连词。

26. 【解析】where。考查定语从句。where引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作地点状语,修饰先行词“Los Angeles Zoo”,符合语境。

27. 【解析】to produce。考查非谓语动词。ability后往往跟不定式作后置定语,符合语境。

28. 【解析】survival。考查词性转换。此处用抽象名词survival修饰名词time,表示平均存活时间,符合语境。

29. 【解析】try。考查祈使句。本句是一个祈使句,即:动词原形……+连词+句子,表示命令、要求、请求、威胁等强烈的语气,符合语境,故填try。

30. 【解析】Obviously。考查词性转换。根据逗号提示可知,此处应用副词,可单独使用,修饰整个句子,作状语,符合语境。

31. 【解析】to spread。考查非谓语动词。固定词组搭配:have an urge to do sth.意为“迫切要做某事”,符合语境,故用不定式。

32. 【解析】a。考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处用不定冠词,表示另一个,与语境also呼应,不表示序数的概念,故不用定冠词。

33. 【解析】juicier。考查形容词比较级。固定句型the more...the more...意为“越……就越……”,故用比较级的形式。

34. 【解析】a。考查冠词。must在此处作名词,是抽象名词具体化,表示必须要做的一件事,故用不定冠词a。

35. 【解析】it。考查代词。固定句型when it comes to sb./sth.意为“当提及某人或某物时”,故用代词it。

36. 【解析】lost。考查省略。本句是一个省略句,补充完整应该是:as though he was lost in thought。当主从句的主语一致时,从句的主语和系动词可以省略,故用lost。

37. 【解析】in。考查介词。固定词组in high spirits意为“情绪高涨”,故用介词in。

38. 【解析】a。考查冠词。固定词组搭配:pay a visit to some place=visit some place意为“参观某地”,符合语境,故用不定冠词a。

39. 【解析】were。考查虚拟语气。as if引导状语从句时,从句可以用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反。此处表示与现在事实相反,与语境takes呼应,故从句谓语使用过去式。如果动词是be时,只能用were。

40. 【解析】when。考查连词。固定句型be doing... when...意为“正在做某事时,突然……”,故用when引导时间状语从句。

41. 【解析】of。考查介词。固定词组take advantage of意为“利用”。

42. 【解析】permission。考查词性转换。根据语境中s’的提示可知,此处应用名词,故填抽象名词permission。

43. 【解析】(should) take。考查虚拟语气。建议、命令、要求、坚持等词出现在名词性从句里时,从句经常用虚拟语气,即:用“(should)do”的形式,符合语境,故用动词原形take。

44. 【解析】that。考查名词性从句。that引导同位语从句,在从句中不作句子成分,对同位语“fact”的内容进行补充说明。

45. 【解析】since。考查连词。since引导时间状语从句时,表示“自从”,主从句时间不一致,即:从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时,符合语境。

46. 【解析】seeing。考查动名词。stand意为“容忍”时,是及物动词,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故用seeing。

47. 【解析】before。考查连词。“it is+时间段+before...”意为“多久以后”,符合语境,故用before引导时间状语从句,主将从现。

48. 【解析】an。考查冠词。an area of+数字,表示多大面积,抽象名词具体化,故用不定冠词an。

49. 【解析】trial。考查词性转换。根据“the”的提示可知,此处应用名词作主语,且表示审判,故填trial。

50. 【解析】titled。考查非谓语动词。title和句子谓语“set”之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词,且和其逻辑主语“statue”构成被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。


52. 【解析】On。考查介词。on在本句中表示“一……就……”,符合语境。

53. 【解析】leading。考查非谓语动词。lead和句子谓语“are”之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词,且和前面整个句子构成主动关系,故用现在分词作结果状语。

54. 【解析】has been suffering。考查动词时态。根据语境“up to now”的提示可知,句子应用现在完成时,且句意中含有“一直深受其苦”的意思,故用现在完成进行时。

55. 【解析】to be improved/improving。考查非谓语动词。sth. need doing/to be done为固定搭配,符合语境。

56. 【解析】one。考查代词。根据语境“of the most relaxing things to do”和谓语单数“is”的呼应可知,此处表示其中之一,故用不定代词one。

57. 【解析】had been established。考查动词时态和语态。establish和句子主语“this grade 9 level”构成逻辑上的被动关系,且发生在“was”之前,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时的被动语态。

58. 【解析】to。考查介词。固定词组reaction to意为“对……的反应”。

59. 【解析】should。考查情态动词。固定句型It is high time that sb. did/should do sth.意为“是某人该做某事的时候了”,故填should。

60. 【解析】benef cial。考查形容词。固定词组be benef cial to...意为“对……有益”。

