曹明 陈彪
曹明 陈彪
This study was supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program,No.2012AA02A514).
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Relationship between smoking and olfactory dysfunction in Parkinson's disease
Department of Neurology,Xuanwu Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100053,China Corresponding author:CHAN Piu(Email:pbchan90@gmail.com)
Parkinson's disease(PD)is a common neurodegenerative disease.It is characterized by a combination of motor symptoms and non⁃motor symptoms(NMS)based on clinical symptoms.More and more attention has been drawn to olfactory dysfunction as an early NMS in PD.It is believed that nicotine in cigarettes may lower the risk of getting PD and people with smoking history may have lower risk of olfactory dysfunction.So smoking may have protective effect on PD.The effect of smoking on olfactory function in PD patients may lead us to have a better understanding of the pathogenesis of PD.
Smoking;Parkinson disease;Olfaction disorders;Review