兴趣区region of interest(ROI)
虚拟现实 virtual reality(VR)
血管性痴呆 vascular dementia(VaD)
血⁃脑屏障 blood⁃brain barrier(BBB)
言语治疗 speech therapy(ST)
谚语解释 Proverbs Explanation(PE)
遗忘型轻度认知损害amnesic mild cognitive impairment(aMCI)
以帕金森综合征为主要表现的多系统萎缩multiple system atrophy with parkinsonism⁃predominant(MSA⁃P)
Beck抑郁量表 Beck Depression Inventory(BDI)
英国帕金森病协会United Kingdom Parkinson's Disease Society(UKPDS)
荧光素眼底血管造影 fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA)
游离前列腺特异抗原 free prostate specific antigen(fPSA)
Glasgow预后分级 Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS)
原发进展型多发性硬化primary progressive multiple sclerosis(PPMS)
运动想象疗法 motor imagery(MI)
运动诱发电位motor⁃evoked potential(MEP)
站起测验Chair Rising Test(CRT)
指端脉搏血容振幅 blood volume pulse(BVP)
Barthel指数 Barthel Index(BI)
注意表现测验 Test for Attentional Performance(TAP)
总睡眠时间 total sleep time(TST)
走直线步态测验Tandem Gait Test(TGT)
组织多肽特异性抗原tissue polypeptide specific antigen(TPSA)
最小残疾记录 minimal record of disability(MRD)
作业疗法 occupational therapy(OT)
做⁃不做测验 Go/No Go Task(G/N⁃GT)