Swelling and deswelling kinetics of polyvinyl alcohol and lactic acid hydrogel flms

2017-01-19 11:37:42JirpornchiSukseree

, Jirpornchi Sukseree,c

aThe Herbal Medicinal Products Research and Development Center(Cooperation between Rangsit University, Harbin Institute of Technology,and Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine),Faculty of Pharmacy,Rangsit University,Muang,Pathum Thani 12000,Thailand

bSun Herb Thai Chinese Manufacturing Plant,Faculty of Pharmacy,Rangsit University,Muang,Pathum Thani 12000,Thailand

cDepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,Faculty of Pharmacy,Rangsit University,Muang,Pathum Thani 12000,Thailand

Swelling and deswelling kinetics of polyvinyl alcohol and lactic acid hydrogel flms

Natawat Chankanaa,b,*,Chitradee Luprasongb,Chaowalit Montona, Jirapornchai Suksaereea,c

aThe Herbal Medicinal Products Research and Development Center(Cooperation between Rangsit University, Harbin Institute of Technology,and Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine),Faculty of Pharmacy,Rangsit University,Muang,Pathum Thani 12000,Thailand

bSun Herb Thai Chinese Manufacturing Plant,Faculty of Pharmacy,Rangsit University,Muang,Pathum Thani 12000,Thailand

cDepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,Faculty of Pharmacy,Rangsit University,Muang,Pathum Thani 12000,Thailand


Article history:

Available online 24 November 2015

Hydrogel flms



In this work,we studied the swelling and deswelling kinetics of polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)and lactic acid(LA)hydrogel flms between distilled water and acetone phase.The hydrogel flms were prepared by dissolve 5.0 g of PVA in hot water.Then,7.5 g LA solution was slowly added into the clearly PVA solution at room temperature.After that,the mixture solution was subsequently cured in an oven for different curing times at 100°C. The swelling and deswelling kinetics of hydrogel flms were determined by immerse the hydrogel flms in distilled water and acetone at room temperature.The hydrogel flms were weighted at different time(Wt).The swelling and deswelling were calculated in terms of the relative hydrogel volume(Vrel) using this equation whenW was its equilibrated swollen weight of hydrogel flms in distilled water[1].

Fig.1 shows the swelling and deswelling kinetics of hydrogel flms,the initial swollen hydrogel flms volume began at 1 value of Vrel.They could be recovered after collapsing the hydrogel flms in acetone within 20–30 min(Vrel=0). However,all hydrogel flms quickly swell within 50 min,but they could not attain to its initial volume(Vrel=1)after transferring to distilled water again.On the second cycle, this process required much shorter times(not more than 20 min)than those of the corresponding hydrogel flms.The surface of hydrogel flms would be initially large by start to relax formation after immersed in distilled water,water absorption of the hydrogel flms occured easily.However,the mixing time and curing time not signifcantly affected on swelling and deswelling process.The swelling and deswelling kinetics were very important.They would be used to prepare the pharmaceutical formulation and controlled drug release.

Fig.1–Swelling and deswelling kinetics of hydrogel flms(PM1,2,3 mixed for 30 min,PM4,5,6 mixed time for 60 min,and PM7,8,9 mixed for 90 min with curing time for 120,150,and 180 min,respectively at 100°C).


The authors acknowledge the fnancial support from the Research Institute of Rangsit University(Grant no. 36/2557).


[1]Ceylan D,Ozmen MM,Okay O.Swelling–deswelling kinetics of ionic poly(acrylamide)hydrogels and cryogels.J Appl Polym Sci 2006;99(1):319–325.

*E-mail address:natawat.c@rsu.ac.th.

Peer review under responsibility of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University.


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