(1 中国电力科学研究院,北京 102401;2 甘肃省电力设计院,兰州 730050)
(1 中国电力科学研究院,北京 102401;2 甘肃省电力设计院,兰州 730050)
针对基础抗拔承载特性影响因素也有一些研究。Matsuo[7-8]通过室内模型试验分析了砂土和黏土中扩大头形状对基础上拔承载力影响,表明在底板混凝土方量一定条件下,圆形扩大头较方形扩大头承载能力高;Dickin等[9-10]通过离心机试验分析了埋深、扩底直径、填土密度和基底扩展角对砂土中扩底桩上拔特性的影响;Hesham等[11]通过模型试验分析了砂土中锥形桩的承载力随围压增长的变化规律,得出高围压下锥形桩的上拔承载力与等截面桩上拔承载力相差不大的结论;刘文白等[12]应用颗粒流理论研究了黄土中扩底桩抗拔承载特性,发现增加扩底桩扩大段的高度对提高承载力有效;陈仁朋等[13]通过大尺寸模型试验得出在非饱和及饱和粉土中,扩底桩深宽比在1~3范围内变化时,上拔极限承载力对应的上拔位移基本不变,当深宽比达到5时,上拔位移有显著增加;喻皓[14]通过数值计算得出黏土地基条件下,短桩的扩大头对桩体的变形影响较大,而长桩影响较小;李保中等[15]研究了主柱和扩底尺寸对中国500 kV线路工程中粉土地基扩底基础上拔、下压余度的影响规律。上述研究的对象均为细粒土中的抗拔基础,而针对碎石土这类粗粒土中的基础抗拔承载特性均未涉及。
1.1 试验场地条件
试验场地位于甘肃省张掖市高台县境内原330 kV张—嘉一回线173#塔位附近,如图1所示。根据地勘资料,试验场地的地质参数推荐值见表1。
图1 试验场地Fig 1 The test site
Table 1 Physical mechanic index of ground soil
1.2 加载系统与加载方案
图2 加载装置
图3 试验基础示意图
表2 各因素及水平
Table 2 All factors and levels
表3 其他基础尺寸参数
Table 3 Other size parameters of foundation mm
表4 L9 (34) 正交试验表
Table 4 Orthogonal experiment for L9(34)
图4 1#~9#基础QS曲线Fig 4 Q-S curves of 1~9#
Table 5 The calculated slowly varying rates of load-displacement curves of test foundations
3.2 承载力影响因素分析
表6 基础上拔承载力试验结果
Table 6 Uplift bearing capacity of test foundations
表7 基础上拔承载力直观分析结果
Table 7 Analysis on directly perceive method on uplift bearing capacity of test foundations
为直观比较,通过Qcu与各水平之间的变化趋势来分析各因素对基础上拔承载力的影响程度,分析结果见图5。从图中可以看出,因素B对Qcu影响显著,当深宽比从1.5增加到3.5时,Qcu指标增加4倍左右;因素A次之,Qcu随立柱直径的增加而增加,当立柱直径从800 mm增加到1 600 mm时,Qcu指标增加2倍左右,增加幅度较因素B要小很多;因素C对Qcu影响最不显著,当扩展角从10°增加到30°时,Qcu指标变化很小,接近1.2倍,趋势线近乎一条平行于X轴的直线,表明工程中增加基础深宽比对于提高基础上拔承载力最为有效,可作为一种基础优化设计的推荐做法;而增加扩展角,一方面对于提高基础承载能力效果不明显,同时,施工中宜引起塌孔和掉石现象,增加了施工的风险性,设计中建议取值不大于15°。
图5 各因素和水平下上拔承载力的变化趋势Fig. 5 the trend of uplift bearing capacity under different factors and leve
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(编辑 胡英奎)
Experimental analysis of the influence of foundation size parameters on the uplift bearing capacity of the spread foundation in gravel soil
(1.China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, P. R. China;
2.Gansu Electric Power Design Institute, Lanzhou 730050, P. R. China)
The uplift bearing capacity of the spread foundation is determined by not only soil physical and mechanical characteristics but also its geometry shapes and scales. The foundation size parameters to determine the minimum quantity of concrete, and the maximum uplift bearing capacity, are key to optimize the foundation design. In order to study their effect on the uplift bearing capacity of the foundation, the undisturbed soil spread foundation in Gobi gravel soil is took as the case. Nine full size test foundations are designed, which use orthogonal test method selected column diameter, the extension angle of the foundation foot and the depth-to-width ratio as influencing factors and the uplift bearing capacity of the foundation as examining goal. The in-site static load tests are carried out in the Gobi gravel soil located northwest China. Load-displacement curves of nine test foundations are obtained and the uplift bearing capacity corresponding are concluded. An index named gradual change ratio is proposed to expressing plastic deformation characteristic of soil foundation under pull load. Meanwhile, the results of the tests show that the sensitivity sort of these geometry factors on the uplift bearing capacity is the depth-to-width ratio, column diameter, and the extension angle of the foundation foot. The conclusion achieve in this work is that adding the depth-to-width ratio in foundation design is an effective measure for improving the uplift capacity of the spread foundation in Gobi gravel soil.
gravel soil; undisturbed soil; transmission line; spread foundation; uplift bearing capacity
崔强 (1980- ),男,博士,高级工程师,主要从事输电线路岩土工程试验检测研究,(E-mail)everjsl@126.com。
Foundation item:State Grid Corporation Science and Technology Project(No.GCB17201400162)
Author brief: Cui Qiang (1984- ), PhD, senior engineer, main research interest: test detection on geotechnical engineering in transmission line project,(E-mail) everjsl@126.com.