I think its important to understand what the key attributes of cloud services are, and how one becomes defined as a cloud service provider. Whats important to know when you think about cloud services is that it has to be service-based; it has to be a service [whether its the provision of software, platform or infrastructure]. It has to be able to be metered, it has to be shared, its got to be scalable and somewhat elastic, and it has to be done through Internet-based technology. Thats how people think about cloud services. Without those attributes, youre really not a cloud service provider.
美国云计算服务供应商Equinix CFO Keith Taylor在谈到云服务时指出,对于云服务的认识存在很多误解。“我认为最重要的是理解云服务的关键属性,以及如何定义云服务提供商。” Taylor强调,云服务首先是以服务为基础;其自身就是服务,无论是软件、平台或基础设施。云服务是可测量的、能够共享的、具有可伸缩性,而且一定是依靠互联网技术得以运行的。“离开了这些属性,就不是一个真正的云服务提供者。”