CPA Delegation Visited Spain and Greece for Exchange
From January 8 till 15, at the invitation of Royal Photography Society of Madrid and Athens Municipality, China Photographers Association (CPA) sent a delegation to visit Spain and Greece and hold a photographic exhibition of “Contemporary Chinese Women” consisting of 38 pictures.
CPA Delegation Visited Nepal and India for Exchange
From January 17 till 24, at the invitation of Nepal China Cultural and Educational Council and Photographic Association of Dum Dum, CPA sent a delegation to visit Nepal and India and hold a photographic exhibition titled "Beautiful China—Wonderful Landscape in China". During their visit in India, the delegation participated in an international photography conference as well.
CDA Delegation Visited Singapore and Malaysia for Exchange
From February 3 till 9, at the invitation of People's Association (Singapore) and International College of Music (Malaysia), China Dancers Association (CDA) sent a delegation and recommended 35 domestic art troupes to participate in the “2017 China-ASEAN Youth Dance Exchange and Performance” in Singapore and Malaysia.
CQAA Art Troupe Visited Brazil, Chile and Peru for Exchange
From February 15 till March 1, at the invitation of Beijing Cultural Exchange Association of Brazil, Fujian Commercial Association in Chile and Central Society of Beneficiary China in Peru, China Quyi Artists Association (CQAA) sent an art troupe to Brazil, Chile and Peru for exchange and stage “Spring Festival Gala in South America” as part of “Overseas Journey of Chinese Quyi”.
CFLAA Delegation Visited USA for Exchange
From February 20 till March 4, at the invitation of Enlighten International Education and Culture Exchange Group in USA, China Folk Literature and Arts Association (CFLAA) sent a delegation to USA to participate in a cultural exchange event titled "Enlighten Chinese Culture Spring Camp".
CMA Art Troupe Performed in Macao
From February 24 till 27, at the invitation of Musical Group Cheong Hong of Macao, China Musicians Association (CMA) sent a 20-member art troupe to Macao to stage a national concert titled “One Community in One World” in commemoration of the 150thanniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's birth.