,Wree Tiyoonchi,*, Mnote Sutheerwttnnond
aFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Naresuan University,Phitsanulok,Thailand
bSchool of Food Technology,Suranaree University of Technology,Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand
Preliminary study of blended silk fbroin for contact lens-based ophthalmic drug delivery
Rachasit Jeenchama,Waree Tiyaboonchaia,*, Manote Sutheerawattananondab
aFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Naresuan University,Phitsanulok,Thailand
bSchool of Food Technology,Suranaree University of Technology,Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand
Article history:
Available online 25 November 2015
Ophthalmic drug delivery
Silk fbroin
Contact lens
Light transparency
Mechanical properties
Water content
Topicaldrugadministrationisacommonapproachtotreatocular disorders.However,the topical route of administration enables poor drug bioavailability.These drawbacks stem from limited permeability across the cornea,rapid clearance of the instilled drop,and signifcant absorption into the conjunctival vasculature[1].Recently,contact lens based ophthalmic drug delivery systems have been proposed as alternative ophthalmicdrugdeliverysystemstoincreaseoculardrugbioavailability [2].Silk fbroin,a natural fber polymer produced by the silk worm,Bombyx mori,has excellent properties for ocular drug delivery systems,i.e.,biocompatibility,chemical and mechanical stability,wetting ability,and high oxygen permeability[3].
The purpose of this study was to develop silk fbroin blended flms for contact lens based ophthalmic drug delivery system.Silk fbroin/polyvinyl alcohol(SF/PVA)blended flms were prepared by flm casting.The light transparency and mechanical properties of silk fbroin blended flms were measured using UV–VIS spectrophotometer and texture analyzer, respectively.In addition,water content of silk fbroin flms was also investigated.The dry flm prepared with SF/PVA at a ratio of 10/90–50/50 showed good light transparency,>90%.However, light transparency of SF/PVA flms decreased about 10%when flms were wet(Fig.1).In addition,the high water content was observed with the high content of PVA flm.
The authors acknowledge the fnancial support received from Naresuan University,Thailand andThailand Research Fund(TRF) for Rachasit Jeencham under the Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Program(Grant No.PHD/0044/2557).
Fig.1–Light transparency of silk fbroin/PVA blended flms.
[1]Araujo J,Gonzalez E,Egea MA,et al.Nanomedicines for ocular NSAIDs:safety on drug delivery.Nanomedicine 2009;5:394–401.
[2]Smolen VF,Vemuri R,Miya T S,et al.Contact lens-effcient, corneal loading,drug delivery system for anti-glaucoma drugs.Drug DevCommun 1975;1:479–494.
[3]Parker ST,Domachuk P,Amsden J,et al.Biocompatible silk printed optical waveguides.Adv Mater 2009;21: 1–5.
*E-mail address:wareet@nu.ac.th.
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Asian Journal of Pharmacentical Sciences2016年1期