
2017-01-27 05:21
中国学术期刊文摘 2017年17期








来源出版物:上海汽车, 2007 (7): 40-43






来源出版物:汽车工程, 2003, 25(5): 438-443






来源出版物:上海汽车, 2014 (3): 35-40






来源出版物:城市轨道交通研究, 2006, 9(8): 1-5






来源出版物:交通运输系统工程与信息, 2009, 10(2): 70-75






来源出版物:交通与计算机, 2007, 25 (2): 9-13






来源出版物:农业装备与车辆工程, 2014, 52(3): 30-33





来源出版物:汽车维修, 2003 (2): 9-10




摘要:介绍猎豹智能车无人驾驶系统总体设计及其硬件和软件的设计特点和实现方法。系统采用机器视觉来识别高速公路车道线,利用拟人控制算法来实现车辆自动驾驶控制,最高时速为95 km/h的初步试验结果验证了系统的可行性。


来源出版物:汽车工程, 2006, 28(12): 1081-1085






来源出版物:云南交通科技, 1999, 15(5): 13-14


关键词:consensus theory; distributed control; dynamic graphs; mobile sensor networks; networked autonomousvehicles; self-assembly of networks; self-organizing systems; swarms

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2006, 51(3): 401-420


Behavior-based formation control for multirobot teams

Balch, T; Arkin, RC

Abstract:New reactive behaviors that implement formations in multirobot teams are presented and evaluated. The formation behaviors are integrated with other navigational behaviors to enable a robotic team to reach navigational goals, avoid hazards and simultaneously remain in formation. The behaviors are implemented in simulation, an robots in the laboratory and aboard DARPA’s HMMWV-based Unmanned Ground vehicles.The technique has been integrated with the Autonomous Robot Architecture (AuRA) and the UGV Demo II architecture. The results demonstrate the value of various types of formations in autonomous, human-led and communications-restricted applications, and their appropriateness in different types of task environments.

关键词:autonomous robots; behavior-based control; robot formation

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1998, 14(6): 926-939


A solution to the simultaneous localization and map building (SLAM) problem

Dissanayake, MWMG; Newman, P; Clark, S; et al.

Abstract:The simultaneous localization and map building(SLAM) problem asks if it is possible for anautonomous vehicle to start in an unknown location in an unknown environment and then to incrementally build a map of this environment while simultaneously using this map to compute absolute vehicle location. Starting from the estimation-theoretic foundations of this problem developed in, this paper proves that a solution to the SLAM problem is indeed possible. The underlying structure of the SLAM problem is first elucidated. A proof that the estimated map converges monotonically to a relative map with zero uncertainty is then developed. It is then shown that the absolute accuracy of the map and the vehicle location reach a lower bound defined only by the initial vehicle uncertainty. Together, these results show that it is possible for an autonomous vehicle to start in an unknown location in an unknown environment and, using relative observations only, incrementally build a perfect map of the world and to compute simultaneously a bounded estimate of vehicle location. This paper also describes a substantial implementation of the SLAM algorithm on a vehicle operating in an outdoor environment using millimeterwave (MMW) radar to provide relative map observations.This implementation is used to demonstrate how some key issues such as map management and data association can be handled in a practical environment. The results obtained are cross-compared with absolute locations of the map landmarks obtained by surveying. In conclusion, this paper discusses a number of key issues raised by the solution to the SLAM problem including suboptimal map-building algorithms and map management.

关键词:autonomous navigation; millimeter wave radar;simultaneous localization and map building

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 2001, 17(3): 229-241


Coverage control for mobile sensing networks

Cortes, J; Martinez, S; Karatas, T; et al.

Abstract:This paper presents control and coordination algorithms for groups of vehicles. The focus is onautonomous vehicle networks performing distributed sensing tasks, where each vehicle plays the role of a mobile tunable sensor. The paper proposes gradient descent algorithms for a class of utility functions which encode optimal coverage and sensing policies. The resulting closed-loop behavior is adaptive, distributed,asynchronous, and verifiably correct.

关键词:Centroidal Voronoi partitions; coverage control;distributed and asynchronous algorithms; sensor networks

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 2004, 20(2): 243-255


MonoSLAM: Real-time single camera SLAM

Davison, AJ; Reid, ID; Molton, ND; et al.

Abstract:We present a real-time algorithm which can recover the 3D trajectory of a monocular camera, moving rapidly through a previously unknown scene. Our system,which we dub MonoSLAM, is the first successful application of the SLAM methodology from mobile robotics to the “pure vision” domain of a singleuncontrolled camera, achieving real time but drift-free performance inaccessible to Structure from Motion approaches. The core of the approach is the online creation of a sparse but persistent map of natural landmarks within a probabilistic framework. Our key novel contributions include an active approach to mapping and measurement,the use of a general motion model for smooth camera movement, and solutions for monocular feature initialization and feature orientation estimation. Together,these add up to an extremely efficient and robust algorithm which runs at 30 Hz with standard PC and camera hardware. This work extends the range of robotic systems in which SLAM can be usefully applied, but also opens up new areas. We present applications of MonoSLAM to real-time 3D localization and mapping for a highperformance full-size humanoid robot and live augmented reality with a hand-held camera.

关键词:autonomous vehicles; 3D/stereo scene analysis;tracking

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2007, 29(6): 1052-1067


Sampling-based algorithms for optimal motion planning

Karaman, S; Frazzoli, E

Abstract:During the last decade, sampling-based path planning algorithms, such as probabilistic roadmaps (PRM)and rapidly exploring random trees (RRT), have been shown to work well in practice and possess theoretical guarantees such as probabilistic completeness. However,little effort has been devoted to the formal analysis of the quality of the solution returned by such algorithms, e. g. as a function of the number of samples. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap, by rigorously analyzing the asymptotic behavior of the cost of the solution returned by stochastic sampling-based algorithms as the number of samples increases. A number of negative results are provided, characterizing existing algorithms, e. g. showing that, under mild technical conditions, the cost of the solution returned by broadly used sampling-based algorithms converges almost surely to a non-optimal value.The main contribution of the paper is the introduction of new algorithms, namely, PRM* and RRT*, which are provably asymptotically optimal, i.e. such that the cost of the returned solution converges almost surely to the optimum. Moreover, it is shown that the computational complexity of the new algorithms is within a constant factor of that of their probabilistically complete (but not asymptotically optimal) counterparts. The analysis in this paper hinges on novel connections between stochastic sampling-based path planning algorithms and the theory of random geometric graphs.

关键词:motion planning; optimal path planning;sampling-based algorithms; random geometric graphs

来源出版物:The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2011, 30(7): 846-894


An overview of recent progress in the study of distributed multi-agent coordination

Cao, YC; Yu, WW; Ren, W; et al.

Abstract:This paper reviews some main results and progress in distributed multi-agent coordination, focusing on papers published in major control systems and robotics journals since 2006. Distributed coordination of multiple vehicles, including unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned ground vehicles, and unmanned underwater vehicles, has been a very active research subject studied extensively by the systems and control community. The recent results in this area are categorized into several directions, such as consensus, formation control, optimization, and estimation.After the review, a short discussion section is included to summarize the existing research and to propose several promising research directions along with some open problems that are deemed important for further investigations.

关键词:distributed coordination; formation control;multi-agent system; sensor network

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2013, 9(1): 427-438


Autonomous driving in urban environments: Boss and the urban challenge

Urmson, C; Anhalt, J; Bagnell, D ; et al.

Abstract:Boss is an autonomous vehicle that uses on-board sensors (global positioning system, lasers, radars,and cameras) to track other vehicles, detect static obstacles,and localize itself relative to a road model. A three-layer planning system combines mission, behavioral, and motion planning to drive in urban environments. The mission planning layer considers which street to take to achieve a mission goal. The behavioral layer determines when tochange lanes and precedence at intersections and performs error recovery maneuvers. The motion planning layer selects actions to avoid obstacles while making progress toward local goals. The system was developed from the ground up to address the requirements of the DARPA Urban Challenge using a spiral system development process with a heavy emphasis on regular, regressive system testing. During the National Qualification Event and the 85-km Urban Challenge Final Event, Boss demonstrated some of its capabilities, qualifying first and winning the challenge.

来源出版物:Journal of Field Robotics, 2008, 25(8):425-466


Optimization of the simultaneous localization and map-building algorithm for real-time implementation

Guivant, JE; Nebot, EM

Abstract:This paper addresses real-time implementation of the simultaneous localization and map-building (SLAM)algorithm. It presents optimal algorithms that consider the special form of the matrices and a new compressed filter that can significantly reduce the computation requirements when working in local areas or with high frequency external sensors. It is shown that by extending the standard Kalman filter models the information gained in a local area can be maintained with a cost similar to O (Na-alpha(2)),where Na-alpha is the number of landmarks in the local area, and then transferred to the overall map in only one iteration at full SLAM computational cost. Additional simplifications are also presented that are very close to optimal when an appropriate map representation is used.Finally the algorithms are validated with experimental results obtained with a standard vehicle running in a completely unstructured outdoor environment.

关键词:autonomous vehicles; Kalman filter; map building; navigation

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 2001, 17(3): 242-257


Blanche-an experiment in guidance and navigation of an autonomous robot vehicle

Cox, IJ

Abstract:This paper describes the principal components and capabilities of Blanche, an autonomous robot vehicle.Blanche is designed for use in structured office or factory environments rather than unstructured natural environments. This is a significant restriction, but still allows for many potential applications. An overview of the physical configuration of the vehicle is presented as well as a description of its two sensors, an optical rangefinder and odometry. It is assumed that an off-line path planner provides the vehicle with a series of collision-free maneuvers, consisting of line and arc segments, to move the vehicle from a current to a desired position. On board the vehicle, the line and arc segments specifications are sent to control software consisting of low-level trajectory generation and closed-loop motion control. The trajectory generator takes each segment specification and generates a reference vector at each control update cycle. The cart controller controls the front steering angle and drive velocity using conventional feedback compensation to maintain small errors between the reference and measured states. The controller assumes accurate knowledge of the vehicle's position. We believe that position estimation is a primary problem that must be solved for autonomous vehicles working in structured environments. Blanche's position estimation system consists of 1) an a priori map of its environment, represented as a collection of discrete line segments in the plane; 2) a matching algorithm that registers the range data with the map (of line segments)(this algorithm has the properties that it is robust against missing and spurious data and is reasonably fast allowing matching to occur very frequently (approximately every 8 s), and 3) the matching algorithm also estimates the precision of the corresponding match/correction that is then optimally (in a maximum likelihood sense) combined with the current odometric position to provide an improved estimate of the vehicle’s position. The vehicle and associated algorithms have all been implemented and tested within a structured office environment. Except for the off-line global path planner, the entire autonomous vehicle is self-contained, all processing being performed on board and with no recourse to passive or active beacons placed in the environment. We believe this vehicle is significant not just because of the sensing and algorithms to be described, but also because its implementation represents a high level of performance at low cost.

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1991, 7(2): 193-204

Flocking for multi-agent dynamic systems:Algorithms and theory

Olfati Saber, R

In this paper, we present a theoretical framework for design and analysis of distributed flocking algorithms.Two cases of flocking in free-space and presence of multiple obstacles are considered. We present three flocking algorithms: two for free-flocking and one for constrained flocking. A comprehensive analysis of the first two algorithms is provided. We demonstrate the first algorithm embodies all three rules of Reynolds. This is a formal approach to extraction of interaction rules that lead to the emergence of collective behavior. We show that the first algorithm generically leads to regular fragmentation,whereas the second and third algorithms both lead to flocking. A systematic method is provided for construction of cost functions (or collective potentials) for flocking.These collective potentials penalize deviation from a class of lattice-shape objects called alpha-lattices. We use a multi-species framework for construction of collective potentials that consist of flock-members, or alpha-agents,and virtual agents associated with alpha-agents called betaand gamma-agents. We show that migration of flocks can be performed using a peer-to-peer network of agents, i.e.,“flocks need no leaders.” A “universal” definition of flocking for particle systems with similarities to Lyapunov stability is given. Several simulation results are provided that demonstrate performing 2-D and 3-D flocking,split/rejoin maneuver, and squeezing maneuver for hundreds of agents using the proposed algorithms.

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